Here are three rituals I designed...
I had some rules for initiating the Mecurian Magic Virtue somewhere also.
Refuse the Enemy Release
Lesser non-Hermetic Ritual (ReMe)
R: Touch, D: If (used to kill an individual) & Ring, Targ: Individual, Ritual; Potent, Tethered
Potency: +5 (ceremonial knife worked with the motif of a human skull)
Ease Factor: 15
This evil Lesser Mercurian Ritual requires the caster to inscribe a circle within the floor with a specially prepared ceremonial dagger that then becomes the focus of the spell. Once cast, the effect is tethered to the knife until the caster dies, passes into Twilight (even temporarily), or if a year passes. The knife acts as an arcane connection to the caster until the spell is discharged.
If used to kill an individual within the confines of the previously inscribed circle, the knife releases the force of the spell upon the target's spirit, preventing it's escape from the inscribed ring if the effect penetrates the spirit's Magic Resistance. The spell does not create a ghost, it merely traps the murdered victim's spirit as it rises to seek revenge and does not impart any other control over the spirit. The trapped spirit may not leave the ring unless commanded to do so by the wielder of the knife, whether by request or coercion using threats or another necromantic spell. If the caster dies or passes into Twilight (even temporarily) the spirit is likewise released.
(Special spell, magnitude 9)
Design Note: rules for similar non-Hermetic rituals' are detailed in HoH:TL, pages 76-77. In short, this ritual takes 45 minutes to cast, requires 8 pawns of vis (any combination of Rego and Mentem) and seven pounds of silver worth of expensive materials used to inlay the knife and inscribe the magical circle. Magi with the Mercurian Magic Virtue require only half the amount of vis and special materials, but all magi participating must have this Virtue.
Ghastly Vigor of Guorna
Lesser non-Hermetic Ritual, ReMe(Co)
R: Spec, D: Spec, T: Ind
Ease Factor: 18
This gruesome ritual spell summons a ghost to rejuvenate the caster's ageing body and protect against Ageing, similar to the effects of a Longevity Ritual (see ArM5, pag168-170). If successful, the magnitude of the ghost's Might is subtracted from the necromancer's next ageing roll. Compelling a ghost in this manner causes the spirit to immediately attack the necromancer in any way it can, regardless of any previous commands or compulsions. Information on this aspect of the spell is not always included in books containing the secret of this ritual.
Unlike a Hermetic Longevity Ritual, as this ritual confers a continuous powerful mystical effect not specifically designed for the caster, the target of the spell suffers a Warping Point for every season they remain under the effect of the ghost's gift of longevity. Hermetic magi and hedge wizards who use this necromantic alternative suffer greatly accelerated Warping compared to those who employ a standard Longevity Ritual. Ageing resistance bonuses from multiple spirits or a Longevity Ritual are not cumulative. The bonus lasts until the caster suffers an ageing crisis, after which the necromancer must compel a new ghost.
This spell is the infamous pre-Hermetic ritual of longevity used by Guorna the Fetid, teacher of both the Founders Tremere and Tytalus. Guorna's use of this Mercurian itual is believed to have warped her into the horrid creature she had became at the time of the founding of the Order of Hermes. Prior to meeting Bonisagus, she had developed the Mercurian precursor of the ritual Exchange of the Two Minds and he is rumoured to have helped her begin translating this alter spell into a Hermetic form for easier casting in return for help developing Hermetic Longevity Rituals. She was slain, most likely by one or both of her two terrified apprentices before ever casting the spell that would free her from her terminally necrotic body.
A copy of this ritual is rumoured to exist within a locked and bound tome in the Library of Fenicil, deep within Magvillus. Bonisagus and Trianomae magi deny any knowledge of this ritual or their Founder's possible debt to such a detestable figure as the archnecromantix.
(Special spell, magnitude 12)
Design Note: rules for similar non-Hermetic rituals are detailed in HoH:TL, pages 76-77. In short, this ritual takes 90 minutes to cast, requires 9 pawns of vis (3 each of Rego, Corpus and Mentem) and nine pounds of silver worth of expensive materials such as herbs for fumigation and inks for the inscription of pagan symbols within a magical circle. Magi with the Mercurian Magic Virtue require only half the amount of vis and special materials, but all magi participating must have this Virtue.
Authority of the Invictus
Lesser non-Hermetic Ritual, CrMe
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind
Ease Factor: 12
Allows the ritual leader a +5 bonus to all Etiquette, Folk Ken and Leadership tests. The effect approaches a mythic level of authority. At the storygide's discretion, a character under the effect of this ritual can attempt to command even magical entities. As the effect acts only on the beneficiary it cannot be magically resisted.
(Special spell, magnitude 6)
Design Note: rules for similar non-Hermetic rituals (such as the precedent Wisdom of Athena) are detailed in HoH:TL, pages 76-77. In short, this ritual takes 60 minutes to cast, requires 6 pawns of vis (usually 3 each of Creo and Mentem) and six pounds of silver worth of expensive materials. Magi with the Mercurian Magic Virtue require only half the amount of vis and special materials, but all magi participating must have this Virtue.