Roberto 1245 - Dusk of the Flame

Ok, it's been 2 weeks, so I will assume you read this and have nothing to add., which makes sense.

A few moments after Roberto emerges from the waters, his presence is detected by waiting children, who rush towards the village.

After a little while, roberto is met by a small procession.
It is a stark contract from the last time he was here. The villagers look tired and frightened. Roberto also notices Riad's absence

Great Mage, welcome! Your presence is a blessing for our island. Are you here to defeat the devil besieging us?

Yeah, this comes a little out of the blue for Roberto.

OCC: I thought you were setting the scene. That is an issue with PbP.
OCCL Please refresh my memory? Has Roberto been here before? I remember the name Riad, so I presume Roberto recognizes his face and remembers better than I do. It is his life, I am just a fabulist :slight_smile:

Roberto smiles and greets the children, gatherin then in his presence. He has a "feel like Jesus" moment (but not in a sacraligeous way).

And though it comes out of the blue, he is not surprised.
A devil beseiges you? Point me to it. I will take care of matters, fear not.


Back in the old days of The Visitor.
There's a island near Herakleion, on which live human fisherfolk, friends of heraklion who sometimes mesh with them. When Attumah took control of Herakleion, they where contacted, and asked to go in search of Roberto.
Riad was a young man who, along with others from his village, went in search for the mighty wizard that could defeat dread Attumah. It happened of screen but was, basically, a lvl 5 NPC questing for the lvl 15 wizard.

Thank you, we knew we could count of you. The merfolk said someone would be coming, but we had no idea it would be you! We were so frightened after its defeat of riad! But we know we can count on you. Praised be Allah! Come to the village. It said it would come again once we were ready

Amidst howling winds, The fisherfolk escort roberto to a small place.
The elders where waiting there, sitting on a bench. They rise to greet roberto, and the eldest, a hunched, wizened man, says

We had no idea our friend would send you, oh, mighty wizard. Thank you for coming to our help.
There, Devil! The champion from Herakleion has come! Show yourself and state your claim again!
, does he says to the sky

He barely has the time to finish his sentence. Out of the clouds, thunder cracks, and lightning strikes the ground before the assembly.
When the light fades, roberto can see, surrounded by some whirling dust, a black woman draped in brown robes, her white hair crackling with electrivity. She looks at roberto with acrimony

So, you're the ambassador? You took your sweet time. Now, tell these people to vacate my island

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Roberto does not flinch nor so much raises an eyebrow, Perhaps a slight grin at most. A silent thought projected though. (Cidito, I need you on stand by. Don't know if I am facing a genie or a sorceress. I'm sure I'm be fine, but if I do need help, it will be at a moments notice.)

Roberto pauses a moment silently as he smiles and presents open palms in a gesture of peace.

I am hear to listen to your grievances, and I want to understand you. We can work out what I am able to do for you. Your first request, I don't know. I mean, how do you expect me to do that?
Why don't we take a step back and introduce ourselves. I am Roberto Rodruigez Oestrides, Hermetic Magus of House Flambeau.

While Roberto pauses, he gets cidito's reply
Can't a cat just enjoy his life? Nope, you always need to come and heroically save the day. Sigh... Okay, I get it, duty calls. I'm ready for you pal.

The woman's eyes narrow, before lightening with energy.
She raises her arms, and electricity crackles around her, while swirling winds pick up the dust.
Frightened, the villagers cower, while Roberto stands strong, safe behind his Parma Magica.
I am the lone wind. I am the death of oases. I am dust, parching winds, fierce lightning. I am the desert storm!
She lowers her arms, and everything calms down
But you may call me kasirga.


Kasirga :slight_smile:
Pleasure to meet you.
That is an interesting name. What does it mean?
My name, I don't know what it means. Rodriguez means "son of Roderic". I guess that the name of my father's father's father or something. Oestridez comes from my mother's family. Cultural tradition, we keep the names of both our parents.
I am originally from Castile. Where are you from?

( :rofl: )

Roberto's banter stop the woman dead in her tracks.
She looks at him, a somewhat puzzled expression on her face.

My name? It means who I am, and I told you that, already, Roberto Rodruigez Oestrides.
Castille... I remember this place. Although it is quite far, I've visited it once or twice. I enjoyed the trip, but then, I always do.
But me? I come from the red at the heart of the desert. And I come to claim what's mine by right.

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Red at the heart of the heart of the desert? Amazing! I have never heard of this place. It must be very far away. Why did you leave? What brings you here?
I myself, I left home because it was shattered by war. Long have I wandered seeking adventure. And found it I have may times again! But I have reached a point in my life where I need to grow up. Does that make sense?
I like talking to you Kasirga. I find it easy to open up to you and be your friend. I hope you feel the same about me.
Tell me about this right you have come to claim. What sort of rights? Are they acquired or inherited? What does this right entail? In what way are your rights being infringed?
Now keep in mind, I am not here to enforce your rights. That is beyond my authority. But i do want to listen to your grievances and find a way to make you feel whole. At the same time, we have these people here that have always been here as far as I know. At the very least they have been here generations, and they know no other home. Thus they have a natural right to dwell here peacefully, just as you do.
In what way does their existence infringe upon you? Would it not be more to your benefit if you could find a way to cooperate and coexist?
What is it that I can do to help you?

Kasirga looks at roberto with rising trepidation.

She rises a few feet into the air, while, all around you, the storm increases
Why am I here? I told you twice already. Are you a fool, or are you trying to insult me? I was promised a diplomat, someone who would talk on behalf of the sea.
Yet you here are, wasting my time.

I have been patient and merciful. I could have razed this island, and it would have been my right. I am beginning to think it was a mistake

She inhales, breathes, and comes back to the ground.
I will do one last effort, and then, I am done.
So listen to me carefully, Roberto Rodruigez Oestrides.

Some time ago, King Triton asked for my help against would-be invaders. In return for it, I was promised this island, to make it part of my dominion.
But here I am, visiting my domains and I find it crawling with life.

I am willing to believe that these people were tricked. I am willing to let them live, despite this being my place. But this belongs to the desert, now, they have to leave. Or it will be war between me and the sea, and a broken compact is a potent weapon to wield

Roberto switches from soft and gentle, and puts on his strong dominant voice. Perhaps raising his volume and timber just a but.
You have lots of destructive power. So do I. But I don't think either of us came here for a pissing contest.
If it is a fight you want, I am ready for it. But I don't want that and you don't want that.
All you have done is complain "mine-mine-mine". I came here in good faith to negotiate with you, and you have yet to tell me what it is you expect me to do for you or what you want these people to do.
Do you want rent money? How much?
Do you want them to go somewhere? Where to? How do you expect them to get there?
If you want to talk like adults, I am here to listen. If you want to act like a spoiled child, then we are done.

Kasirga lets out a frustrated cry
You accuse me of acting like a child, where you have been wasting my time with useless banter?

I don't understand. You were supposed to speak for the sea, but you seem utterly oblivious to... everything!

She looks around, perplexed, then at Roberto
Is this some kind of joke? Are you supposed to be an insult to me?
A slight pause Is this a trap?

She concentrates a little, eyes coming out and then into focus
Doesn't look like it.
Facing Roberto again: Look, you said you came here in good faith. Okay. Let's start from scratch. What were you told? What is your mandate here?

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I was told that there is a case and I shall be asked to judge upon it, and that whatever my decision, Herakelion will abide with it.
So, you think I am a diplomat, but I am not. These people think me a champion sent to defeat you. That is also not what I was told to do.
I am your judge.
I am hear to listen to you plead your case. As I understand the word Judge, I am to be fair and impartial.
And this is just a prelininary hearing! Not a negotiation. After I hear what you have to say, I will speak with the people here and listen to their side of the story.
Then I will make my decision. Herekleion will abide by it.
And so shall YOU.
Are we clear?
So, maybe you might want to start over and address me with the dignity and respect that is befitting an officer of the Court of Queen Soteria.

(this is what Roberto is basing his presumptions upon)

Judge me? Ah ah ah ah ah. This is priceless. Or madness, I can't tell.

You clearly are misinformed. I am not a subject to the sea. I am... How would you say it? A foreign kingdom, and the sea in indebted to me. Not the reverse.
The sea may abide by your ruling, but I don't have to. Don't presume otherwise, or there will be consequences.

Now, something is fishy* here. You lack crucial information, and believe in falsehoods. It seems like I am being manipulated into war, and I won't be anyone's tool.
So, for the sake of peace, I will repeat myself one. last. time.
And then, we will either discuss, or I will abort my attempts at a peaceful resolution.

So, here's what I can tell.

Some time ago, King Triton asked for my help against would-be invaders. In return for it, I was promised this island, to make it part of my dominion. Is that clear to you? okay.
While visiting my domains, I came here. Let me be clear: I have not given these people permission to live here. I do not want them here. But I am not a cruel goddess. I asked them to leave. They don't want to, claiming that this island was given to them by Triton, and has been theirs for ages. Nonetheless, they asked the sea for help, and the sea told me to expect a diplomat, that would speak on its behalf and negotiate with me.
Are we on the same page now? Good

Now that I saw it, some things are clear.
First, King Triton tried to con someone, either me, or these people. Second, whether accomplices or unwilling puppets, they tell an obvious lie, since, the last time I was here, I left this island nicely barren.

Now, what can you tell me, from your side?

(Yup. I don't know it Roberto is smart enough to recognize this or not, but he was kinda set upon, in that he was supposed to be given full information before going in. It may be to set him up for failure, or as an additional test of "here's the kind of unexpected shit you may have to deal with. Of course, he also clearly misunderstood things, which is fun :slight_smile: )

_ * bad pun intended. I've been waiting to place it for a while now

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(oh, I as a player am handling things like a hostage negotiation :slight_smile: )

I do not have a side. A judge is to be fair and impartial. I am not trying to demean you nor demand of you. But my job is to listen, not to take a side.
You have plead your case and stated a cause to be redressed. Now I would ask you for evidence. Do you have a signed treaty or bill of sale? Some sort of documentation? Do you have any proof of your claims or that anyone is lying?
And as an aside, why do they have to leave? Where would they go?

Kasirga looks at Roberto, dumbfounded, fists clenched.

Have you listened to a single word I said? Clearly, not, even as I took upon me and reached out to you.

And now, you, an officer of the sea, would cast my word into question. My word!!

Tell this to the sea: I expected some treachery. But not such an insult.

My time with you is done.

She raises her arms, and the winds around her pick up, even as her form begins to crumble into sand.

(Yes, this is going badly)

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It is a pity you feel that way. I was prepared to offer you a generous settlement. An uninhabited magical island rich with vis.
I have made no decisions or judgments. If you with to declare war without cause, I am compelled to bring you to justice.

I know! I feel bad for her because she is doing so poorly. I don't want to drop the hammer on her, but I fear my hesitation may endanger me. But if she is going to "walk out of court" like this, that demonstrates (to his mind which is based on my mind) an utter contempt for civil authority. Considering her demonstrated level of power, this represents a clear and present threat to life and law.

Therefore, if Roberto's words do not give her pause, if she runs off anyway, he is going to have to prepare for war.

Kasirga lowers her arms, and the degradation ceases.
She stands before you, not unlike those partially-devoured zombies, save that you replace the devoured bits with dust. Hey, kinda like in Endgame, it the dusting was halted near the beginning!

She looks at Roberto with incomprehension.
What is wrong with you? You ignore me, you insult me, and then, you try to bribe me?
Once, maybe, this could have been a settlement.
But for this, you'd have needed to get your facts sorted first and treat me fairly.
Not only am I the wronged party here, but I am a queen in my own right. Yet, you showed only contempt for either. And when, thinking you a victim of the sea's malice, I reached out to you, you only ignored by attempt.

No more.
I do not know which game you play, but I am done. I do not wish to waste further time with you.
Maybe, when next we meet, you will have gained some wisdom

(This is funny, because she'd say Roberto is doing poorly. I can't wait to explain what's been really going on to you)

Look, I told you the plain facts of the matter. I was told specifically "There's a case, and (I will) be asked to judge upon it." That's all the information I have. I don't know who you are. I wasn't told to negotiate. What do you expect? You could help. You could calmly explain things to me.
But it seems that all you want is a fight. So be it. Is this to be a duel or a war?

Roberto mentally contacts Cidito
(Hey old chum. Do me a favor. Swing by the covenant and gram me a few Rooks of Vis. Perdo and Vim. I might have to spontaneously cast some sort of spirit bomb. Let the other magi know I have a major situation here and that I will need back up.)