Sleeping in a Ward - Warping?

So, if a Magi has a Circle duration Ward against Demons carved into the floor around his bed, does he gain Warping from long term exposure to a magical effect?

On one hand, the Warping section does mention Wards as being a source of Warping, and the spell isnt designed for him personally. On the other, he probably only spends a third of his time in bed (could be as little as a quarter) so is it a constant effect? Heck its not even the majority of his time.

What do we think?


No warping until you spend half your time in a season under a magical effect according the the Warping section in the Core book. You should be find.

Is the sleeping magus affected by the ward?

I can see it being ruled either yes or no. Since the spell is targetted at eg demons, then the magus isn't under the effect of any mystical effect.
On the other hand, you could rule that there is a mystical effect present and that the magus is warped along with his bed, the floor, walls, etc.

I'd go with the 'no he isn't warped even if he is constantly within the ward.' (Although a ward vs people would warp him.) I do play in a very high-powered saga, so most readers of this forum will probably disagree.

Gilarius (the mildy drunk)

if the ward was against mundane people it would not warp him as he has the parma magica to protect him and is not a mundane person
But I agree the circle is not against the magus but against demons, so I don't see reason form him to be warped

The above statement is incorrect. If it were targeted at the demons (for example), it would fail since they are not present at the time of casting (unless perhaps you're trying to hold a demon in). The Target in this case is Circle, which targets everything within the circle or perhaps the region inside the circle or perhaps the circle itself, depending on exactly how you are interpreting things. This doesn't negate your argument, but you need to make the argument about what Target: Circle is doing.


Sorry Callen, drunk. :slight_smile:

You are correct about the 'target' but my meaning (as you acknowledged) still applies.


Which gives me an idea for a long term study. Learn low level ring spells for every Te+Fo you can and cast several of each in a large quiet area of the covenant (maybe carve out sub-basements for the purpose) observe and take careful notes of the warping effects once a season for 30+ years.

It is all good and well that the magus avoids warping, because he spends way below half his time in the warding circle. But he should remember to remove his bed ehwn not sleeping in it! Who'd want to sleep in a warped bed? Unless you were lucky it warped into some positive side benefit, like giving amusing dreams. :slight_smile:

Hmm... I never really thought of household furniture being magically warped, but maybe this explains the magical wardrobe to Narnia... The Magician left it sitting on a Circle Ward vs. Fae...

I don't think wards warp things within them, person or object, otherwise the OoH would be blighted by Aegis side effects. The spell itself and the ring anchoring it will go a bit funny if left in place too long. This is why it is considered good practice to break and recast utility rings each year or so.

Aegis is an area spell, so it does warp those living within it.

However, I have always thought about circle wards as being a mystical "wall", so they would not warp the things within. If you spend your knights with your hand hanging from the border of your bed, you might get a warped hand, though. :stuck_out_tongue:


"Wards are active mystical effects as long as long as they are protecting someone. Two notable exceptions are Parma Magica and the Aegis of the Hearth..." - p168 ArM5

Agreed, a circle ward is the circle, not what is within or outside it. As it can protect either direction you could otherwise claim that a circle ward "facing outwards" would warp the rest of the earth... Gets rather silly.

What's not entirely clear is onwhom* they are active (and thus who they warp).

The text would seem to suggest that they are active on the protected party, and indeed, I think this was the author's original intent (so that a magus constantly warded against every possible danger would get a lot of warping). On the other hand the text does not say so explicitly, and in my opinion, it's much more coherent that a Rego Ignem spell can only directly affect - and thus warp - the Ignem Form.

But wards are an exception to many rules... You cast them on something/someone and they protect against anything else.

But you DONT cast a circle ward on a person/item...
For a ward directly cast on someone, yes your point is totally valid.

If you need a circle, your circle is drawn on anything (stone, metal object, earth, etc.). So there is always something you cast your circle on.

Of course, but if you cast it on the ground, does that mean that you warp the whole earth?
If its on the floor of a castle, do you warp the whole castle with the spell?
If you cast the ward ON a discrete and specific object(like on someones bed itself), then yes some warping may be logical, but otherwise i´ll just justify it by "item too big, warping is simply not an issue, basically too much soak ability".

I think it is whatever defines the circle itself that may warp rather than the background material that it is drawn on.

Warping effects of ring wards:
Warping of the ring

The ring starts to grow or shrink
The size of the ring oscillates according to a natural cycle
Ring burns itself into the ground forming a trough or ditch
The ring raises the ground beneath it forming a ridge
As the two above but affecting the whole circle so there is a platform or pit
The ring becomes a trip hazard despite remaining apparently flat
The material of the ring changes, often to lead
Warping of the ward
The strength of the ward increases, decreases or oscillates
The ward develops holes, these may be one way
The boundary surface of the ward becomes visible - the classic glowing hemisphere or something else perhaps expressing the caster's sigil
The boundary surface becomes convoluted with pits, bumps, tunnels and/or tendrils, it may writhe
The ward starts to induce fear, loathing or exert a physical repulsion on the types of entity it stops well beyond its boundary
The classes of entity affected by the ward widen beyond the original definition and maybe beyond the limits of deliberate hermetic magic
The interior becomes a regio
It develops an annoying hum

That looks much better yeah.