Retired Characters

I'm really looking for any suggestions for Spell Mastery options for a couple of my spells.

Rhodri of Verditius

Characteristics: Int +4, Per +2, Str +2, Sta +1, Pre 0, Com +1, Dex +1, Qik +1 ( )
Size: 0
Age: 49 (Apparent Age: 35), Apprentice: 26, Gauntlet: 41
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 3 [34]
Confidence Score: 1 (4)
Virtues: Affinity with Parma Magica[1], Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War[1], Faerie Sympathy: Weapons [1], The Gift[0], Hermetic Magus[0], Imbued with the Spirit of Terram[1], Imbued with the Spirit of Vim[1], Items of Quality[m], Puissant Parma Magica[1], Skilled Parens[1], Strong Faerie Blood: Dwarf[3], Verditius Magic[0]
Flaws: Bound Casting Tools[-1], Confraternity Member: The Confraternity of Roland[-1], Difficult Spontaneous Magic[-1], Hubris[m], Proud[-3], Faerie Upbringing[-1], Weak Spontaneous Magic[-3]
Personality Traits: Hubris* +4[50], Loyal +1, Organized +1, Proud +4
Reputations: None
Long Sword & Heater Shield: Init +3, Atk +22 or +26, Def +31, Dam +8
Longbow: Init 0, Atk +22, Def +17, Dmg +10, Rng 30
Fist: Init +1, Atk +2, Def +2, Dmg +2
Kick: Init 0, Atk +2, Def +1, Dmg +5
Dodge: Def +3
Soak: 21 + Form Bonuses
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious.
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+).
Abilities: Area Lore: Wales 1[5] (Faerie Areas), Artes Liberales 1[5] (Ritual Magic), Athletics 1[5] (Running), Awareness 2[15] (Alertness), Bargain 1[5] (Verditius Items), Bows 4[50] (Longbow), Brawl 1[5] (Dodging), Concentration 1[5] (Spell Concentration), Craft: Leatherworking 1+1[5] (Clothes), Craft: Weaponsmithing 4+1[50] (Damascene Technique), Craft: Woodworking 3+1[30] (Carving), Cult Lore: Verditius 2[23] (The Confraternity of Roland), Faerie Lore 1[5] (Wales), Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War 5[100], Faerie Sympathy: Weapons 8[219], Finesse 2[21] (Craft Magic), Folk Ken 1[5] (Women), Leadership 1[5] (Forge-Companions), Living Language: Latin 4[50] (Hermetic Usage), Living Language: Welsh 5 (Native, Slang), Magic Theory 3[35] (Inventing Spells), Organization Lore: House Verditius 1[5] (Members), Organization Lore: Order of Hermes 1[6] (Stonehenge Tribunal), Parma Magica 6+2[111] (Vim), Philosophiae 4[50] (Verditius Runes), Ride 1[5] (Battle), Second Sight 2[16] (Invisible Things), Single Weapon 4[50] (Longsword), Spell Mastery: Albion’s Bloomery 1[5] (Safety), Spell Mastery: The Phantom Blacksmith 1[5] (Precise Casting), Spell Mastery: Toledo’s Bloomery 1[5] (Safety), Spell Mastery: Watching Ward lvl.20 1[5] (Safety), Spell Mastery: Wizard's Leap 1[5] (Safety), Stealth 1[5] (Natural Areas), Swim 1[5] (Not Drowning), Teaching 1[5] (Craftsmen)
Arts: Creo 3[6], Intellego 2[3], Muto 1[1], Perdo 1[1], Rego 12[85], Animal 1[1], Aquam 1[1], Auram 2[3], Corpus 2[3], Herbam 2[3], Ignem 6[21], Imaginem 2[3], Mentem 4[10], Terram 6[21], Vim 6[21]
Twilight Scars: None
Longsword - Excellent +5, +4 Attack vs. humans and animals (w/ agate, basalt, jade, marble, opal, red coral and ruby inlaid in silver around a pommel of amber with a bit of mercury within it)
Heater Shield - Excellent +4, +5 Defense
Longbow - Excellent +4
Plate and Mail - Excellent +3, +7 Soak
Bandolier w/ 7 engraved knife casting tools (all Excellent +5)
(more TBA)
Encumbrance: (TBA)
Spells Known:
Cloak of the Duck's Feathers (ReAq5) +14
Wizard's Leap (ReCo15) +16, Mastery Options: Fast Casting
Aura of Inconsequence (ReMe25) +17
Albion’s Bloomery (CrTe20) +17, Mastery Options: ?
Toledo’s Bloomery (CrTe20) +17, Mastery Options: ?
The Phantom Weaponsmith (ReTe20) +20, Mastery Options: Precise Casting x2
Suppressing the Wizard’s Handiwork (ReVi25) +20
Watching Ward (ReVi20) +26, Mastery Options: ?
Vis: 3 Co, 7 Vi
Appearance: Rhodri is a short, stalky, middle-aged man adorned by a contrast between the unkempt and the fastidious. While he stands only 5’2” tall, he is surprisingly muscular. Similarly, his bulk belies his agility and his scruffiness belies his shrewdness. Some of Rhodri’s long dark hair is braided and adorned while the rest lies in a bird’s nest about his head. His beard and moustache add to the nested look, and the frequent soot marks don’t help. His black irises, indistinguishable from his pupils, give the impression that his eyes are always dilated.

His armor and weapons stand in stark contrast to all this. While they may be a bit soiled or tarnished, they are of a quality fit for an emperor and they are well maintained. He also consistently wears a bandolier filled with exquisitely crafted, small knives with mystical symbols engraved into their blades. The knives hilts are upward and the bandolier crosses from right shoulder to left hip so that Rhodri may grip a hilt without letting go his shield. His voting sigil, an exquisite dagger, hangs at his right hip. His even more exquisite longsword hangs from his left hip. A longbow and quiver lie on his back. Finally, he bears a fabulous shield with the symbols of the Order and of House Verditius on his left arm. The shield bears two arms straps, an unusual number, allowing him to release his grip and grab a knife with his left hand.

Description of New Spells:
Albion's Bloomery
This is a version of Touch of Midas that produces 500 lb of wrought iron.
The Phantom Weaponsmith
The Phantom Blacksmith for making weapons instead of blacksmith stuff.
Toledo's Bloomery
This is a version of Touch of Midas that produces 500 lb of wootz steel.
Wizard’s Sigil: The smells of a forge
Certamen School: Hoplomachus
Casting Tools: Rhodi uses small knives etched with appropriate magical symbols as his casting tools. He keeps them in a bandolier.
Voting sigil: His voting sigil is a dagger of extraordinary craftsmanship. The pommel has an intricate "R" engraved into it. Engraved into the blade are the hand of House Verditius on one side and Rhodhi's name written elaborately on the reverse.


Rhodri was born in Wales in 1171. Although his parents dearly wanted to love him, they found the combination of his odd eyes, the bizarreness caused by his Gift, and his tendency to stab at things with anything he could get his tiny hands on to be too much. They abandoned him in the woods before his second birthday. The twyleth teg found him and secreted him away. He grew up among them, mostly learning how to craft weapons and armor... until Cuprincus found him.

Although Rhodri appeared to be but a teenager when Cuprincus discovered him in a faerie forest, Rhodri was actually in his mid-twenties.

(To be continued...)

Very shortly after Rhodri passed his gauntlet he received a letter from a member of the Confraternity of Roland. The confraternity had heard of Rhodri's great talent with weapons (including swords) and was courting him while maintaining a position that he needed them more than they needed him. They requested he learn more about the mysteries of House Verditius and when he is ready, he can undergo the first initiation. A few years after passing his gauntlet he joined the Confraternity of Roland. Soon he will undergo his first initiation.

Although he thought of himself as ageless for quite a while, Rhodri has started to notice signs of aging. Although he seems to be a lot younger than others of his age, the years are catching up with him. To this end he has sent out messages via Redcap to see if anyone is interested in an exchange. He can open an item to enchantment (preferably a weapon, which could be a quarterstaff) with strong Verditius Runes on it in return for a strong longevity ritual. He is currently awaiting a reply.

Recently Rhodri has decided he has done most of what he can in a reasonable period for Duos Flumen. He has also trained enough to be ready to face most problems he may encounter. The message about a need for new members at Gallus Florensis arrived at an opportune time. Rhodri decided this covenant would be a good place for him to set up shop. He would be near his homeland, reasonably close to Duos Flumen, and still within Stonehenge.


1213 +1 apparent age
Winter: Rhodri worked for Cupricus in payment for Cupricus's help with the house's mysteries. Exposure to Ignem +2.
Spring: Cupricus taught Rhodri Cult Lore: House Verditius. Cult Lore: House Verditius +17.
Summer: Rhodri enchanted a dagger and made a matching dagger, sacrificing them with Cupricus's help to gain the mystery virtue Items of Quality. Exposure to Philosophiae +1, Cult Lore: House Verditius +1.
Fall: Rhodri created the metal for and fashioned lots of fabulous arms and armor for Duos Flumen. Exposure to Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War +2.

1214 +1 apparent age
Winter: Rhodri studied Duos Flumen's Parma Magica summa. Parma Magica +16+8.
Spring: Rhodri studied Duos Flumen's Philosophiae summa. Philosophiae +20.
Summer: Rhodri studied Duos Flumen's Philosophiae summa. Philosophiae +20.
Fall: Rhodri created the metal for and fashioned lots of fabulous arms and armor for Duos Flumen. Exposure to Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War +2.

1215 +1 apparent age
Winter: Rhodri studied Duos Flumen's Parma Magica summa. Parma Magica +16+8.
Spring: Rhodri trained with the Duos Flumen turb. Bows +15.
Summer: Rhodri trained with the Duos Flumen turb. Single Weapon +15.
Fall: Rhodri brought out the qualities in a Duos Flumen shield to give its bearer +5 to Defense. Exposure to Philosophiae +2.

1216 +1 apparent age
Winter: Rhodri opened the same shield for enchantment, using 4 pawns of vis to open 20 pawns of space. Exposure to Philosophiae +2.
Spring: Rhodri studied Duos Flumen's Parma Magica summa. Parma Magica +16+8, capped at +22.
Summer: Rhodri trained with the Duos Flumen turb. Bows +15.
Fall: Rhodri trained with the Duos Flumen turb. Single Weapon +15.

1217 +0 apparent age
Winter: Rhodri studied Duos Flumen's Parma Magica tractatus. Parma Magica +16+8.
Spring: Rhodri trained with the Duos Flumen turb. Bows +15.
Summer: Rhodri trained with the Duos Flumen turb. Single Weapon +15.
Fall: Rhodri brought out the qualities in a suit of Duos Flumen armor to give its wearer +7 to Soak. Exposure to Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War +2.

1218 +0 apparent age
Winter: Rhodri studied Duos Flumen's Rego summa. Rego +15.
Spring: Rhodri studied Duos Flumen's Rego summa. Rego +15.
Summer: Rhodri studied Duos Flumen's Ignem summa. Ignem +16.
Fall: Rhodri brought out the qualities in a suit of Duos Flumen armor to give its wearer +7 to Soak. Exposure to Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War +2.

1219 +1 apparent age
Winter: Rhodri brought out the qualities in his armor to give its wearer +7 to Soak. Exposure to Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War +2.
Spring: Rhodri brought out the qualities in his shield to give its bearer +5 to Defense. Exposure to Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War +2.
Summer: Rhodri brought out the qualities in his long sword to give its wielder +4 to Attack against humans and animals. Exposure to Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War +2.
Fall: Rhodri brought out the qualities in a suit of Duos Flumen armor to give its wearer +7 to Soak. Exposure to Faerie Sympathy: Implements of War +2.

1220 +0 apparent age
Winter: Rhodri adventured at the covenant (Finesse +2, Parma Magica +5) and the baron's estate (Finesse +1, Parma Magica +5). He crafted six great swords: 3x Excellent +1, 1x Excellent +2, 1x Excellent +3, and 1x Excellent +5 (Two 1's: Faerie Sympathies +2). He sparred with Sir Guillaume and he crafted an axe as a gift for Sir Guillaume. He reveled with Sir Guillaume and several Tremere (Organization Lore: Order of Hermes +1). He worked on his lab (Magic Theory +2). Finally, he worked on a shield for Sir Guillaume (Six 1's: Faerie Sympathies +6).
Spring: Rhodri adventured briefly, trying to collect Vis (Parma Magica +2, Second Sight +1). Afterward Rhodri first spent some time recovering from his wounds and creating metal. Then Rhodri constructed new swords and armor for the covenant's grogs (Finesse +2). (An attempt rate of 2 swords and 2 suits per day for the second 2 months is well within his capability both of making material and of crafting it. For simplicity this will be done as 4 swords per day for 30 days followed by 4 suits per day for 30 days.) He makes some extra swords and suits in case the covenant gets new grogs of different sizes. He makes 3x Quality, 4x Excellent+1, 15x Excellent+2, 10x Excellent+3, 0x Excellent+4, 6x Excellent+5 swords (Faerie Sympathies +8) & 6x Quality, 8x Excellent+1, 7x Excellent+2, 13x Excellent+3, 2x Excellent+4, 3x Excellent+5 swords (Faerie Sympathies +5) & 4x Quality, 8x Excellent+1, 7x Excellent+2, 15x Excellent+3, 2x Excellent+4, 2x Excellent+5 swords (Warping Points +1, Faerie Sympathies +5). & 1x Quality, 2x Excellent+1, 2x Excellent+2 swords. That's a total of 3x Excellent+4 & 8x Excellent+5 longswords and 1x Excellent+4 & 3x Excellent+5 greatswords for the covenant's armory. He makes 13x Quality, 12x Excellent+1, 15x Excellent+2, 3x Excellent+3 suits (Faerie Sympathy +5) & 9x Quality, 13x Excellent+1, 11x Excellent+2, 3x Excellent+3, 1x Excellent+4 suits (Warping Points +1, Faerie Sympathy +6) & 9x Quality, 15x Excellent+1, 13x Excellent+2, 1x Excellent+3, 1x Excellent+4 suits (Faerie Sympathy +2). That's a total of 7x Excellent+3 & 2x Excellent+4 suits of plate and mail for the covenant's armory. He will try to get the scraps (the equipment he deems not good enough for the covenant: 14x Quality, 22x Excellent+1, 31x Excellent+2, 38x Excellent+3, 3/4 of which are longswords and 1/4 of which are greatswords; and 31x Quality, 40x Excellent+1, 39x Excellent+2 suits of plate and mail) sold through Sir Guillaume, which is bound to take a long time. The covenant gets 1/3 of the income, Sir Guillaume gets 1/3 of the income, and Rhodri gets 1/3 of the income.
Summer: Rhodri made Sir Guillaume's shield an Item of Quality (Protection +5). Rhodri also constructed a sword for Sinmore (One spell/attempt per day will not come close to interfering with his lab work. He did this until he produced a piece with which he was happy.) (Finesse +1, Magic Theory +1). It takes 15 days (Faerie Sympathies +2).
Fall: Rhodri made some more steel. Then he made one of the Excellent+4 suits of plate and mail he'd made for the covenant into an Item of Quality, granting its wearer +7 soak. (Magic Theory +2) While doing so he created a large number of steel darts for himself. (One dart per day won't come close to taxing him, nor will it come close to interfering with his lab work. It will also only put a very small dent in his available metal.) He makes 6x Quality, 7x Excellent+1, 12x Excellent+2, 7x Excellent+3, 4x Excellent+4, and 2x Excellent+5 darts (Faerie Sympathies +6), and 3x Quality, 9x Excellent+1, 15x Excellent+2, 11x Excellent+3, 1x Excellent+4, and 1x Excellent+5 darts (Warping +2, Faerie Sympathies +2), and 1x Quality, 1x Excellent+1, 4x Excellent+2, 3x Excellent+3, 0x Excellent+4, and 3x Excellent+5 darts (Faerie Sympathies +3).

Edit Updated through Spring 1221**

Magus Aequi
Birth Name: Nicholas de la Chauncey
Parens: Magus Lamentus Criamonis

"Aequi Mercator, if you please. 'Tis pleasure in parting and sorrow in greeting, with the reverse as true as the frown upside down. But that's neither here and is there - of course. With the Imperator's blessing on this transaction, I daresay - is that a copy of Gilgamesh?"

Although Lamentus has encouraged Aequi's natural curiousity and pursuit of knowledge, Aequi's original goal of reconstructing the Library of Alexandria, or at least amass enough books to rival it, has been superceded now by his eagerness for exploration and experiences being a friend of House Mercare has opened him up to.

Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Str +1, Sta +2, Pre +3, Com +3, Dex -3, Qik -1 (rolled,
Size: 0
Age: 34
Decrepitude: 0 [0]
Warping Score: 1 [13]
Twilight Scars:
Eyes Reflection - the reflection in his eyes are always missing faces, to match his loss of face(honor) when he first entered Twilight.
Enhanced Biolectric Field - magnetized bio-field is the polar same as steel and iron, causing items to be repelled from Aequi. He'll have to use a lot of copper.
Confidence Score: 1 [4]
Personality Traits: Charming +1, Cheerful +3, Nosy +2, Patient +3,
Reputations: n/a
Wizards Sigil: The brief electro-magnetization of metal items. Compasses spin crazily, jetons stick together, even copper coins briefly join, etc. Non-ferrous items build up a static charge. His voting sigil is a small pile of lodestone, usually configured into a geometric shape.

Virtues: The Gift[0], Hermetic Magus[0], The Enigma[0], Secondary Insight[3], Affinity with Creo[1], Affinity with Perdo[1], Gossip[1], Imbued with the Spirit of Vim[0], Minor Magical Focus: Certamen[1], Puissant Bargain[1], Puissant Penetration[1], Social Contacts: Redcaps[1]
Flaws: Careless Sorceror[+1], Favors: owed to House Mercare[+3], Inconstant Magic[0], Magical Animal Companion: Goat[+1], No Sense of Direction[+1], Twilight Prone[+3], Weird Magic[+1]

Combat -
Gauntlet - Init -1, Att -2, Def +2, Dmg +3
Soak: 2
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: Light -1 (1-5), Medium -3 (6-10), Heavy -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)

Abilities: Animal Handling 1(Goats), Artes Liberales 1(Logic), Athletics 1(Climbing), Bargain 5+284, Brawl 15, Carouse 1(Power Drinking), Charm 2[17](First Impressions), Chirurgy 2[15](Setting Bones), Enigmatic Wisdom 1(Twilight Comprehension), Etiquette 1(Tribunal), Finesse 1(Creo), Folk Ken 1(Magi), Intrigue 3(Alliances), All Languages Specialized in (Mercantile Terms) unless specified - Dutch 5[Native], English 2, Gaelic 1, Latin 4(Academic Usage), Welsh 3(37), Yiddish 1, Leadership 1(Inspiration), Magic Theory 459, Parma Magicka 221, Penetration 2+2(Creo), Profession: Sailor 17, Profession: Scribe 1(Hermetic), Ride 1(Goats), Sneak 1(Sneaking), Swim 1(Long Distances)
Arts: Creo 12(56+28), Intellego 3(8), Muto 5(15), Perdo 10(38+17), Rego 10(56), Animal 5(15), Aquam 5(15), Aurum 4(10), Corpus 10(55), Herbam 2(4), Ignem 2(5), Imaginem 4(10), Mentem 4(10), Terram 3(7), Vim 11(70)
Equipment: Riding Gear, Saddle Packs, Gauntlets, Compass, Quadrant, a set of Troy, Tower, Mercantile, and London Pounds/Weights - Blue Bandanna, Blue Vest, Robes or Breeches, usually shirtless; a necklace of lodestones, strung together
Encumbrance: 0

Spells Known:
Disguise of the New Body MuCo Lvl 15
Range:Touch Duration:Sun Target:Ind
The Magus changes the target's body to look however he wishes of similar size. This spell does not affect size. (Modified version of Disguise of the New Visage)
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Wizard's Dodge RgCp 15
Range:Personal Duration:Momentary Target:Ind
Like Seven League Stride, but only good up to fifty paces.
(Base 15)

Aua of Enobled Presence MuIm Lvl 10
Range:Touch Duration:Sun Target:Ind
Same as in ArM5.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Personal Veil of Invisibility PeIm Lvl 15
Range:Personal Duration:Sun Target:Ind
Modified version of "Veil of Invisibility" - only for the caster.
(Base 5, +2 Sun)

O Dies Gaiusus (O Happy Day) CrMe15
Range:Eye Duration:Sun Target:Ind
Makes target feel inexplicably good all day.
(Base 4, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)

Silent Message CrMe 15
Range:Sight Duration:Mom Target:Ind
A modified Words of Unbroken Silence from ArM5, but able to convey an emotion or a complex thought)
(Base 4, +3 Sight)

Weight of a Thousand Hells CrMe Lvl 25
Range:Eye Duration:Moon Target:Ind
Causes the victim to feel despair, anguish, pain, and sorrow of a thousand sinners in Hell.
(Base 4, +1 Eye, +3 Moon, +1 Complex Effect)

Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit PeMe Lvl 10
Range:Voice Duration:Mom Target:Ind
Ghost Destroyer. Same as in ArM5. If penetrates, eliminates 10 points of Ghostly Might.
(Base 4, +2 Voice)

Unseen Porter ReTe Lvl 10

Phantom Gift's Curse CrVi Lvl 20
Range:Voice Duration:Moon Target:Individual
The target of the spell is cursed with "Magical Air" and people react to him/her as if he/she had the Gift for the duration of the spell.
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +3 Moon)

Twilight's Gift CrVi Lvl 20
Range:Voice Duration:Momentary Target:Individual
Target of the spell gains two Warping Points and, if a magus, must resist Twilight.
(Base 10, +2 Voice)

Demon's Eternal Oblivion PeVi Lvl 10
Range:Voice Duration:Mom Target:Ind
Demon Destroyer. If penetrates, eliminates 10 points of Might. Same as in ArM5
(Base 4, +2 Voice)

Slap of Logic and Reason PeVi Lvl 10
Range:Voice Duration:Mom Target:Ind
Magic Might Destroyer. Modified Demon's Eternal Oblivion for creatures of the Magic Realm. If penetrates, eliminates 10 points of Might.
(Base 4, +2 Voice)

Aegis of the Hearth ReVi Lvl 30 i[/i]
Range:Touch Duration:Year Target:Boundary, Ritual
Magic Might Destroyer. Modified Demon's Eternal Oblivion for creatures of the Magic Realm. If penetrates, eliminates 10 points of Might.
(Base 4, +2 Voice)

Character Notes
Note the progression of "Favors" for the Redcaps - Performed pleasant, fun action first, then used skills ethically to help in the second, and finally crossed the "ethical" line for the "Good of the Order (and the Redcaps".
Updated 7 Years

Magus Aequi - After Gauntlet Advancement

Year 1212, Winter - Magic Theory Exposure 2 [32] - Covenant Duties, Vis Extraction for the Aegis Casting; Language Exposure - Welsh [6]
Year 1213, Spring - Bargaining 15 [65] - Learned Bargain from Redcap Parsifal and assisted in the Grande Inn; Language Exposure - Welsh [7]
Year 1213, Summer - Muto Summae 10/10 10 [13]; Secondary Insight: Aurum [4], Corpus [4], Imaginem [4], Vim [7]; Language Exposure - Welsh [8]
Year 1213, Fall - Creo Summae 22/15 15 [39+19]; Secondary Insight: Aurum [5], Corpus [5], Terram [4], Vim [8]; Language Exposure - Welsh [9]
Year 1213, Winter - Magic Theory Summae 8/15 15 [47]; Language Exposure - Welsh [10]
Year 1214, Spring - Magic Theory Exposure 2 [49]; Covenant Duties, Vis Extraction for Aegis & Vis Collection; Language Exposure - Welsh [11]
Year 1214, Summer - Bargaining 15 [80] - Learned Bargain from Redcap Parsifal and assisted in the Grande Inn; Language Exposure - Welsh [12]
Year 1214, Fall - Bargain Exposure 2 [82]; Redcap Favor: Traveled with Edgar and assisted in Bargain with Covenants for additional Summae, Tractactii, and Hospitality; Language Exposure - Welsh [13]
Year 1214, Winter - Magic Theory Exposure 2 [51]; - Covenant Duties, Lab Assisted the Covenant Princepts; Language Exposure - Welsh [14]
Year 1215, Spring - Animal Summae 12/12 12 [15]; Secondary Insight: Intellego [4], Rego [4]; Language Exposure - Welsh [15]
Year 1215, Summer - Aquam Summae 18/12 12 [15]; Secondary Insight: Perdo [25+12], Rego [5]; Language Exposure - Welsh [16]
Year 1215, Fall - Perdo 10/10 10 [35+17]; Secondary Insight: Aurum [6], Corpus [6], Imaginem [5], Terram [5]; Language Exposure - Welsh [17]
Year 1215, Winter - Vim Exposure 2 [10]; Covenant Duties, Vis Extraction for the Aegis Casting; Language Exposure - Welsh [18]
Year 1216, Spring - Creo Summae 22/15 15 [54+27]; Secondary Insight: Aurum [7], Corpus [7], Imaginem [6], Terram [6]; Language Exposure - Welsh [19]
Year 1216, Summer - Rego Summae 15/12 12 [17]; Secondary Insight: Aurum [8], Corpus [8], Ignem [2], Imaginem [7]; Language Exposure - Welsh [20]
Year 1216, Fall - Bargain Exposure 2 [84]; Redcap Favor: Arranged and Paid Redcap Jasmine's Passage along a Faerie Road from Maga Cherise de Renata ex Merinita; Language Exposure - Welsh [21]
Year 1216, Winter - Magic Theory Exposure 2 [53]; - Covenant Duties, Lab Assisted the Covenant Princepts; Language Exposure - Welsh [22]
Year 1217, Spring - Vim Summae 11/18 18 [28]; Secondary Insight: Perdo [36+18], Rego [18]; Language Exposure - Welsh [23]
Year 1217, Summer - Rego Summae 15/12 12 [30]; Secondary Insight: Aurum [9], Corpus [9], Ignem [3], Imaginem [8]; Language Exposure - Welsh [24]
Year 1217, Fall - Vim Summae 11/18 18 [48]; Secondary Insight: Perdo [37+18], Rego [31]; Language Exposure - Welsh [25]
Year 1217, Winter - Vim Exposure 2 [50]; Covenant Duties, Vis Extraction for the Aegis Casting; Language Exposure - Welsh [26]
Year 1218, Spring - Rego Summae 15/12 12 [43]; Secondary Insight: Aurum [10], Corpus [10], Ignem [4], Imaginem [9]; Language Exposure - Welsh [27]
Year 1218, Summer - Corpus Summae 10/18 18 (28); Secondary Insight: Intellego [5], Rego [44]; Language Exposure - Welsh [28]
Year 1218, Fall - Muto Exposure 2 [15]; Redcap Favor - Tormented Merchant Vinvolio that reneged on a deal; repeated casting of Disguise of the New Body; Languag Exposure - Welsh [29]
Year 1218, Winter - Magic Theory Exposure 2 [55]; - Covenant Duties, Lab Assisted the Covenant Princepts; Language Exposure - Welsh [30]
Year 1219, Spring - Vim Summae 11/18 18 [66]; Secondary Insight: Intellego [6], Perdo [38+19]; Language Exposure - Welsh [31]
Year 1219, Summer - Rego Summae 15/12 12 [56]; Secondary Insight: Herbam [4], Ignem [5], Imaginem [10], Terram [7]; Language Exposure - Welsh [32]
Year 1219, Fall - Parma Magica Summae 4/16 16 [21]; Language Exposure - Welsh [33]
Year 1219, Winter - Magic Theory Exposure 2 [57]; Learned 100 levels of Spells from Pater Lamentus - Wizard's Dodge RgCo 15, O Dies Gaiusus (O Happy Day) CrMe 15, Silent Message CrMe 15, Weight of a Thousand Hells CrMe 25, Aegis of the Hearth ReVi 30; Language Exposure - Welsh [34]
Year 1220, Spring - +1 Confidence Point, Charm Adventure 2 [17], Magic Theory Exposure 2 [59] - Vis Extraction for Mercare Debt; Signed Charter - Language Exposure - Welsh [35]
Year 1220, Summer - Vim Exposure 2 [68]; Covenant Duties, Vis Extraction for the Aegis Casting; Language Exposure - Welsh [36]
Year 1220, Fall - Vim Exposure 2 [70]; Covenant Duties, Vis Extraction for Mercare Debt; Language Expodsure - Welsh [37]

Year 1220, Winter - Corpus Summae 10/18 18 (46); Secondary Insight: Creo[55+27], Intellego[7]; Language Exposure - Welsh [38]
Year 1221, Spring - Corpus Summae 10/18 9 (55); Completed - Chirurgy Tractatus 15; Secondary Insight: Creo[56+28], Intellego[8]; Language Exposure - Welsh [39]