Sinus Wodinis

Happy New Year, folks!

I just noticed the mention of the Covenant Sinus Wodinis in Guardians of the Forests. It's on the southeastern coast of Norway, it's a Bjornaer covenant, and it's mentioned in Guardians on page 19. Now, for the question: is there any other information anywhere else about this covenant? :slight_smile:



Have you checked out the 4th edition book about Mythic Scandinavia? Ultima Thule was the books title if remember correct.

Well, I though to do that, but I've lost my copy of that book. Just couldn't find it anywhere. :angry:


For my Nordic 'frænde' I've just checked. I can find no mentioning of the Covenant in the Ultima Thule book. Sorry. :frowning:

Takk, takk! :slight_smile:

Then I'll detail that covenant myself. I like to stick to the setting as it is in the books, but sometimes it's good to have some room to breathe.



Perhaps Mythic Seas? I seem to remember a lone covenant mentioned there but can't get at my book to check. The other possibility would be in Land of Fire and Ice, again, no book at hand here.



Yes, indeed, I found it in Mythic Seas. :slight_smile:
