The Anno Magica thread had a suggestion that people post summaries of their sessions. So here I am!
The Raspy Raven is an online RPG community, mostly UK based. For the past few months, we've been playing a campaign of Ars Magica. It's a large community and many people are interested in playing, so we've leaned in to the "troupe" style of game, and doing a "West Marches" campaign. Sessions are organised ad-hoc, and anyone can GM a session. People have mage, companion, and grog characters, and can play any of their characters in any session they can make. All PCs are members of the same covenant. Sessions are self-contained, but affect the covenant and setting as a whole.
If anyone here wants to join the game, join the Raspy Raven community and find the Ars Magica section!
Rules-wise, we decided to go with the Ars Magica 5ed core rulebook as they only fixed sourcebook. People can mine the other books in the line for inspiration, but nothing in those books is canon (in our game). In particular, as we're all new to GMing Ars Magica, we're resisting including rules from other books.
The game is based in South-West England, somewhere between Gloucester and the Welsh border. (That's vaguely near the canon location of the Blackthorn covenant, but that's not in the core book so we're ignoring it.) We've shifted the date to be late-1140s-ish, to have the game in the later stages of The Anarchy (an English civil war). We also move the date of the Schism War to later, and asserted that The Anarchy is the mundane face of the Schism War.
We're deliberately leaving many of the details of the setting undefined. Real-world history and geography are there to be mined for inspiration, not slavishly adhered to. The precise date of the saga, the precise location of the covenant, the precise membership of the covenant, all are deliberately unspecified to allow us to tell fun stories.
The backstory to the game is that Llosgi Coed was a Diedne covenent and one of the first to be destroyed in the Schism War. It was in a magical regio and, for many years, no-one could get into it. That's just changed: the rest of the Order of Hermes has just found a way into the regio and has set up the Phoenix covenant on the site. The PCs are new magi, rediscovering the secrets of the old covenant, and establishing themselves in the Order. A couple of the magi have much closer ties to House Diedene that they're letting on, and one magus is the disgraced child of a local baron.
Session summaries below!