Roberto 1245 - Dusk of the Flame

The more Roberto speaks, the more confused Manta looks, until the last question, to which he clings like a drowning man to a planck

  • Oh, this guy! Name's Orin. He's some sort of foreigner. No disrespect, sir, I mean, he's a surface dweller. I saw him a few times on his way. Looked amiable enough, if you know what I mean? But I don't think he's a warrior. Fancy, clean jaw, good lookin, but he's too... fancy schmancy. I mean... ... the way he stands, you know? You've got this look, like you've lived things, sir. He just looks like a fit man who knows how to stand, if you see what I mean. I didn't speak to him, but I've heard people who did, and they say he was nice enough, talking a lot about making Herakleion better for everyone.
    And... well, that's about it, I think. I'm sorry, sir, I see people come and go, I talk to some of them, but I'm not a... a guy who know things, you see?

But I really wanted to tell, to be sure, queen Soteira is awesome! You know she took Thula, one of our own, into her council? No one ever listened to us, sir. The old king, he was fine, but he just ruled, and only listened some nobilities. But the queen, she did it, she took people from all around the city and gave her a voice. And we know she cares about us, we know. When you see her, you can tell her, we of the guard, we stand with her!

On this, you arrive in site on the palace, but my collegues call for me, the rest later!

When Cidito puffs and grows, the other cats recoil, visibly impressed. They keep their distances, but recognize his clear superiority

[tab][/tab]He raises his ears back up and lowers his tail slowly, which is cat body language that he is easing away from aggression but still alert for potential hostility. He speak in the language of cats (Catalatonese :laughing: )
[tab][/tab]MEOW My name is Don Diaz, known to the hoo-mans as el Cidito the Wizard's Cat. I was born amongst your forefathers many years ago in the ruins on this very hill. You may have heard tales of my legends and exploits. Such as my battle with Stomm the Bulldog, wherein I lost my eye yet still managed to claw that devil dog's throat out. Or the time I tricked the local hoo-mans into letting us eat all their rats.
[tab][/tab]I have since traveled the world in the company of wizards, and have seen many magical wonders and fantastic beasts. My quest here was to find one of the wizards that used to live here back many years ago, but it seems they have moved elsewhere. So I got bored with that.
[tab][/tab]I caught the scent of you guys, and it seems familiar. We look similar too. I am curious to meet with my kin, as well as speak with your elders. Especially those who are of the noble (magical) kind such as I.


[tab][/tab]Manta, I like the cut of your jib. Tell you what. I will take you with me to see the queen. And I'll make you an offer. Be my squire, for the duration of my stay in Herakelion and beyond if you so desire. I shall train you in the ways of the warrior, and in return you shall attend to my needs and assistance.
[tab][/tab]If you accept my offer, your first duty shall be to herald my arrival in court. Easy stuff. I will whisper what to say and you say it in a loud bold voice.Something like...

Lords and Ladies, announcing the arrival of his Excellency Roberto Rodruigez, Lord Champion of Herekleion.

[tab][/tab]Seriously. Lay it on thick. I will live up to my own legend. That is how bold my confidence is. And that is how I am going to need you to be. Bold and Confident.
[tab][/tab]That is, if you want the job. Do you think you can handle it?

Aging, but still strong, a grey cat, with orange paws, tentatively advances
El Cidito? You claim to be the Orange One itself? You still look the part, and we recognise the tales, too...
He smells Cidito, then backs away in surprise
You are indeed the Fiery Furry! No cat could fake such glory!
He crouches, and, at his words, the other cats follow suit
Welcome back, Honored Ancestor. Are you here to judge your kin?

Thunderstruck, Manta is speechless, motionless for a moment. Then he drops to his knees

  • Sir! I... Wow, I mean, I... No disrespect, sir, please, this is the greatest honor ever, sir, and I'd really, really love it, I mean, you know, it would be a dream to learn from you, you're, like, my hero, you know? But, well, thing is, I can't, I'm already beholden to the queen.

I mean, don't get me wrong, it'll be an honor to announce you and everything, but that other stuff? As much as I'd love to be your squire and learn from you, you'll need to get permission from the queen first, sir. You are the greatest hero of the city, but she's my liege, you know? I swore to serve her to the death, and if I need, I will. But if she tells, like, "go and be the Defender's squire", that would be the best day ever, sir.

(Note: we arrive at the palace when you give the signal)

I cannot be your judge. God ordained Beerus, the patron saint of cats, to be our judge. And he is appeased if we leave offerings of dead animals to the hoo-mans to deliver unto him.
I think...
Hear me my fellow felines! Rise and stand proud! I am not your king but your brother, returned to visit home after exploring the known world and beyond. The gift I was born with, speaking the tongues of hoo-mans, has allowed me to study with wizards and learn to read their writings. There is much I can teach you, and for any among you with magical gifts, perhaps I can be a gateway to opportunity. But first and foremost, I want to call a meeting of the glaring about the state of the clowder.

(The words glaring and clowder are both terms referring to a group of cats, so he is essentially saying he is calling a clan meeting to discuss the state of the tribe)

With your permission, I will ask her about it then have her talk with you and see what happens from there.
As we approach the palace, Roberto swallows hard in a micro-moment of anxiety, suppressing any doubt. In his usual fashion, he calculates his plan in the last minute. Reviewing his knowledge of spells, he lacks any of the Imaginem or Mentem spells that could help him. Inadequate. Must learn more spells. So then he considers his natural Presence (+1) Abilities. This is the place for Etiquette, which he lacks. Must correct that. Other ideas are to be bold and show Leadership (4) or try some Charm and Wit (1+1). He will also play up his Reputation as Protector of the Throne (+2), In any case, he will put all his Confidence in as needed.

So we arrive. For efficiency, I grant you authority to roll any initial social die rolls if needed for me.

Hello, Marko.

I apologize: This is "end-of-the-year" time for me, but it sprung up sooner than expected, and took me by surprise. Also, my new boss figured out that I'l less of an incompetent than some of my collegues.
I am drowning a little, and would like to put this on hold until next year.
I'll reply to your post, so, should you somehow post, and I get to do it, we can still progress, but don't expect much from me until the madness has ended.



Roberto's trip through the rest of the city is mixed. He's the object of much conversation, and there are fewer hails than in his memories.
One by one, he begins to pick up followers, curious to see what's gonna happen, so, when he reaches the palace, it's with a veritable crowd at his back, looking like an army of supporters.

The palace guards, both nervous and impressed, welcome him like an important noble. When Roberto states his reason for being here, he is attached a courtesan, who undertakes to guide him around (as if he didn't knew the place already) and generally entertains him, until such time as the queen may see him.

Finally, Roberto is welcomed to a secondary room, used by the crown to give audiences to important people without the full apparatus of the throne room. Still, this is far from intimate, as Soteira stand before a small throne, with a host of officials, nobles and courtesans on the side.
Sir Roberto of Flambeau, Protector of the Throne, Slayer of Attumah, Scourge of the Leviathan, esteemed Magus of the Order of Hermes! is announced.

Despite Cidito's appeasing words, the other cats give him a wide berth, and act deferentially enough. However, he's clearly got them both excited and interested, and the further from him, the more agitated the cats are.
It takes a little while, during which they try to ensure he lacks nothing, but the meeting is finally gathered.

No worries :smiley:
I had panned on this being slow and lazy and it is my busy season too. I am going to take my time writing my reply 8)

[tab][/tab](nods approvingly to Manta for his introduction)
[tab][/tab]Roberto stands tall and proud for a moment, letting his presence be felt throughout the room. Then he drops dramatically, humble before his queen, on one knee and head bowed in humility.
[tab][/tab]Your Grace. Forgive my absence and my arrogance. I received your message earlier this evening and came as quickly as I could. Upon my arrival, I was astounded by the excitement and prosperity the people enjoy under your reign. It is as I would expect from the wisdom of Your Grace, but I am proud nevertheless.
[tab][/tab]I come to you in humility, for this is the lesson I learned and the realization I came to. These past few years, I have sorely contested myself and risen to many challenges. All towards a phantasmal goal of one day becoming an Archmagus, so I could be your worthy equal as your husband. Yet I have succeeded only a marginal fraction, and have come so close to defeat that I could feel the breath of the Angel of Death upon my neck. Only by the grace of God have I succeeded and yet endure to live this day.
[tab][/tab]And only by the grace of God do I recognize the error of my ways. In my arrogance, I disguised my true motive. My own Vanity. Vanity had clouded my eyes and addled my reason. In my ignorance, I wallowed like swine in the mud of arrogant pride and vanity.
[tab][/tab]I can never be your true equal. Your Grace is born of true royal blood, and I though a magus am born of common free folk of mortal blood. Verily! I say that there is no one who can be the equal of Your Grace. None! Not a one! You are the daughter of King Triton of Heracleion! You are the one who led this city, ravaged by Attuma the Usurper, and not only healed it but also brought higher glory! And you, only Your Grace,could remove the taint of Magical Air from me yet still allow me to work my craft.
[tab][/tab]My love for Your Grace is forever and true. I would never doubt the same of you, I only fear the circumstances and pressures of politics. The position and responsibilities of Your Grace are weighty matters indeed, and I can only pray for your forgiveness.

[tab][/tab]MeoW, meYowWow
[tab][/tab]I am Don Diaz el Cidito, Hermetic Familiar of Magus Roberto Flambeau. I called this meeting for several reasons. First, I wanted to see how you guys are doing and catch up on any gossip. Maybe see if you guys have any issues I can advise you on. And second, I wanted to find out if any of you have magical gifts like me? Can any of you talk to hoo-mans? Resist their spells? Can you walk on your hind egs or change size? I can do these things and more. I resist fire and create heat, and travel great distances bu turning a corner. Some of these are powers shared by other magical cats, some may be unique to our lineage or to myself. Some of you may have these or other strange powers. I have met others like us. In a distant land, Vallnastium, I met the King of Cats. I further learned of the three noble lineages. Black, White, and Tortishell (Calico).
[tab][/tab]But I have an inspiration! If I can find other magical orangies amongst you, we can establish our own claim to noble lineage, and I can try to find positions for you as Hermetic Familiars.
[tab][/tab]It is a good life. It really is.

The movement is almost imperceptible, yet Roberto knows his beloved too well not to notice it: If this was not a royal audition, she would have flung herself to his arms.

Roberto, dear protector of our city and person. It is, as ever, our pleasure to welcome you again, for your presence was sorely missed. Though we always held faith in you, some of our counsellors and kin didn't share that trust. They should have know otherwise. (offended murmurs erupt)
[b]Your renewed commitment is a blessing to us. Know that you are forgiven, though there is only to forgive the longing your absence left in our hearts. The Crown knows well that, though Protector of the Throne you may be, you are also a champion of Light against Darkness, of Good against Evil, rising against it wherever and whenever the need arises. Whatever your station here, we wouldn't want it otherwise, for any other man would not be the protector our realm need.

Which is why we must disagree with you. This prosperity we enjoy doesn't come from our royal efforts alone. Without you, without your bravery, without your valour, none of this, [/b] (She opens her arms in a sweeping gesture, pointing to the hall around you) none of this would have been possible. We would still be in bondage, or dead. Wisdom is nothing without Strength to defend it. For all you did for us, for putting your life on the line, know that Herakleion will alway be your home.

She shifts her gaze, first to roberto, then slightly towards the public,alternating between the two. Roberto gets the distinct impression that this passage was, at least in part, directed towards the court
As for being my equal? You are, it is true, no prince by blood.
But what do we care about mortal nobility? What could they bring to us, heirs to glorious Triton, we who already have so much? To us, they are no different from common men. But you? Your magical powers make you stand far above them, a worthier partner than any of their kings.
Yet, Strength is nothing without Honour, which you have in spades. Attumah was stronger than any mortal man, yet he was a ruthless dog, while you... You protect, and you care. Which is what the Crown needs.

So rise, Sir Roberto. Welcome back to your home. If you please, servants will lead you to your quarters.

Unless roberto wants to do/say something, he'll be led to soteira's former apartments, when she was but a princess. He can wait he, or do whatever he wants.

(1 month before I could reply to your post T-T And this was hard to write! You did such a great speech, I often felt like I wasn't up to the task)

Cidito's vast list of powers draws sighs of wonder from the assembly.
And indeed, it appear that a sizeable portion of the cats are at least slightly magical, with a noticeable chunk being descended from Cidito. These often share part of his powers, although only 2 knows for sure that they can resist human magic, having had apprentices cast spells at them. The rest either don't know, or don't think they can.
Hermetic Familiar? What is it, oh, Plumpy Parangon? We have it good already, with plenty of fish and no one to contest our dominion here.

Oh no no. You humble me good sir. Anyways, I was lacking internet for a while, And I work too damn much. And I am still struggling to come up with a good response!

And I wrote a huge romantic love scene response here, then while proofreading it I realized i have it all wrong :blush:

So Roberto gets himself situated. Unpacks his hastily prepared nap sack and pulls out a special bottle of wine he had been saving. Then he figures on taking a nap and sets Cidito to watch him. Then he remembers Cidito is not with him.
Wait. Where is that cat? *Cidito! Did you find Wirth? Where are you at right now? Whatever you are doing, put it on pause. I need your help.

Mental link
Now? I've got serious business going on here, you know. Nothing to do with Wirth, though, guy is not here.
/ Mental link

Suddenly, Cidito jumps out from behind the bed

MeOohw!!!!!!! Water? I drop everything for you and you plunge me into water??? What's wrong with you, pal?

1 Like

I didn't plunge you pal! You need to look before you leap. I just said I need your help. You ... Ah, you are right. Should have mentioned where I am. Look, after we are done here, I will help you finish up your business. Whatever you have gotten up to.... hmmmm...
We can talk about that later. And we'll go find Wirth too. Strange, he didn't tell me he was moving. Not like him. Something must be up.
We'll investigate. But for now, I am in the middle of a palace intrigue situation. As a precaution, I need you to stand guard while I take a nap.

Oh, great. Here I am, the Great Cidito, a glorified guard :woozy_face:
Don't worry, mate, I've got your back.
But you'll owe me a lot of milk after that

Roberto first thinks that sleep won't come, but come it does, bringing with it its cortege of strange dreams. A crowned fish, flying into battle; Santiago, trying to speak to him urgently, without roberto being able to hear anything; a dispute with his sodales over... over what? And fire, fire everywhere, but fire that doesn't burn.

You are a grown adult cat. You will just puke the milk back up. Like you did last time, and the time before that, and...
You know what? Fine. Look, it is your gut. If you want milk, then I will get you milk.
And you are not a glorified guard. We are a team. We are bound together and we are each made stronger by it. But tell you what. Your interests are just as important and valid as mine. When we are done here, I can help you with whatever side project you are getting up to, and then we can both go find Wirth.

Roberto calls for a servant yo bring us some milk. He is interested to see how supping milk from a saucer will work underwater in this regio.
Then some sleep. It takes an hour or more of just laying there fitfully before slumber finally finds him. He enjoys the peace of black silence, until the dreams come. A flood of portents and omens in symbols. Why must the universe always speak to us in symbols? A fighting fish, with a crown. Santiago, what is he trying to say? A dispute, with whom over what I don't remember, but I am frustrated they don't understand my point.Then fire, Fire, FIRE!

Then he wakes up in a fit. He cannot remember what the dispute was about, or what Santiago was trying to say. It was so fresh and vivid moments ago!
Roberto has a servant bring him some breakfast and fish for Cidito. The catchows down and goes for a nap. Roberto watches over him as he eats his breakfast, contemplating what he can remember of his dream.

Roberto's demand for Milk is met with... Well, it looks like milk, and gets Cidito happy, so there's that. It's not the first time, and certainly not the last. So long as he does't puke on him while he's sleeping, like that time...

When he wakes, despite the dreams, Roberto feels fresh and rested. The breakfeast nicely satiates his hunger, feeling him with ready to tackle anything.
When the fish comes, it does'nt like half has long. Sometimes, it just looks like Cidito has some Perdo minor power with food.

Crap, need to go NOW, sorry

You or the cat?

Me. We're entering the worst part of the year, work-wise, and my new boss relies a lot on me.


Roberto ponders his dreams for a while. Surely, conflict is present, in different forms, but such has always been his life, as was fire. Is there a deeper meaning, is his past trying to catch up with him? Maybe he's just in an endless loop. Where are the criamons when you need them?

So lost is he in his thoughts that he almost doesn't hear the door open, in a place where there shouldn't be any door. But his battle instincts are not easily fooled, and he springs up, ready to face... Soteira, discreetly entering the room through a hidden door.

She rushes to Roberto, and embraces him.

Oh, my love, I missed you so much! I am sorry for earlier. Things have been difficult here, and I had little choice :disappointed_relieved:

Roberto rushes towards herand locks her in embrace, showering her with kisses.

Hush my love. No apologies are needed. You are Queen, you have responsibilities far beyond me. I... I am a jerk. I am a total jerk. I said I wanted to be worthy of you and so I must first become an Archmagus. But I was lying to myself. My ego, my fragile ego. The idea of being "Mister Queen" freaks me out. The idea of living underwater freaks me out! I was young and stupid. Well, younger. Age is catching up with me and will wither me away unless I start using magic to preserve my longevity. Which will render me unable to sire children. It is not fair for me to make that decision without you.
All my life, I have been lying to myself. I know I am a wizard but I keep pretending I am a soldier. I always wanted to be like my father, a little lord of a little land. I have made something like that with my little lighthouse on a little island. But, you know, it is all tied up in the politics of Andorra. I kinda want to succeed from those jerks. Kick them off my island. But whatever.
I am the one should should be sorry. I have taken your time and immortality for granted, thinking that I have time to build myself into, something I don't know if I really want to be. But what I do want to be is with you. You are my love and my life. I..., I beg you to forgive me my foolishness.

Soteira gently breaks the embrace, while still holding Roberto.


Oooh, my love, my foolish love. As if you ever needed any further proof of your worth than all the exploits you achieved for our people. As if I cared about some title. You're the one I love,
But you are not the only one to blame. I, too, have made mistakes, for I grew disatisfied and restless with having to wait for you. If I hadn't let these feelings get the best of me, maybe things would have been different. Maybe I would have fought harder.
But I was weak, and we now have to pay for it.

She lets her arms drop, take a few steps back, and tilts her face, hiding it behind her hair

I have inherited my father's mantle and relic. But I don't have his determination, or strenght of character. The city has been restless, and rebuilding it was quite a challenge. There was a lot of dissatisfaction with some of my choices.
My father would just have had his way, but I sought another way, my way. I turned towards his old council, and tried to tie them up to the decision-making. I sought their advise, and tried ot gain their support.

I only made things worse.
I got questionned at every turn, and, soon, questions were raised about my status. How it wasn't good for the realm for me to be unmaried. How my... my dalliance! My dalliance with you, they said! How it was weakening Herakleion, and my authority. How I was supposed to marry someone, for the good of our people, forge and alliance that would strenghten us all

And now, I'll stop:

  • To give you a chance to reply
  • Because i must leave
  • Because I've forgotten the next step (I've got A and C, but not B)


Roberto's face grows tight, his body stiffens, and he takes a deep breath.

What are you trying to say?