The grog looks a bit confused for a moment as he works to puzzle out Ronan's accent. But then he manages well enough and nods. "Beggin' yer pardon, sir," he replies. "The masters and the mistresses speak Latin, But us normal folk don't." He brushes his hands off on his tunic and points off in one direction. "Master Gavin's cottage is over yonder. Let me take you there." He nods his head to Ronan in a cursory boaw and then leads the man, and his four wives, down a path to one of the many cottages that sprinkle the settlement. Ronan can see that this one had a beautiful garden in the rear, though it's only just coming into bloom in the early spring weather.
The grog brings the entourage to the front door and knocks. A short time later a youngish blonde man answers the door. "Hello Hamish," he says upon opening the door. "What can I -- oh, you've brought company."
"Beggin' yer pardon, Cory, but this is Master Ronan come to see Master Gavin." It seems that by speaking Latin, Ronan has immediately been promoted to 'master.'
"Good day to you, Master Ronan," Cory replies in accented Latin. "Please come in. You'll have to forgive me for not inviting you upstairs, but I need permission before I allow you into Master Gavin's sanctum." He ushers the five newcomers into the entry hall and waves Hamish off to go back to his duties. The hall is a small room with two inside doors, a staircase, and a bench. It's crowded with six people in it, but that can't be helped.
"I won't be but a moment," Cory adds. "Master Gavin is just in the lab." He passes through one of the doors into what looks like an antechamber. A few moments later he returns with a dark-haired man in his mid-thirties, clean-shaven and wearing clothes you might find on a well-to-do scholar or a prosperous merchant.
"Hello," the dark-haired man says, also in Latin. "My name is Gavin. You must be Ronan. I've been expecting you." He offers the alchemist his hand. "And this must be your family. A pleasure." He gives the ladies a shallow bow. "Please, come upstairs for some tea. Unless you'd rather settle in first. I've had one of the empty cottages cleared out for you to stay in. It's only a short walk from here."
And when I say 'tea' I mean an herbal tisane.