Hi there,
Our beta storyguide is running a "mini-series" story set in the Levant, and has tasked me to create a magus with the Gentle Gift and Favors to French Magi. The SG needs me to be the communicator of the group. That's all I have to go on, so I've been thinking about what I'd like to play. I'm considering the following, and would love to add a bit more flavor to round him out. I haven't locked into a sense of what makes him tick personality-wise.
I should preface this by saying that I know next to nothing about the Levant tribunal, Levantine politics, or the Christian Kingdoms in the Levant.
I"m considering a "horse-whisperer"-type character. Very early in life his abilities with animals were recognized, and he ended up working peripherally with the crusade / Christian Kingdom supply trains. The horses and hounds thrived under his touch, despite the brutal conditions of desert warfare. The boy was not only good with animals, but good with figures as well, and he quickly became integral to a local lord's military and commercial success. Due to his gentle gift, his supernatural abilities were recognized late. A local Tremere with ties to the Lord took him under his wing, and he eventually left the service of the Lord. In exchange, the covenant that my magus joined began raising and supplying the lord with powerful and healthy horses as a source of income.
Now, 10 years out of gauntlet, the Magus travels the lands, hunting down rumors of supernatural animals that he can befriend and/or study. He may have a magical animal companion, or perhaps is a skinchanger. He serves as a scout for his House. He is well-traveled and is comfortable amidst different cultures. The Entrancement virtue might fit, the way a snake or wolf can stare so intently (or perhaps Piercing Gaze, but Entrancement sounds like more fun.)
So... I see what he does, but I'm not sure who he is. What's his weakness? I can't find the hook to his personality / humanity. "Overconfident" could work.
I'm also slightly concerned that I'm trying to jam the horse-whisperer archetype into the "communicator" need of the saga. Guys that are really good with animals tend to hang out with their animals instead of other humans. I'm less concerned about this though, since, having written the above, it feels like it holds together.
Anywhoo, I invite your thoughts.