regrouping for lunch

Silas sits quietly and finishes his drinks as the other start leaving. He glances at Argentius from time as the charter discussion continues but Silas is mostly contempt with sitting and drinking. As the room gradually becomes less crowded and his cup is emptied, he speaks up.

“Well there was some talk about the vis storage. Should we have a look?”

Okeannetis nods "We definitely need to know how much and what kinds of Vis we have. And hopefully we can find where out Vis sources lie."

Zarkut shrugs. "I can help look, but some grog probably knows. I'd expect it to be in this building, maybe the basement?"

Argentius nods to Zarkut and gives the general coordinates of the building that houses the vis stores. He looks at Lares.

"I'll join you, Lares, on looking into the covenant's finances. I'll also recommend an amendment to the Charter. I'll share that out when it's done, and we can take time one evening after a meal to make our oaths."

Argentius looks again at Lares. "But Zarkut may be on to something: we also need to get a sense of where the sources of vis may be located."

Zarkut nods. "Grogs might know that too, or at least some of the locations. But I'm going to head back and do some more investigation, for now."

"I'll join you, Lares, on looking into the covenant's finances. I'll also recommend an amendment to the Charter. I'll share that out when it's done, and we can take time one evening after a meal to make our oaths."

Tastheus cocks an eyebrow. "Yes, certainly. More oaths and an amendment are a good idea. While others investigate for vis, I would be curious to poke around and look for that flying chariot or a Mercere portal."

Plasmatoris nods thoughtfully at Lares's question. "I will continue to focus my efforts on our covenant commonfolk," he says, though he does frown at the hand-shredded food he's created on his plate. He finally starts picking up pieces of it to eat. he listens to the others talk for a bit before he finally speaks up.

"We should all look very carefully at the path set before us - set before us by fate, by our own decisions, and by each other. I will work on organizing the covenfolk as best I can, and hopefully I can find someone more trained to this task, or at least with a better temperament for it." Finally, the Jerbiton pushes his empty plate away. "I will make sure to send a few of the scribes I've been talking with to the library, to help organize and make any copies of important documents - we definitely should all get copies of the charter, the library catalogue, the vis stores - all of that."

Plasmatoris stands, as the others prepare to head out. "When I have a full list of our people, I will have copies sent to everyone. I will try to include what we need to know, like ages and professions. Oh - who of us speaks the local languages? None of the people I've seen speak my native tongue, so I'm stuck with Latin, and only the educated here speak that." He shakes his head and looks to the sky. "Interpreter, I will need an interpreter to translate I think."