Skorba II return of Mggar

The girl takes a deep breath before continuing slower. In Arabic this time "Well no one's sick. I should probably explain. My father was a doctor, he had a bad leg, so I needed to help grow and gather ingredients for him. I'm quite good at it. He died when we got caught in a storm. I nearly died as well if not for a stranger getting me to care and paying for it. My uncle, who you'll note didn't even bother to show up when I was hurt let alone do anything to help me recover, is now trying to sell me to be some creepy and horrid rich waste of space man's new wife. I'm not okay with that, so I need to get out of this town. If you're starting a hospital I could help. My other option is to try not to starve to death in the wilderness and that seems like a bad choice. Plus you probably do need someone who knows the local plants and such, which I do. So, please let me help with your hospital?" A quite desperation creeps in as she gets to the end of that. "Oh and I'm supposed to tell you the ruins would be a terrible place for a hospital. They aren't safe and people would just get worse there. It would be like giving them poison. And not in a carefully controlled doctor way."

"Perhaps it would be better to continue this conv ersation back at the caravan? In addition to our healers we have people who understand why the ruins have that effect on people. They would need access to the ruins, but the actual hospital ward would be outside the area of negative effect"

"Yeah, that sounds good".

OK, looks like everyone is heading back to the caravan and this thread can be continued in the "getting land" thread. We'll want to hear what Hakima and Maffeo have to say.

I'm going to call this at 5 xp.
Paphos gains 1 confidence

as a note- I do not have a character sheet for Julia- did another character get renamed?

Since this is the same season when David got xp in town, and he did not do anything here, I am not sure I should take any xp for him.

OOC Thanks!
Isnt Julia the dove? The familiar that turns into a human?

Paphops also gained xp this season. Also while I appreciate the confidence, he didn't actually accomplish anything; he failed in his expressed goal.

I was thinking made progress or contributed towards a group goal.

Paphos is putting all 5 xp into bargain, raising it to level 1

[tab][/tab] Maffeo 5 points on Languages: Arabic please

Per house rules, and thanks to Kuiti's bookeeping, David spends 5 xp on Etiquette.

Julia gets 2 confidence

If I understand the comments from other threads Hakima gets five xp? Let's make it five Latin xp since that (and Arabic) are the only skills she really used extensively. Also which season was this?

For the familiars, is their might subtracted from each individual SQ, or from a total - I'm looking at adventure xp, cumulative, but capped at 30/season. Would Cheech/Julia get to spend xp if their cumulative SQ was greater than their might?

It is spring

subtract their might for the season, not per adventure. Think of it as a protracted adventure for that individual comprised of multiple chapters.

Alright! By my accounting Cheech received 7+8=15 xp, 15-10=5 xp to spend for the season. Julia unfortunately received 5-5=0.