I had to go all the way back to 3rd edition to find Mythic italy. I knew it was defined and the book, with some changes to the mechanics, can be adapted to our edition. I learned a lot and then did some more research on Fredrick II and Sylvester III I knew that anything involving Rome was going to be high on Politics and short on Magic, and the position of my made up covenant, on a rocky island in the Adriatic Sea surronded by brutal rocks and currents impossible to get to unless you know the way seems good. Particularly with the prison island close enough for the Mages to keep an eye on.
So my premise is that hundreds of years ago, but combining God, the Hermetic Mages, Folkwitches, and rune Wizards, they succeed in imprisoning an aspect of Yog-sothoth in the prison which layers Divine and infernal Regio on the island. There is a magic aura of 5 for the covenant except for the chapel for the Order of Carolingian's who is a made up group of demon hunters associated with the church.
In the interim, the Hermetic Order and the Church set about eliminating Folkwitches, and Rune Wizards and the covenant;s standing decreased. Now the Quaesitoris and the corrupted Inquisition are circling, the pope is thinking that there is not enough oversight, and too make matters work the ArcMagi Orziro is now paranoid insane thinking there is a demonic threat everywhere to the point that he not bathing regularly for fear of being attacked without his defenses coming across as totally bonkers. Meanwhile, the Carolingians, with their ongoing talk of how the demons will rise to devour the world and that they cannot be stopped by divine prayer alone is angering the curropted church and papcy. Fewer and Fewer men are joining them.
In Britain, one of the last covens of Folkwitches was slaughtered by the cult Naythuz (made up) who are trying to revive Yog-sothoth. The remaining folkwitch has fled and is at the covenant but the strong divine magic from the chapel hinders her. Up in the North, Rune Wizards are being hunted by the Hermatic Magi for this magic and are withdrawing, the gods of the vikings are restricting the birth rate of those Rune wizards that have the gift for Runes. The men have fled further north to the cold tundra, and even fewer Valkyrie gifts have been born (Long complicated story on those two just know they are connected)
The order wishes to stop sending The Covenant of the Seas raw vis needed for their wards, the church wants to stop sending money to cover the cost of living, the winter castle is falling into ruins and only two members remain.
here is the premise, signs have been seen and the Venetorres are seeing a rise in demonic activity including demons that are associated with Yog-Sothoth and have made a plea to the Roman Tribunal to send fresh mages to the covenant to deal with the rising threat. so my players are coming to a crumbling castle, populated by a paranoid schizophrenic old man, a feeble and demented old woman both mages are slipping into twilight. The extensive library is being looted by Oraziro to "protect the books." these are the most important books about the lore of Yog-sothoth. the church is infected by Peris a demon prince in league with Yog and corrupting the church and the Hermetic mages in Italy at the same time. And the players must navigate not only reclaiming their covenant from the elements, but ensure the wards in the prison are in check and that they need to protect Folkwitches and Rune Wizards in preparation for an apocalyptic battle.
Wow that is a lot. What do you all think?
Personally I wouldn't use the Roman Tribunal book for anything. It is full of massive factual historical errors, including describing Sicily (the primary region of the Kingdom of Sicily, with three major port cities, arguably more depending on your definition of major) as a baren rock ruled by rampaging werewolves.
plus it was heavily influenced by the whole intersection with the world of darkness and you couldn't walk down a street without running into a demon or internalist, including most of the church.
Okay, i can see that definetly, chuckles, I know about the world of darkness aspect that Tremere were vampires, and a perponderance of demon influence, but it also fits into my dark campaign. I have ordered some books on 13th century italy to help with the details and about Venice. I am using Cthulhu mythos which is very very dark and anything to do with Rome is going to be heavy on politics. I would love to see an updated version of Rome, but until someone writes it it probably won't happen. Thinking that I might need to write it
There's a "pay what you want" Ars book about Venice on Drivethru and itch. io.
do you have a link? i am interested in venice
DriveThruRPG or Mythic Venice by Timothy Ferguson
Please note those are affiliate links. Also, if you do pay anything for it, I'll benefit because I'm the author.
(I have bought it)
It is amazing, I am looking forward to using it in my current campaign.
i paid 5 for mine it looks good. my game was purposely set in a rome tribunal because of all the politics of italy at that time