Stealing the Future is a PbP game here on Atlas.
The House Rules thread illustrates the changes I made to summae and tractatus. Here is where I discussed the rationale. I also started a thread called Breaking Summae here in the Ars magica forum. Summae become textbooks and their bonuses for reading are greatly reduced without the aid of a teacher. With the aid of the teacher the summa's full SQ is added to the teachers' source quality.
Hermetic Instruction is a new Arcane Ability that functions as teaching, and with it they can teach more than one student at a time, it replaces teaching in determining the SQ for teaching, but works exactly like it. I divided the day up into 6 periods and runs like a modern school term. Each teacher gernates their Sq and divides by 6 and that's how much they teach in a school year. My goal was to complete a period of apprenticeship in 7 years, too.