With my gaming group we occasionally run a shortish saga (a dozen sessions maybe) to explore some interesting "extreme" twist to the game. Right now I am toying with the following concept, about which I'd like some feedback:
The PC covenant has a closely kept secret: each of its "magi" is unGifted (in fact, completely lacking any inherent supernatural power) for a different reason.
Obviously, one might be a Redcap.
Another might be a "Larta style" cheater (possibly the result of some Tytalus meddling "for the lolz").
Yet another might be a magus who had the False Gift, but chose to forsake it (though why does he hide the fact? Perhaps he has a mission that only as a member of the Order he can accomplish).
Another one might have lost it shortly after the Gauntlet in some crazy experiment, Mercere style, and is desperate to get it back.
The jealous twin of a Verditius maga, who could not stand being a simple "forge companion" and murdered her sister in a fit of jealousy.
And of course, there's so much ex-miscellanea riff-raff that it's almost certain a few of those "hedge magicians" lack the Gift. Most would have some supernatural abilities... but perhaps just a natural philospher really versed in Artes Liberales, Philosophiae, and/or Medicine would manage to squeeze through a rigged gauntlet?
I think such a saga would be full of interesting challenges. E.g. certamen ... well the PCs obviously need a champion, or can they find another way to win a duel? Maybe some "accident" befalls the other contestant They have no Aegis. But they could have access to hermetic magic -- e.g. trading vis for magical items. I am looking for interesting aspects, and potential pitfalls of such a saga. I am also looking for rough ideas of potential PCs that might work -- and work together (how did the PCs all get to learn of each other?).