Roberto 1245 - Dusk of the Flame

Sigh... You misunderstand me. I don't care about that council. Even if you changed the decision mode, it still means endless discussions. But the council's very existence is a problem. It puts commoners on the same level as nobility. It's a complete upheaval of the natural order of things.

(sorry, in a hurry, did it short)

You and I have very different ideas of what the natural order of things are. Do you even comprehend how difficult it is for me to accomodate your religion? In my world, either the Papacy annoints the monarch, or the ruler is chosen by the people. The Visigoths of old used to elect their king. The Republics of Italy elect their rulers. The ancient Spartans was ruled by a council of elders, and their kings were religious figureheads and military leaders. And then there is Athens.
Abolishing the council is not a pragmatic solution. You cannot undo what has already been done without causing suffering and anarchy. I do agree that there should be a hierarchy. A high council of nobles, and a low council for commoners. This does not place the street sweeper on the same level as a noble.
Look, you gotta trust me on this. No offense, but you have limited experience. All you have ever seen is how things work here. I have walked in many nations, seen many different ways of doing things. The way the Order of Hermes goes about things, with councils and votes, is the best system I have yet experienced. It rubs you the wrong way because all you have yet seen is a dysfunctional council. Just give me a chance to see if I can reform it. There will still be discussions, but they will not be endless.
Look, we are all equal in the eyes of God. You may be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you'll dance with the Reaper. The wheel of fortune is ever turning, and the fickle finger of fate rules us all without discrimination.
Maybe if I took you on a tour of the surface world, you could see how things operate elsewhere. A council of some sort is really to your advantage. It is more effective and efficient, if done right. Almost every nation, monarchy or oligarchy, has some sort of council. You will benefit from having many multiple eyes and ears and minds. You can delegate responsibilities amongst trusted officers. You will be able to accomplish so much more that you ever have before.
Just give me a chance. Reform the council and your worries will melt away.

(Great speech. Took a look at roberto's Communication + intrigue/charm, and they aren't up to it, although is reputation as Protector of the Throne helps in this case. So this is probably the "ideal" form of Roberto's speech, with the actual being a little more mangled and hesitating, like when I try to say something, yet with his acclaim compensating somewhat. So Roberto manages to get through to him, just not as well as he could have.

You've given me much to think about. I thought you were a soldier, but you've got a scholar's keen mind, too. You're a surprising man, Roberto. I will reflect on your words.

If it's ok, I think we can end this part here. Good job :slight_smile:

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(Ok. Where were we, and what was happening to who? I am sooo lost. Everytime I get back to this, I feel like I have to reinvent everything from scratch).

Previously, in Dusk of the Flame
Coming to Herakleion, Roberto met Manta, a young, eager, not-so-bright, city guard. That was the best part of the day. For the rest was far worse. Not only does his reluctance to marry Soteira pained his beloved, it caused her no end of political trouble.
Facing political turmoil, and wanting to be a different ruler from her father, the Queen had conceded quite a share of her power to a council, representing different factions of the city. And now, that council wanted her to marry. To make things worse, there was a suitor. Orin Merinitae, felllow magus of the Order, had been wooing Soteira, while ingratiating himself to the council and the city. Roberto managed to reconnect with his beloved, recognising past faults in the deed. They determined to convince the council to let Soteira marry Roberto, through Soteira's political viles.
So, now, Roberto is waiting to be summoned to the throne room. But not before he get visited by Lord Byrrah, cousin to the queen, member of the council, who tried to bargain with Roberto for favors. The two had an intense discussion, that proved unconclusive, although Roberto may have shifted Lord Byrrah's opinions on politics somewhat. That, and Wirth seems to be nowhere to be found. For once, Roberto is alone in this.

And so.... Byrrah has been gone for a while now, which has left Roberto time enough to make sure he looks his best and is bored. But at last, someone knocks at the door
Hum. Lord Roberto, sir? It is I, Manta. I am to take you to the throne room. Are you ok, sir?

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(OOC: give me some time to refamiliarize myself and come up with a respose.
Though there is not much to respond too, so if you want to move on to the next scene, I can fill in as appropriate.)

No, this was just to get you reacquainted, and give you some room if you wanted to do anything special, describe your clothes, whatever :slight_smile:

Manta is not alone: 2 other guards are with him, and they are way stiffer and professional, although this doesn't look like an arrest, more like an escort.
Together, they lead Roberto towards the throne room. Its doors open, and the chambellan says: As requested by the Crown, the Protector of the Realm, Master of Flames, Roberto of House Flambeau!

The throne room is, as ever, full of people, but much less than in previous occasions.
Soteira sits on the throne in full regalia, crowned, holding her fearsome trident.
To her left, Roberto recognises Thula in light, yet fancy, scales, and Lord Byrrah, still in pants and cloak, still displaying his well-toned bare chest. Slightly behind her and to the right, waits Aubert, wearing the golden mask of poseidon,which sadly makes him all the more inscrutable. And on the right side, there are 2 other merfolk he's never seen before. A plump, noseless siren siren, her legs replaced by a tail, and one of the more monstrous subjects of Soteira, a blue merman with tentacles for legs and beard.

But it is not them who draw Roberto's attention: Further on the right, clothed in green and golden bronze, another human awaits. Tall, handsome, muscular, his blonde hair and beard displaying a square jaw only seen in tales. It can only be Orin.

There's only one way to go, walk to the throne, next to the pretender.
Once Roberto is in place, Soteira speaks, her voice resonating throughout the chamber.
Roberto of Flambeau, Orin Merinitae. It is our pleasure to welcome you into our palace.

We are here to settle matters of blood, alliance, and succession. For too long, the throne has been alone in its trials, the line of succession unsecure.
But today, Herakleion is blessed. 2 mighty champions, both mortal magi, vie for my hand. And though my heart knows its way, it is the crown's interest that must prevail.
Thus, we have gathered our best advisors to answer this question: Who, amongst you, would make the best king?
We do not know. While different, you both have demonstrated your willingness to tie your life to this land, and the many qualities that would make it a blessing to us.

And so, it had been decided, should you so choose, to put you through the old Contest of Champions.
A king must be brave, so you will have to prove your courage.
A king must be strong, so you will have to prove your strenght.
A king must be wise, so you will have to display wisdom.
A king must bring peace and prosperity, so ability to do so will be tested.

Aubert speaks then, in a booming voice totally unlike his usual frail, cracking one
But these champions have already proven their valor, have they?

Thula advances, and says:
I, thula of the guard, says so: Roberto has, time and again, proven his strength before the most powerful ennemies. For him, I claim the trial of Might

The tentacled merman does the same
And I, Llyron of the guild, attests : Orin has brought peace to our city, and allies. For him, I claim the trial of Diplomacy

There is a slight pause, and Soteira answers, looking at Roberto in the eyes
The Crown recognises the validity of your claims. Champions. Do you maintain your claim to our hand? Do you wish to go through the remaining trials?

(edit 2020/06/18: corrected formating errors)

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I do suppose Roberto would try to dress up formal. Maybe even unarmored. But still with a sword at his side. A silk doublet, trousers, boots, etc. He has never been a fancy dresser and did not think to bring anything. Do they have a tailor on hand? At the very east he qould like to borrow a new cape. He has been wearing the same tattered red cape for 25 years.

Whatever I must to in order to be united with my beloved, so long as it does not violate my commitment to my God. Though it is upsetting that there even needs to be such a challenge, I understand that duty comes before self.
And integrity is paramount. I will not do battle with this man. He has done me no wrong and I have only good will for him. If it is a fight between us that is demanded, I shall refuse and simply go home. I am a soldier, not a barbarian.
Now, a contest or challenge, that does seem to be an honorable course of action. I fear not for my own safety. I just cannot abide by someone else being put in harms way because of my own vanity.

(Sorry, I felt that my ending was weak, came back to change it for a more open-ended question, that left you more leeway, but you were too fast for me :smiley:
But this is a GREAT reply).

As Roberto speaks, silence falls over the crowd, and his words resound powerfully.
They shouldn't. He knows his gift's effects. But maybe there's something more going on, maybe, for once, his True Love and dedication shines through.

Soteira looks at him, and he can see she's bursting with pride and love for him.
Your words honor you, Roberto. I recognize here the honorable champion of our city, and protector of our people., she says, with a sidelong glance to the plump siren.
Rest assured, both of you: This is a personal test of kingship. The Crown has nothing ot gain by pitting the one against the other. Though we have our feelings on this matter, we are just trying to ascertain which of you is worthy, not to bring anyone down.
But now, you, sir Orin, what says you to this challenge?

Eyes converge on the merinita, who looks pretty confident despite Roberto's speech.
Who can say no to such a challenge? You, my queen, deserve the best, my personal feeling notwhistanding. I will do my upmost to prove that I'm worthy of your hand. Let the better man win!

So be it, then. As decided by this concil, the two of you shall begin your trials, under the supervision of 2 council members. Thula and my cousin will watch over Orin, while Coral and Llyron will be Roberto's guides. May Poseidon's blessing wash over you.

Whith that, the audience is finished. You have some time before the first trial begins.

(Marko, I feel like I keep catching myself up as I stumble. Is this going okay for you? I had it going like this, mostly:
A chance to face and reconcile with Soteira
Some time to act on your own, even seek out and kill orin if you'd wanted
Following the conversation with soteira, the idea of the contest emerged
A chance to bargain with a councilmember
Following that, go with the trials.
Tell me if you feel disatisfied or railroaded. This was not preordained, it emerged as a result of your moment with soteira, and I'm kinda improvising, but it may feel as such)

Roberto has the Gentle Gift, paired with True Love. It is something that developed via Transformation between Bibracte and Andorra. I would figure that, if he looses True Love, he would revert back to the normal Gift.

Everything seems fantastic so far :smiley:
As for reconciling with Soteria, if I could roleplay that out, I would use those skills to get back with my ex! :laughing: The best I know how to do is act out demonstrations of dedication and honor.
Roberto is not the kind of guy that would kill his rival. Young Roberto, from back in the Novus Mane era, might start a fistfight. But mature Roberto is wiser than that. And, as you may recall, he had trouble killing Attumah when he was knocked out!

But he will try to discuss and negotiate the terms of the contest.
No matter whom you choose as you king, you are still my queen and the only monarch I have ever bent the knee for. I shall always and ever be the defender and champion of Herecleion, no matter whom you choose. Hence, I would ask that this not be a martial contest for either of us. Test us on our wits and charisma, judge us on our potential rather than the superficial.

... Silly me.
I must have subconciously remembered something, thus the text. Thanks for the reminder, this is important.

I like how roberto has shaped up. My main goal here (aside from having a good time) is to help you keep defining him by having "How does Roberto reacts to that?" moments.

Soteria smiles briefly, before slipping back into her role.
We thank you, Protector. We (she quickly looks over her councilmates) never doubted your dedication to our city. But the test of Strength is one of the Contest of Champions tenets. Orin (she looks at him)shall thus face it, although both of you are free to forfeit a challenge.
Rest assured, though: While the Contest is there to crown a Champion, it is also designed to bolster our city, and putting the one against the other doesn't do that.

Orin interjects, turning sideways to look both Roberto and Soteira, chest puffed, fists on his hips
And while I appreciate the sentiment, you should remember that I am master of my decisions and destiny. My queen has had no proof of my valor, and I very much look forward to doing so. (shocked murmurs erupt at the double entendre, although Roberto is unable to tell if it's intentional or a simple mistake).
While I am a peaceful man at heart, I am not a coward. I do not shy away from danger. I leap towards it, and strikes it before it's too late. I will face this challenge, gladly

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Roberto sighs.
Danger is something that is always best avoided, if not for your own safety then for that of those around you. Your willingness to face the challenge is alone evidence of your valor.
Still, it would be wrong of me to deny you the opportunity. I understand what it is like to have to prove confidence to one's self. In my youth, my self esteem depended on displays of reckless bravado.
And maybe to some extent it still does. I dare not disappoint my Queen. And just as you, I don't want you thinking I am a coward. I pray for your safety noble amicus. Though for you do indeed have control of your decisions, only Almighty God has control of our destiny.

Orin flares in righteous anger

I did not expect such barbed words from the so-called Protector of...

He gets interrupted by Aubert
Now, now, gentle lords. You are young, mighty and eager, but please, now is neither the time nor the place for confrontation.

The Contest of Champions was created specifically to escape the traps of conflicting opinions between heroes, while helping the realm to prosper. I would advise you to trust it, and keep your wits and energy to face it, rather than each other.

If you would follow my councilmates, we could get this started sooner, rather than later. My old bones would be grateful for this.

I agree. Let's get this started , says Orin. But the way he glares at Roberto is a mixture of anger, contempt and... something else, something less blatant, something Roberto can't pinpoint.

(I will try to follow through later this weak. Up to my ass in legalese these days)

In a moment of confusion and frustration, Roberto slips out of his diplomatic Latin and reverts to his native Castilian.
!No mames wey!,
(the rest translated to English, but spoken in a mix of vulgar latin and Spanish.)
Barbed words? I speak as gently as a wise old grandfather, and you cry like a baby? You sure you can handle this? I was gonna take it easy on you, but now I am ready for a challenge!

Everyone looks at Roberto in confusion

What was that? Gentle challenge? What are you talking about?

Gentlemen, please. I understand your animosity towards each other, but do not disrespect this court. None of you is king yet, and both of you may fail in these regard

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I mean no disrespect. I apologize and beg forgivness. My passions can be difficult to keep subdued in certain circumstances.

Yes, maybe we are more alike than I thought. If he'll have it, I will join my sodales in his apology, and wish him good luck in this contest
And Orin raises his arm to shacke Roberto's, a big smile on his face.

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Okay. Let's go back to this before the sun manages to kill me.
Thing is, I barely remember the trail :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Good. Now, if you will follow your guides, they will lead you to your respective trials. In the name of great Poseidon, may the better man win.

Coral (the plump siren) and Llyron (the tentacled one), followed each by a pair of guards, lead Roberto outside the palace, chatting all the while.
So, Roberto of Flambeau? I am Llyron. To tell you the truth, I was curious to meet you in person. Although you're quite famous around these parts, you're not the man I expected, but it is a pleasant surprise to see that you ally a warrior's brawl with a diplomat's cunning. You may have a chance at this trial, after all.

Already seeing your interest, Llyron? Don't listen to him, Roberto, he only cares about his profits

And where's the hurt? You know it, when we profit, Herakelion profits, the throne profits. Trade is the lifeblood of any city. Without it, you would just wither and die

Or maybe we would have better, simpler lives. We don't need to grow beyond our reach, we can be just content with what we have. Your wealth profits no one more than you, and you only incite covetousness towards our city. If not for your riches, Attumah would have left us alone.

And so on, and so forth. Soon, Soteira's troubles become quite apparent to Roberto. And these are only 2 councilmembers!

Luckily, their bickering ceases when the troupe exits the palace, and a curious crowd's ovation greets the party.
An open carriage is ready, trailed by a pair of sea unicorns. Following one of the huge avenues, it swiftly exits the city.

Soon enough, Roberto recognises the way. They are headed towards the fisher island where Riad and his people live!

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I am not as cunning as you may hope. Mine is the wisdom born of age and experience. I have made many a mistake. But rather than chastise myself with regret, I choose to learn my lessons.
Insight and Enlightenment. These are the arcane secrets of the Flambeau!
For example, I can see that you are each passionate about your city and culture in your own way. Maybe you cannot see that in each other because you are concerned that they want the opposite thing. But there is a harmony, a balance between the two. Trade and commerce is important, this is true. But fundamental considerations of life and contentment are paramount. Together, they support each other. Prosperity begets Security, Security begets contentment, and Contentment begets Prosperity.

After his little speech, Roberto reflects on what he just said.
I never thought of it that way before. But yeah, that's how it works. Maybe. I think. I need to research that. But I am pretty sure that is it.
Ha! "Insight and Enlightenment. These are the arcane secrets of the Flambeau!". Santiago must have rubbed off on me. I just made that up, thinking of House philosophy and lore, and just affixed some buzzzwords like "arcane" and voila! Ancient phrase of occult wisdom, custom made!


Hmm? We are here? Alright then. Lets do this thing. Destiny awaits a Decision!

Coral looks thoughtfully at roberto
It is my turn to be surprised. As a human, I thought you'd advocate more for our city to meddle in human concern.
Her plump, working-mom face brightens with a smile
I can't say I agree with you, but, for once, I must agree with Llyron: You really are full of surprises :grinning:

Coral chuckles, while Llyron frowns, but says nothing.

Even before you emerge from the water, Roberto notices that something is off. There should be more light, and something shakes the waves.
Llyron only darkens at the sight, and even Coral seems anxious. For the first time since you began this journey, the guards seem nervous, gripping their weapons.
We can't go any further, but don't worry, everything will be clear enough. There's a case, and you'll be asked to judge upon it. Whatever your decision, Herakelion will abide with it. I just hope it will be the right one

The weird transition from water to air clarifies it all: there's a huge sandstorm hovering above and around the island. Clearly, this is not a natural phenomenon.

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