Roberto 1245 - Dusk of the Flame

Ok. Keeping the ball rolling, or at least trying to.

Nothing has really changed. The storm keeps going, kept at bay by the aegis.

In the clear light of day, 2 things are apparent to Roberto:
-> He can keep the village safe from Kasirga's servants
-> This is a siege situation, meaning food will soon become critical. This is even more so as the villagers were not ready for this

This means that Kasirga currently has the upper hand. She can afford to wait, whereas Roberto can't.

Also, Arachné promised Roberto she would check on his today.

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Do any of them show themselves? I want to make one last attempt at negotiating a peace before I have to take drastic action.

For now, the storm rages on.

How long does Roberto wait?

By analyzing. Do these creatures ever reappear? Can Roberto tell what they are composed of? What sort of weaponry do these people have on hand? Eventually, Roberto intends to explore past the Aegis boundary and see what happens. If a fight is the only way to resolve this, so be it. He has killed before and he will kill again. But not until every option he can think of has been first tried.


Roberto stays a couple of hours watching the storm. None of the being reappear.
When they did, they seemed to be created out of sand. It was impossible to say if, for exemple, they were material beings who changed into sand, or spirits who materialised. Not that this makes any difference: Roberto can attack their physical bodies all the same if need be.

About weapons and people:
If you're speaking about the villagers, they're fisherfolks, so so real weapon per se: Knives, clubs, nets. The real problem will be lack of skill.
If you're speaking about Kasirga's servants, they all had either falchions of spears.

Once Roberto has had enough, he steps out of the aegis. Immediately, he feels the winds, sandy as they are, thump against his parma. His magical resistance holds, luckily.

This only seems to agitate the winds, which increase in pace until a small sands tornado engulfs Roberto, blocking his vision. This only lasts for a few moments, though, and, suddenly, the tornado is swept away, the winds returning to their previous stride.

You speaking about combat makes me think about something I tried with Arthur, and which, IMO, worked fine.
Could you roll, say, 20 dices, and post the results here? Add one dice for any 0. Thanks!

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_: 1D10 = [8] = 8
1D10 = [10] = 10
1D10 = [1] = 1
1D10 = [6] = 6
1D10 = [4] = 4
1D10 = [8] = 8
1D10 = [10] = 10
1D10 = [5] = 5
1D10 = [5] = 5
1D10 = [8] = 8
1D10 = [6] = 6
1D10 = [4] = 4
1D10 = [9] = 9
1D10 = [5] = 5
1D10 = [3] = 3
1D10 = [2] = 2
1D10 = [6] = 6
1D10 = [5] = 5
1D10 = [3] = 3
1D10 = [10] = 10

I got three 0s, so three more rolls...
_: 1D10 = [9] = 9
1D10 = [5] = 5
1D10 = [5] = 5


You take a walk, protected by your parma.
It occurs to you, though, that if the winds were smarter, or luckier, they'd toss things at you. Even simple sand would be a nuisance. But they don't seem to be either, and, aside their previous assault, they just leave you alone.

How long do you stay out?
Do you do anything special before going back to the village (or wherever)?

Let me contemplate...

I leave some wine by the sea and return back to get some sleep.


Roberto is a teenager again, but things are different, this time. He is lost in battle, trying to reach his company without knowing if they are still alive, all the while enemies strike and stab at him, pushing his skills to the limit. And his reflexes reach their end when he feels a sharp pain on the side. His hand comes back covered in blood, and he falls to the ground, the pain flaring again, and again, until he wakes up, still feeling the stabbing? What the?

A staff, poking at his ribs.
Ah, you're finally awake. I guess you had a rough night, but you're still alive, the village still standing. So, at worst, a draw. So, here I am, as promised. Do you still require my assistance or advice?

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Wha...? What just happened?

Wakefullness catches up with roberto. The time, the place... No longer a young man, he wields a power unimaginable to his younger self, and yet, things aren't easier.
It is the day thereafter, and arachne pokes his ribs with her staff.

Well, I just woke you up, is that the question.

A step back, she then sits, cautiously, on a crude stool.
Tell you what, getting old sucks.

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Strong bronze cord and obsessive sanitation in the lab. Keeps me young and fit so far. I may be getting grey, but I ain't gotten soft.

By "obsessive sanitation", I guess you mean burning everything to a crisp? I guess it is efficient ^^

But back on track.
Any new development I should be informed of?
As much as I love chatting with you, I have enchantments to weave, so I won't postpone them unless you need my help.

Que te pasa? I burn my rubbish outside just like everyone else. No, I mean sweeping, washing, and being tidy.

One thing perhaps. Come with me out to the shore. I was wandering outside the Aegis trying to provoke a reaction, and nothing happened, so I left a gift of some wine. I want to go check to see if these beings have accepted my gift. I think the solution to this is to create a new ritual custom amongst the people here.

(As I was saying to arthur: Had to deal with covid case + theft at work. Went to visit friends. Came back to deal with covid and new theft. Thus me dropping out unexpectedly. Heading into end of year territory, so this will probably happen again)

Hum... I am not sure these beings are comparable to your basic friendly leprechaun neighbour, and I know of no magical being that would be interested in such an offer. That's what I've had Eva study for, but she's not there yet.

But this is an attempt at diplomacy, which is probably your best way out of this mess.
And at worst, it will make for a nice walk, and some of that fresh air that's kept you so young. Can't be bad for my health, I guess.

Not a smile, but there's a joke in her eyes. Roberto gets the distinct impression that she's enjoying his company and their back and forth.

You take a stroll outside. It is still early enough that the temperature is kinda low. The storm is still raging, but this time, when you step out of the aegis, the winds leave you alone.
The Spider stops to takes a deep breath, clearly enjoying the fresh, marine air, before following roberto again.

You have some trouble finding the place again, for a simple reason, which you realize after some time: The bottle is gone.

Well, would you know. Either this worked, or there's some drunkard out there. Well done, master Roberto.

(OOC: She only has 2 in Magic lore, and failed her roll. She has no score in Faerie lore. As far as she can tell, and she's pretty sure about it, these are not demons.)

(OOC: Roberto has Faerie Lore 1 (the sea) and Magic Lore 1 (mythic beasts). Not a lot, but it is a start. May I make a roll?

Yes, silly me. Obviously.

Roberto realizes one thing. Weirdly enough given the context, the spider is too focused on the magical side of things.

There are strong winds circling the beach, enough to pick up any rubble in a matter of seconds and send it flying. But, right next where he left the bottle, there is a dessicated, almost calcified, piece of wood, about an arm's length, unmoved by the winds. It shouldn't be here, but there it is, and Roberto recognises it for what it is: A token.

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Roberto would like to cast Detect Magic.
I have been playing an obsessive amount of OSR D&D lately.
Intellego Vim Spontaneous spell with Fatigue...
Stamina +1, Intellego 5, Vim 5, InVi Spont: 1D10 = [9] = 9
, divided by two = 10


Roberto casts his spell, trying to discern traces of Magical residue.

With this magnitude, assuming optimisation, let's say touch, momentary, he should be able to detect any active magic on the wand.
But his casting reveals nothing.

What's with this stick? Anything interesting that I missed?

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