Selected Secrets of the Sylph: spells for moderation

Selected Secrets of the Sylph: By Archimaga Phillida of Tytalus

Call down the Storm’s Hammer CrAu 25
Cast during a storm, this spell conjures a lightning bolt which will strike any object or individual within sight range. The bolt will cause +30 damage and those near the target of the spell must make Size stress rolls of 6+ or get knocked off their feet.
Phillida of Tytalus, renown for her subtlety as well as her prowess with Auram, developed this spell to be almost entirely natural in appearance. It can only be cast during a lightning storm, and is only slightly unnatural in that it will strike something other than the tallest object. She remarks that it is a particularly useful spell for administering ‘divine’ justice against individuals who might have ‘angered god’.
[B: 5, R: Sight +3, D: Momentary, T: Individual, +1 slightly unnatural]
(Author’s note: I’ve considered a lightning bolt as an entity with +30 damage, but some storyguides might want to moderate the damage for a spell of this level)

Precognitive Echo of the Storm’s Fury InAu 45
Let’s you know where lightning will strike in the immediate future by a crack of ‘thunder’ that precedes (magically) the lightning itself. You can automatically dodge lightning bolts cast from more than 10 paces away. If a lightning spell is cast within that range, the caster must make a targeting roll to successfully hit you, against which you get a +9 to your defence. The sound of the ‘thunder’ can only be heard by the caster of the spell and cannot be simulated by others.
It is widely known that Phillida won her title of Archimaga by use of this spell, and copies of it are rare and widely prized; particularly by members of House Flambeau.
[B: 4, R: Hearing +3, D: Sun +2, T: Individual, +4 Inherent difficulty]

Rain of Needles MuAu 30
Requisite: Terram
Turns rain into sharp, metal needles which fall from the sky. The needles cause +8 damage every two rounds (they are small, but sharp shards of metal). Those under light cover (e.g. under a tree) still take +0 damage as the needles may still penetrate with some force. Those under a roof take no damage.
Phillida notes with dark humour that she was originally going to call this spell “The Transformation of People into Pin Cushions”.
[B: 10, R: Voice +2, D: Diameter +1, T: Individual, Requisite +1]

Waking Visitation by the Old Hag PeAu 20
Requisite: Corpus
The target of this spell begins to suffocate as air passing their lips is continuously destroyed over the duration of this spell (See section on Deprivation on p180).
The origin of the name for this spell is a mythical Old Hag who is said to steal into a victim’s room while they sleep and draw the breath from them so that they feel they are suffocating. Phillida heard the story while she was travelling in Loch Leglean and was inspired to try to mimic their effects on wakeful victims.
[B: 4, R: Voice +2, D: Concentration +1, T: Individual, Requisite +1]

Ward against the Storm’s Fury ReAu 40
This spell keeps lightning at bay, unable to approach within 1 pace of the caster. This renders the caster immune to lightning damage up to +30 in intensity; she is also immune to the ‘knock-back’ effect associated with lightning strikes.
Phillida notes that some members of House Flambeau have developed lightning magics which can breach even this exceptional ward, so warns against complacency.
[B: 10, R: Personal, D: Sun +2, T: Individual; +4 for up to +30 damage]

Precognitive Echo of the Storm’s Fury InAu 25

Level should be 25 as per the calculations you suggest

Ah yes ... I missed out a ++ to the level (because dodging lightning bolts should be hard!)

edit: have fixed the level. Thanks for pointing that out William :slight_smile:

Call down the Storm’s Hammer CrAu 25
Cast during a storm, this spell conjures a lightning bolt which will strike any object or individual within sight range. The bolt will cause +30 damage and those near the target of the spell must make Size stress rolls of 6+ or get knocked off their feet.
Phillida of Tytalus, renown for her subtlety as well as her prowess with Auram, developed this spell to be almost entirely natural in appearance. It can only be cast during a lightning storm, and is only slightly unnatural in that it will strike something other than the tallest object and can only strike once at the same spot. She remarks that it is a particularly useful spell for administering ‘divine’ justice against individuals who might have ‘angered god’.
[B: 5, R: Sight +3, D: Momentary, T: Individual, +1 slightly unnatural]
(Author’s note: I’ve considered a lightning bolt as an entity with +30 damage, but some storyguides might want to moderate the damage for a spell of this level)

Added the section in bold for flavor :stuck_out_tongue: Love this one.



Love it, nice one William :smiley:

Waking Visitation by the Old Hag PeAu 20
Requisite: Corpus
The target of this spell begins to suffocate as air passing their lips is continuously destroyed over the duration of this spell (See section on Deprivation on p180).
The origin of the name for this spell is a mythical Old Hag who is said to steal into a victim’s room while they sleep and draw the breath from them so that they feel they are suffocating. Phillida heard the story while she was travelling in Loch Leglean and was inspired to try to mimic their effects on wakeful victims.
[B: 4, R: Voice +2, D: Concentration +1, T: Individual, Requisite +1]

I think I would add one magnetude for part since the lips are part of the individual.

I'd need to verify if the requisite is free or not...


That seems fair - it's a fairly dangerous effect, so I'd make them pay for the Part +1 and for the Corpus requisite.

Range hearing?! Shouldn't that be target hearing and range sight?

Ah yes ... not quite, but you are right that I'm wrong. :slight_smile:

Should be R: Personal, T: Hearing +3 (Modelled on InHe Shriek of the Impending Shaft)

Though that should leave the level of the spell the same.


Right, my bad.