Roberto 1245 - Dusk of the Flame

I think it is a token of an offer accepted :slight_smile:

She raises an eyebrow

Is that so? Good news, then. I wouldn't have dared to be that optimistic, but then, I am far from an expert in these matters.

So, let me think. This is probably something good. Unless, that is, it is a trap of some sorts.
Assuming it is, indeed, a token, next step would be proceeding with the negotiations. Can you contact that thing? If this is a token, what good is it for?

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I have a clever plan. I will get back to you after I think of how to put it in words.

A smirk
Always the wily one, I see. I will leave you for now, then. I am quite buzy with hermetic designs at the moment.
She incants while gesturing, weaving ethereal threads around her form. In an instant, she appears encased in them, and then, they disappear, leaving Roberto alone with the raging winds.

Roberto projects his thoughts to Cidito.
Old chum, I am going to need your assistance. Come over by me and keep ypur eyes and ears open. Be ready to pounce. I am going to try something foolish and risky.
While he waits for his cat, Roberto goes and grabs another bottle of wine and heads down to the edge of the Aegis.
Time for a parley.

The orange tomcat's thoughts echoe throughout Roberto's head
Roberto, old pal! I was wondering how you could get by for so long without me. I was kinda worried, actually, but I also had to take care of the kitties and stuff. Just wait a moment..

Roberto is at the edge of the aegis. The contrast being the inside, sparred as it is, and the raging storm outside, is quite striking. In all his years as a magi, he has seldom had occasions to actually see an Aegis withstand a assault, much less such a blatant one.
Suddenly, he feels, more than hears, a familiar purring against his leg.

Urrrr... This is nice. So, tell me, what's the deal? If you've asked for my help instead of just my advice, things must be pretty serious. I suppose it has something to do with all these winds?

Just as he sends these words, the winds outside kind of calm down and recede. Difficult to say if this means an end, a pause, or just the calm before a bigger storm

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I have decided it is time to be bold and take action to bring this all to a resolution. I am going to force a parley, and if needed I am ready to fight the final battle. Be ready to back me up, and if I fall flee at once and find Wirth and beseech him to avenge me.
Nothing left to do but to do it

First, Roberto casts a Ceremonial Spontaneous spell, ReAu20 Ward against Storms (base 4, +2 for up to +15 Damage, +1 Diameter).
Stamina +2, Rego 10, Auram 5, Artes Liberales 1, Philosophiae 1 (Ceremonial Casting), Aura ? equals 20+?
Stress Die Ward against Storms: 1D10 = [1] = 1 !
exploder: 1D10 = [1] = 1
second exploder: 1D10 = [2] = 2

Then +3 for a point of Confidence for 20+? + 8 + 3, equals 31+?, divided in half equals 15+?
Roberto marches to the edge, bottle of fine wine in one hand and his shield on the other arm, sword sheathed by his side but loose for a quick draw if needed.
And something in his pouch :wink:.
Parley! I bring a gift of good will and a demand that you cease thy storms! I am prepared to meet with you face to face and invite you into my domain as my guest.
Roberto sets the wine down about three paces from the border. Then he draws from his pouch an Aegis token, and steps out of the Aegis and into the storm. He counts to ninety, waiting for response, and if there is none he will cross back into the Aegis before his Ward expires.

(If you read the original post, I edited it very slightly because I did a stupid mistake)

Err.. I know you're getting old and forgetting all kind of stuff, but there may be a problem with that. We tried that once already, and Wirth was nowhere to be found, remember? Don't you have other allies to call upon? (1)

Roberto sets up an impromptu ceremonial space, as much as he can anyway, using whatever materials he can find, drawing symbols in the sand, that sort of thing.
For a brief moment, it feels as though he might succeed beyond expectations, but, sadly, his material isn't up to the task of managing that much raw magic. Twigs break, sand gets swept up, and, although he still casts his spell flawlessly, most of his gathered energy ends up wasted needlessly.

The moment Roberto steps out of the aegis, the winds cease entirely at once.
A voice echoes around him at first, its point of origin then slowly shifting to a silhouette that coalesces from the sand before him.
Clad in gold and black, Kasirga smiles at Roberto
Well, mortal, I can't say that this isn't a proper and formal welcome. I am quite pleased to see you've learned how to talk properly to a queen, and it would be most ungraceful of my part not to respond in kind.
I accept your parley, and your invitation. My servants and I will cease all hostilities against both this island and your underwater realm for its duration.

Unless Roberto forwards it in some way, she ignores the token. Roberto can't tell if she doesn't recognizes its importance, or is preparing to go for an "I can cross your aegis any time" show of strength.

(1) So if you want arachné, she can be here, siting in the background, leaning on her staff.

To be clear: Check Ars p126 for reference.
Since you're using base 4, I suppose you're trying to ward against gale force winds, which you have, a "normal weather phenomenon"? If so, you manage just fine :slight_smile:
If you were trying against lightning, of which there is none, or hurricane winds (not there yet) that's a "very severe weather phenomenon", rating base 10, so your spell only lasts a moment.

[quote="The_Fixer, post:170, topic:11944"]
Err.. I know you're getting old and forgetting all kind of stuff, but there may be a problem with that. We tried that once already, and Wirth was nowhere to be found, remember? Don't you have other allies to call upon?[/quote]
You misunderstand me. I have my allies here already. You and Arachne over there leaning on her staff. I mean if I get myself killed doing this. If I fall in battle, even if you escape you will pass shortly thereafter. Use that remaining time to find someone to avenge us.
And you misunderstand my Ward. I was using our standard Personal Ward HR, patterned after Ward against Heat & Flames; base 4 to control (stop it from air from hurting me), +2 for up to 15 damage). Or if you prefer RAW, Base 10 to control a very severe weather phenomenon and the storms simply cannot affect me at all. Works out to the same final level.

All the better. :smiling_imp:
Roberto puts it back in his pocket and walks over to Arachne with Kasirga (if she is able).
I suppose introductions are in order. Kasirga, this is Arachne, my consul and amica. Arachne, this is Kasirga. I am not worthy to be her herald so I will step aside as she explains her title and lineage.

Naaaah, don't talk like that, man. You and me, we're a team, we're fighters, we're scrappers. And if we find something too strong, we're smart enough to back down, lick our wounds, and live to fight another day. I trust you.

(I hate you on this one :sweat_smile:)
Arachne stands up, with some difficulty. Obviously, this doesn't fool Roberto, who knows the "old woman" schtick to be an act. She may look and feel old, but the crone is in way better shape than anyone could suspect (1)

Kasirga raises an appreciative brow to roberto, before turning towards Arachne
Please, take care. While it is nice to know that the diplomat is wise enough to surround himself with advisors, I am aware of mortal's frailty.
As for me, I could tell you all about my domains and might, but we have more pressing matters to attend. Just know that I am the parching wind, queen to a thousand duststorms. I am the dessicated husk in the desert, the searing gale that tears away flesh. And I have come to claim what's mine by right.

Arachne bows down.
My lady. It is an honor to meet you.
Roberto here told me at lengths about your power and your majesty.
Know that I am not worried.
I have known him for years, and, despite his sometimes brash demeanour, he is a fair and just man, my better in many regards. I trust him to find an acceptable outcome.

Once again, Kasirga looks at roberto, and enquiring look upon her face.
Yes, I think I may be seeing glimpses of what you're saying. He sure learned a lot since our first meeting. Now, honoured host, if you may proceed, we shall follow you, and discuss this matter of ours.

That being done, Kasirga follows you into the aegis, crossing its threshold without any apparent trouble (2). As far as Roberto can tell, she is alone in that.
He knows the witch to have Second Sight, though, so maybe she thought to check? Well, no such luck, it seems. Her eyes flare red when she does that, and that's not the case at the moment.

(1) Out of the blue, I rolled for Kasirga. A 10. And she's not a great judge of human behaviour :smiley:
(2) That's a thing I just noticed. It would maybe the cooler if the aegis wasn't so cut and dried, like, it a sufficiently powerful and determined creature could, with time, manage to cross it. Kinda the point of the black tree in durenmar

Roberto pours two glasses of wine and lets her choose one.
Roberto sips and waits for Kasirga to tase hers before asking...
Well what do you think? They make a wonderful dry red wine on this island, Are you able to detect it?
I do apologize for earlier, for I did not know you are pressed for time. Certainly whatever dilemma is stressing you out must be formidable indeed! I thought it was only we who are mortal felt the pains and pressures of time. My deepest sympathies. Time is running out for me as well, for now I am a man of more than half a century and all I have are great stories.

Kasirga seizes the glass, and doesn't as much sip the wine as absorb it.
A puzzled look
Wine is water, and I dry water. Is that what you mean?

She listens to roberto
Apologies accepted. A queen must know when to be relentless in her pursuits, and when to accept honest mistakes. Doing otherwise just leaves you with no friends or counsellors, only useless cronies.

She looks at arachné, who sits on the side, quietly studying the desert being
Seeing that you have the wisdom to do just that speaks in your favor, I must say. I suppose this is why the Sea chose you as its representative.
Now, about our current problem, I don't delay on these, nor do I relent. I made a deal with the sea, I honoured it, and I take to reap my reward as soon as I could, if not as soon as I wished.

If I may? There's something I don't quite get. How long ago was that deal you speak of made?

Knowing I had to see my domains first, that was just before the war of the flowering spring.

Wine is not just water, it is alcohol. The "dry" refers to the fact that the alcohol content is such that it counters the hydration.
Now, what is the "war of the flowering spring"? How long ago was that? And why are you in such a hurry? By the length of your lifespand I would imagine you would not measure time the way we mortals do.
Are you perhaps in some sort of danger? Is there any assistance I can offer you?

As his questions pile on, Roberto suddenly realizes it: despite her appearance, despite her efforts not to show it, Kasirga is markedly non-human in the way she thinks, and are quite confusing to her. Knowing this may be an advantage to him, if he can find how to use it.

She looks at roberto, visibly surprised (actually confused)
You don't know of the War of the Flowering Springs? Surely, you must be from some faraway land. To keep things short, a cohort of minor oases lords found a way to keep in touch and coordinate despite the distance between them. They used this to launch a series of attacks against my dominion, each time cowardly fleeing battle.
Here, Roberto notices that she avoids the question of time, or maybe doesn't clearly notices it.
I'll admit, I am in a hurry. I was promised a lush island to devour. Such is my right and my purpose.
If the Sea didn't want it to be mine, it shouldn't have promised it to me. I held my part of the bargain, mortal. I fought for the Sea, despite us being enemies. Why would I leave my reward to its grasp?
I hunger, mortal, and my hunger is not to be denied. The Sea sent you as an ambassador, and you yourself admitted the extend of your powers on its behalf. If it wants to change the deal, I am willing to accommodate, but it'd better be for a better reward