Roberto 1245 - Dusk of the Flame

She paces, twisting her hands.

It's my cousin, Byrrah. We were having border trouble with merfolks from the Calypso Abyss, in the Ionian sea. They come from deep, deep waters, and have never acknowledged us, even if there was an uneasy truce. Now, they were restless, and we were on a course for war. A war we were ill-prepared to fight.
Byrrah brought a friend of him. A magus, like you, but not a fighter, more of a diplomat. He knew these folks, and managed to talk them into stepping down.
He's been in here ever since, ingratiating himself with the merchants and nobility. He's got a lot of relations, and helped commerce to rise again, with had the nobility living in luxury again. Which is all what Byrrah wanted, I guess.

But I'm avoiding the subject.

She turns to Roberto, looking him in the eyes. She looks very distraught, and on the verge of crying.

He proposed to me. Don't get the wrong idea! He a charming, dashing man, but I don't love him. He's a nice, affable fellow, though, so I denied his request firmly, but politely, and told him I was spoken for.

This didn't deter him.

I swear, my love, I swear, I've been nothing if not clear about it, multiple times, but he's been nothing if not polite and an ally of Herakleion, which means I can't just expel him. And he's been smart about it, pleading his case as much with the council as with me. He even managed to convert Aubert.
So when they were previously trying to get me to marry someone, anyone, now they've got a nail to focus on, and they've been trying to get me to marry him.
All the while, Thula has been on my side, and advocated for you, but it's been us against them all.

She sits.

I am tired, my love. I am so very tired.
From one side, he's making it hard for me to rebuke him too sternly, and from the other, they've been gnawing at me, contesting my every decision while, at every turn, advocating for me to marry. It's been so hard for me to... to wait, and to wait, and to

She beging to sob.

So, going back more than 1 year ago to this post, we've got, speaking:

  • Coral, representative of the City folks
  • Llyron, representing the merchants
  • Soteira
  • Aubert, grand priest of Poseidon. You may remember him from a while back
  • Lord Byrrah, Soteira's cousin, speaking for the nobility
  • Thula. With Nera, one of the 2 guards roberto befriended years ago, when they were leading the resistance against Attumah, after which they joined the palace guard for their services. She's since risen further through the ranks, and represent the city's guards in Herakelion's council

Roberto grins with confidence as he thinks of a solution.

Well, I am here now. If you wish, I can face this interloper and tell him to back off. As for your issues with neighbors, I would be honored to serve as diplomat and ambassador. In the mortal realm, where I am from, aging warriors serve as diplomats and rulers.
Or, and this is a radical idea, we can run away and elope. The surface city of Alexandria is not far from here. There is a church there. We can be wed before dawn. After that, we can return here and lets the chips fall as they may. But I am confident things will fall into line.
Or, if you want, eave the throne to your cousin and come live with me at my tower. I know that may be a bit much. But I would love for you to come stay with me on the surface for a while. See how I live.

Soteira raises her head, looks at Roberto for a moment, and burst into laughter.

After a while, she cools herself, and looks back at Roberto, wiping her tears, both from breaking and laughing

Oh, Roberto, thanks, I needed that!
Wait... You're serious, aren't you?

She calms herself, finish wiping her face, and ponders

It looks so simple, coming from you... But I don't think, as much as I want to, I don't think I can marry you in secret. Sure, they wouldn't be able to do a thing, but this could tear us even more apart when we need to be united. I would LOVE that, but I just can't think of myself alone.
Now, leaving the throne to Byrrah... This is tempting

She grins, amused

I don't think he'd do a good job. He hasn't been the same since losing his hand to the Leviathan. He doesn't want the throne, just ensure he keeps living in luxury and privilege. In a way, this would be a smart move. He would probably welcome me back with open arms. I'm just not sure it would be a wise move. Not for the realm.

Which leaves us with the wise ruler move. Your first proposal. There's this old custom about kingly virtues, we could certainly try to use that, to prove to the council you'd be a better suitor, while you'd talk to him. You sure have a lot more leeway on this than I do :frowning_face:
I'm just not sure I have it in me anymore. I love my city, I love my people, I want to be a good queen, but I'm not sure I can. Not anymore. Which brings me back to your first proposals. Sigh...

Still, everything seems so simple and easy, with you by my side! You almost make me feel like my old self.

(Yes, she's a little depressed. End of the year madness here, don't be surprised if my replies are few and far between. But still here! BTW, this was a great move by roberto, so like himself, it was just what she needed)

Roberto touches her face with a gentle caress and smiles.

Where there is a will there is a way. I do not believe in the "no-win" scenario. I cannot make your decisions for you. You are Queen, and I need to learn to be humble sometimes.

After over ten years playing this character, Roberto is like second nature to me. :smiley: In other games, I tend to make Roberto clones LoL. Currently playing an oWoD mage in a live game. A Flambeau named Robere de Conquereux. It took a few games for me to develop a unique personality. He started out as Roberto 1775. He has diverged at this point (half Creole from New Orleans, mixes Voodoo with Hermetic magic), but the personalities are similar.
Hell, Roberto has affected MY personality! That style of bold confidence has helped me through some trying times.

Soteira inhales, and raises her head, bolstered by Roberto's words.

You are right. We can do this, together.

She strenghtens some more.

So. As much as I sometimes wish to, I don't want to crush the council and impose my will, like my father did. At this point, while I do have the power to do so, it would only send the city into turmoil, and besides... I don't want to be like him.
But there's another way, as I told you.
For the moment, the council is mostly behind Orin's claim. But that's only because he's won them over. What they want in fact is for me to have a king by my side**, and as a queen, I can't fault their logic.
Yet, I think we may convince them, and our people, that you'd make a better king than Orin.

We have an old custom about the virtues a king must have. Wisdom, Strength, and Leadership. Mostly forgotten under my father's rule, but I believe I can force it upon the council. Ask for some sort of trial, or competition, between you two, where you'd have to prove that you're worthy of the throne.
I don't like this, because this is, again, asking a lot of you, but, aside from escape or a bloodbath, I see no other solution.
What do you think about it?

** Roberto has spend enough time around elder magi to know this: This is what they want, sure, but what they really want is probably something along the lines of "more power to me", or "ensure I keep my advantages". Soteira marrying ensures stability, thus the second goal. And roberto suspect that imposing their wills on her ensures the first.

Very well. Tomorrow, take me before the council and this Orin. I shall issue a formal challenge according to your traditions.
In the morning.
But for now...

Curtain closes, allowing these lovers some privacy from we the audience.

Roberto is awakenedfrom a peaceful slumber by Soteira rising besides him, somewhen in the morning

She kisses him gently
"Hush, my love, sleep. I've got my duties to attend, and you need the rest. I'll have someone send for you".

When he wakes again, she is long gone, although her smell lingers in the sheets.

After preparing himself, he carely has the time to grow impatient when someone knocks on the door.

(Next episode, hopefully, monday!)

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Ok, assuming you had nothing special to do (since you posted this WE), hope I'm right. But this is a chance to push this forward.

Roberto opens the door, to a pretty, lithe yet muscular young man, who looks a little like a masculine, short-haired, version of his beloved. If Soteira had replaced one of her hands by a golden pincer.

Ah,Roberto! It's long past time I finally met you. You may have hear of me. My name is Byrrah. Lord Byrrah, actually cousin to our beloved queen

Without giving Roberto a pause, he brushes past him, entering the room.

Is Soteira still there? No, I guess not. Becoming a queen hasn't done her any good, right?

He turns around, and sits in the comfiest chair around

Now, what can we do for each other?

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I think I might have met you briefly years ago when I defeated Attuma the Usurper. Maybe not. There was a lot to take in during those hectic times.
I must say I disagree with your conclusion. Becoming your Queen has brought out noble qualities in her. I am humbled to be a subject of her attention. The noble virtues that have manifested within her are glorious to behold. My heart is overfilled with equal measures of love and pride for Soteria.
As for what we can do for each other, that is a matter I am eager to discuss. I seek to wed your cousin. Right now if I could. It is time for us to consummate our betrothal.
Soteria has informed me that your council has put forth a rival. Orin I beieve? I do not blame him or hold any ill will. Soteria's beauty and grace rivals the angels of heaven!
I wish to have a chat with this Orin. Let him know she is spoken for and I am here to share my destiny with her once and for all. I was told about the tradition of your people, how I could issue a challenge and a contest would be held. If that is the way it must be, Lord Byrra, I am ready to face my fate this very day. But if a more peaceful resolution is possible, I would vastly prefer that. Orin is not my enemy.
So. What you can do for me is arrange this parley. And if that fails. I invoke my right as Champion and Betrothed. There will be a challenge.
Now, as for what I can do for you...
Within reason, I am glad to demonstrate gratitude and appreciation. What is it you seek?
Within reason...

(Hey, we're in synch, I come here barely 1 day after your reply :slight_smile: Great speech, btw, you sold it)

Byrrah smiles
Yeah, I can see why she likes you.

But that's not the matter. I don't care who she consorts with.
I should be able to bring you to Orin, sure. I may even be able to plead your cause.
Thing is, I like the man. He's got charisma, knows what he wants, and I believe he would do a good king.
The only thing going for you right now is this whole council thing, and my cousin's love.

You may remember my uncle. He was very much the absolute ruler, sure, but he knew where everyone stood. Not so much with Soteira. She doesn't want to rule over the people, she wants to rule with the people.
Thus her council. I had to enter it just to ensure she wouldn't cast us all aside for commoners and merchants.
I don't want this. I'm not my uncle, I don't want to lord over anyone, but I want what I deserve.

He looks at his pincer, a pensive look on his face
I've given far to much for our realm, our people, already. I won't lose it all.

His eyes focus again on roberto
So, what you can do for me is simple. Nobles should not have to listen to peasants, we should enjoy their work. Soteira listens to you, she will trust your advice. Convince her to stop this. And not just as a favor to me. This is, already, destroying her, caught as she is in petty scabbles.

So, deal?

Roberto maintains a stoic stone face.
There are many "red flags" in your words. But that last thing you just said, you caught my attention. Soteria's well being and peace of mind are of paramount importance to me. I will speak with her and discover where her thoughs are. But mind you, just as she trusts in my words, I trust in hers. She is the one born to rule, not I. Nor anyone else in this city. But I will have this conversation with her.
Now to take a step back, reviewing your words. The nobility does indeed need to listen to peasants. I am not a pious man, but I do believe in the wisdom of the Holy Scripture. As Christ said in, the gospel of Mark I think?
"But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Keep in mind where I come from. My father was a commoner and a mercenary. He earned his title through service to his king and to the people under his protection. He gave his life combating the enemy. knowing he was to die, but knowing that it was the only way his people would have time to escape to safety.
I myself was born a commoner, was once a mercenary. But never have I bowed to king or noble. We who are magi rule ourselves.The only monarch I have ever recognized authority from is our Queen Soteria. She does not demand my loyalty. She nurtured it. And that is the approach she is taking with her people.
Now as for comparisons of character, I like think of myself as being quite charismatic as well. I also know what I want, and I won't be denied. Think of me as a pure force of nature embodied in the shape of a man. I am sure I would be a much better king.
And you know this.
I would bring haromony and cooperation, and discipline. A fist of steell in a velvet glove. Surly you can see that the quickest path towardsyour personal stability and comfort is to support my claim.

Byrrah's face tightens a little, before he stands up

So, this means you won't support me in this, then? I find that quite surprising, as all I wanted was for my cousin to assert our rights as inheritors to Poseidon.
You can't have harmony with a divided council. You can't have cooperation when everyone have diverging interest. You can't have discipline when no one respects their leaders.
I don't think this will go well. After all, steel tends to rust under the sea.
Yet, I appreciate you standing by Soteira, even if this leads to her doom. Should you succeed against Orin, you would do well to remember that.

(Unless you want this conversation to continue, he'll exit the room. You may, obviously, say something to him before he goes, but I think your positions are clear.
Should he exit, tell me if you want to do something special before Soteira's summons. You have the time.

BTW, just to be clear: There is no fixed way to "solve" this, although there is a path of less resistance. I have thought of some, you may surprise me. For exemple, there's a universe in which Roberto convinced Soteira to give up on her throne and flee. What matters most IMO is the way, the "what does it say about Roberto?". In that regard, I think this exchange was a success)

If Roberto can get him to stay for a moment...

Hold up! I do support you. "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's". I have different Idea's, and I am trying to have a dialogue. In essence, we both want the same thing. We want peace and prosperity for the city, we want the heirs of Poseidon to receive and maintain theirs as is due, and we both want, that what I am the most concerned with, we want what is best for Soteria.
I am willing to hear you out and listen to more of your ideas. You want the queen to rule in a more authoritarian fashion, because it is the right of Poseidon. All kings are in truth ordained by God, for the people are to receive the rule that they deserve.
I am getting philosophical in my maturity. There is a deeper meaning in there if you think about it.
I understand that you miss your king. I miss him too. I remember the time that he banished Agnes the Sea Hag from the Middle Sea until, what was that metaphor again? It was harsh! The look on her face when he said that, Ha!
Just as you had faith in your king, have faith in our queen. In herwisom, she saw some usefulness in this council. Maybe it is not working the way she wanted, maybe she needs to make adjustments. I am willing to listen to your ideas and share my own. But I need more information. The council is divided. But how? Why? Who gets a position, and how does it work? Are you having issues with council protocol? The rules of order?
The Order of Hermes, whence from I hail, we use a council system with a hierarchy of office. I have been a member of several covenants, some more hierarchical than others. If I could have a look at how your council operates and see the charter or rules of order or whatever, I am sure I could spot where the problem is. And as your king, I could fix it.
You have a prominent position on the council I presume? Set it up for me to come visit and see what the problem is about.

I am invoking DICE!
Presence +1
Not sure which Ability best applies. Charm 1 (wit), or Intrigue 1 (alliances). I did use both of those in my monologue. But I did use Leadership 4 when I said "Hold up!"
Doesn't matter. Stress die +2. Here we go!
1d10 =3
So that's 5. I could spend two points of Confidence to make it 11, but that might be out of range.

Byrrah stops, and turns to face Roberto


It's not just the current welfare of our queen that bothers me, although it is my primary concern. It's the future. There are those who rule, and those who serve. This council blurs that distinction. How long until the social order is uppended? Already, Soteira submits to the will of those that should listen to her. How long until we face some kind of... revolution?
You speak of King Triton. And yes, he was a harsh ruler, but he drew lines.

He looks at his pincer longingly

I've already sacrificed much for the realm. I won't see us lose everything.
I can... understand if my cousin needs councelors. I see the merit in taking the pulse of the city. But giving them a voice just goes too far in my opinion, and I'm part of her damn council.

Oh, it's pretty simple, actually.
Everyone has their best interest at heart. So Aubert schemes, Thula always wants more funds diverted to the guards, Coral bickers constantly with Llyron about how involved we should be with the surface... You see the thing. And me? Well, I just suffer through it all, I guess.
How we got here is messy. When soteira revived the council, she said she wanted 5 representatives of... well, every important groups in herakleion. Meaning the priests, the nobility, the guards, the merchants, and the base citizens.
Aubert obviously, was here from the start because of his function as grand priest of Poseidon. Thula was ranked enough, and campained for it. She was popular with the guards, so it wasn't much of a contest. As far as I can tell, Coral was just appointed randomly by Soteira, as was I. Finally, Llyron is an influential merchant, and he managed to have enough of a support group to find himself nominated by his peers, probably by promising them more riches.

He pauses, walks to the wine cabinet, serves himself a glass, and proposes a drink to Roberto before going on.

So, as I was saying, everyone tries to get things their way. Which wouldn't be a problem if this was just a bunch of people with delusions of grandeur.
But my cousin went beyond that. She gave the council actual power on important matters. We just discuss things endlessly, and then, we vote, with Soteira having 2 damn voices, which means she can be, and has been, overruled by her own council. You can't imagine the time I've wasted on those stupid meetings and talks, just to keep them from overturning eveything.

He drinks another glass.

So, yes, if you want to meet the council, I can probably arrange it. Thula is a big fan of yours, and we can count on Soteira. Unless she abstains because she thinks it'll reflect badly. She's done that a few times before, she seems to think that... She shouldn't get to vote when she's got a vested interest in something, which just eludes me, because that's exactly when you should get to decide! :roll_eyes:

(Sorry for the late reply, I can't get through my work, I ended up last week without having done anything I started it with, and with more on top :confused: )

commentary from the sidelines: am I the only one who thinks the answer here is obvious?
The council is in danger of having a tie vote whenever Thula abstains, so to prevent a tie a rule should be adopted that whenever a council member abstains they pass their vote to Soteira. Then Byrrah can stop stressing about power dynamics by simply abstaining for any minor vote, making it so the council can only overrule Soteira if they are completely unified, which from the sounds of it never happens.

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Roberto is not as politically savvy as he is pretending to be. His Overconfidence is running the show. I (as a player) have been trying to think in terms of his experience having now been a member of three different covenants. All of which have many common political features, but each with their own unique quirks. I am also trying to leave my own personal ideas and studies aside, and think like a Hermetic magus in the middle ages from southwest Mythic Europe.

math is math
its not like we're talking gerrymandering districts here...

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I am mentalating and contemplating your ideas these and other ideas. The slow pace of this story is an advantage!

No worries! As I just mentioned, I am using the slow pace to my advantage.

There's another aspect, which Roberto understands dimly, and only because of his background as an hermetic magus.
The vote is the small part.
Soteira is trying to set up a somewhat democratic system, with an assembly of representatives that discuss matters and try to reach a compromise. Ideally, each decisions should be backed by most, if not all, of the council.
So, even if a solution is found, it is only after much talk :smiley:

Also, something Roberto understands perfectly: Soteira is not a politician, which is why the council system isn't very-well thought out ^^
She's an idealist, and, as much as she loved her father, she didn't like how everyone bowed before him, was a little afraid of him, and how he ruled everything and everyone around him.
He is conscious, probably more than her, that she could have just used brute force to crush any political opposition. She chose instead to give it a voice. It may be a bad choice (for her and/or the city), but it's not a choice that surprises him.

Back to Byrah...
Let's do that. I just want to sit as an observer and see if I can find where the flaw is. It might be that it is imbalanced. If the council is to have any teeth, the possibility of over ruling should be viable. But maybe it should require a super-majority. A two-thirds majority. Or maybe their should be a tiered voting structure where the general members get one vote, the nobles get ten votes, and the queen gets 100 votes. Or another idea is to break things up into committees where they gotta hash out the details before they bring it to the council.
I do think I understand what she is trying to do, and I think there is a better way to do it. One that addresses both freedom and order.