Judge me? Ah ah ah ah ah. This is priceless. Or madness, I can't tell.
You clearly are misinformed. I am not a subject to the sea. I am... How would you say it? A foreign kingdom, and the sea in indebted to me. Not the reverse.
The sea may abide by your ruling, but I don't have to. Don't presume otherwise, or there will be consequences.
Now, something is fishy* here. You lack crucial information, and believe in falsehoods. It seems like I am being manipulated into war, and I won't be anyone's tool.
So, for the sake of peace, I will repeat myself one. last. time.
And then, we will either discuss, or I will abort my attempts at a peaceful resolution.
So, here's what I can tell.
Some time ago, King Triton asked for my help against would-be invaders. In return for it, I was promised this island, to make it part of my dominion. Is that clear to you? okay.
While visiting my domains, I came here. Let me be clear: I have not given these people permission to live here. I do not want them here. But I am not a cruel goddess. I asked them to leave. They don't want to, claiming that this island was given to them by Triton, and has been theirs for ages. Nonetheless, they asked the sea for help, and the sea told me to expect a diplomat, that would speak on its behalf and negotiate with me.
Are we on the same page now? Good
Now that I saw it, some things are clear.
First, King Triton tried to con someone, either me, or these people. Second, whether accomplices or unwilling puppets, they tell an obvious lie, since, the last time I was here, I left this island nicely barren.
Now, what can you tell me, from your side?
(Yup. I don't know it Roberto is smart enough to recognize this or not, but he was kinda set upon, in that he was supposed to be given full information before going in. It may be to set him up for failure, or as an additional test of "here's the kind of unexpected shit you may have to deal with. Of course, he also clearly misunderstood things, which is fun
_ * bad pun intended. I've been waiting to place it for a while now