Road to Pamplona (Spring 1234)

Maybe. Vocis has already learned that high crimes are best done with a minimum of witnesses. He doesn't plan to involve anyone from the covenant except as a last resort. El Piroman may be an option, though.

Who said anything about High Crimes? Look at everything that has been said about the guy. Find the hard evidence, and you can lawfully execute him.
Or you could take shortcuts :smiling_imp:
Set up a patsy?

And Vocis, and the other masters, would know that Solomon is inclined to dislike and distrust the guy. He'd be more than willing to open up a quaesitorial investigation against him if there is any evidence at all to work from.

Tiana will try to console you. She agrees that Erik is a useless degenerate and will let you sleep with her. Hands to self.

Fleur will thank Tiana and as they prepare for bed ask her about her experiences with Erik.

Presumedly in the morning we take the next portal...

Erik is an ass. He is carefree about his duties, doesn't take anything seriously, he is arrogant and bullish, he is a womanizer and a sexist pig, and I just don't trust the man. He has a "hit it and quit it" style, so don't get too attached honey.
She stares wistfully out the window, as if the conversation conjured some memory and she is now lost in recollection.

"I'm sorry, did you have romantic feelings for him?"

What? No! I never..., yuck! I, not, ...
It wasn't like that.

Fleur slips under the covers in her nightshirt and smiles. "So what was it like?"

Get your mind out of the gutter, girl. After witnessing the behavior of Vulcanus and Decimus then Erik, I have decided I am through with men. Maybe I'll become chaste, take a vow of celibacy as an ordeal for a Cult of Heroes initiation. Erik, he..., he can be charismatic and proper when he wants to be, when it serves him. I will admit I once found him intriguing, not attracted and no feelings involved.None of that. But I eventually came to start hating myself as a woman for liking him, seeing what an ass he truly is. But after some thinking I gained some clarity. There is nothing wrong with me as a woman and there is nothing wrong with being a woman. The problem is men and the society they have created.I has half a mind to become a lesbian! Though that would be sinful. So I have decided to settle on chaste. Though I still find effeminate older men fun to be around. They are almost always homosexual or halfway there, but that doesn't matter to me. I just like hanging out with them, over at the "Gold Gryphon" in town. I am friends with the owner, Frederique. Now, he is totally gay, but still he is married. His wife, Golda, you may want to buddy up with her. Not only is she fabulously charming and a good person in general, but she is very influential. You wouldn't know it from looking at her. She calls her look "shiksa bunny", whatever that means. But she has the ear of a lot of important people in this town, influence with the magi of Barcelona, and some direct control over the pontifex of your covenant. :smiley:
Everyone's asleep. Want to sneak out and go over there?

"Actually, my mind wasn't in the gutter. I may like sex a lot, but that doesn't mean I am completely obsessed. Is it a sin to sleep with women? My first woman told me the bible prohibits men from sleeping with men as with a woman, not women sleeping with women. I suppose she could have been making that up, or reading it wrong. If you want to stick to men though you should try Carlos. He gives a lot more focus to the woman he's with than Erik. Being attracted to someone doesn't make you a bad person, man or woman, it just means some part of you thinks they could be fun. Erik looks fun, he acts like he would be good, but in the end I think he is just to focused on himself to be good for his partner. Very frustrating. I will say I've never had that problem with a woman. Am I sharing too much?"

It is in there somewhere. Something about putting away the natural use of a man. You are not sharing too much, I am. I suppose we should get some sleep though.

"So the problem isn't in sex with women, it is in not having sex with men? Sleep sounds good."

And so it is a new morning.

Someone shouts from downstairs as Fedora is getting dressed.

Fleur is a bit groggy when the cry goes out, and sticks her head out of the bedroom door, yelling back "Do you mind if those of us who aren't Fedora could have some quiet!"

Fédora had a restless night, as her mind tried to absorb and deal with all the...disturbing things she learned the day before (and it didn't help that she was plagued by several nightmares) when she hears someone yell her name.

She hurriedly finishes dressing (or, at the very least, makes herself decent) before she throws open the door and rushes down the stairs.

[color=blue]"What's wrong?" she says as she tries to figure out who called for her.

Pere opens bleary eyes, considers closing them again, then decides better of it. He rolls over to find an empty bed. Ah, well. Easier this way. Good girl. He takes his time getting cleaned and dressed, assuming Fedora (or someone) will let him know if his presence is required.

Downstairs, [strike]Marlon Brando[/strike] a messenger from Barcelona covenant has come for Fedora to take her to the Silver Rooster and meet with the magi there. You guys had a late night and slept in to almost noon!

Fleur finishes getting dressed "Should I meet the Barcelona magi as well, since we are partnering with them on Sa Drogonna?"

Yes, especially considering you are to be stationed there.