Relationship-Mapping Software/Sites for Ars Magica?

So, Im getting ready to start a new 5E Ars game (see seperate thread).

And was curious what online tools would be helpful? ( Im particularly looking for relationship-mapping software or sites if anyone has any reccs, given the vast number of characters/places/location's that are likely to be created/referenced. )

Any online covenant management or character creation/maintenance sites around geared specifically for Ars Magica?


Alter Ego Software is no more. But you can still try to get and install a copy of its excellent Metacreator.


So I mapped relationships in powerpoint (for example the noble houses of the middle Rhine Historic rulers relevant to the Rhine Saga - #9 by Jank) which i cannot promise to be the most efficient but it works with common software.

Orherwise, I have a giant word file with lots of cross references for all the world info.

Grogs: i create a google sheet folder in which all the digital character sheets are saved

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I can imagine several writing-support or worldbuilding tools can be powerful for this. Campfire and WorldAnvil come to mind. I've dabbled with the latter, but bounced off of the complexity a bit, it was overkill for the 12-session D&D campaign I was creating back then.

But depending on your focus they might work for you. And you should be able to find YouTube Videos demonstrating the relationship modules.

Edit to add: if you just want something to draw a relationship -web, then might serve your needs as well.


One tool I have found extremely useful is this online Instant Grog creator. I have also pinched the character sheet template for all grogs, even those we make ourselves, because it's a good way of showing how simple grogs are compared to magi & companions.


For relationship mapping and general campaign note management, try Obsidian, its Canvas feature in conjunction with Excalidraw integration makes it for just about the perfect software to do this right now, in my opinion.


I second Obsidian, even though I would not emphasise the Canvas feature. Hyperlinking and tagging pages is in itself an efficient way to map relationships, and obsidian is remarkably flexible with impressibly fast lookup.


I specifically mentioned the canvas feature because it is more visual, and I guessed that was desirable for OP. I myself don't use it very much, instead preferring to do as you say, linking and relating notes to one another.