I'm generally happy with the restrictions placed on the Virtues and Flaws that it's possible to take during character creation, but it seems to me that a few of them need a bit of a re-think. I'm thinking especially of some of the Minor Personality Flaws that place some quite serious limits on what characters can do and should therefore be General or Supernatural Flaws instead, such as:
Indiscreet: Not being able to keep a secret sounds like a great big General Flaw to me. I'd say it's much more of a reflection of a person's character than their background, and it actually obliges characters to make dice rolls in order to control themselves.
Judged Unfairly: Better as a General Flaw because it's more of a measure of how people react to you than how you actually behave.
Nocturnal: This relates to "natural body rhythms," not personality, and affects dice rolls. It looks more like a General Flaw to me.
Prohibition: How is this not Supernatural?
Sheltered Upbringing: Again, I think this should be a General Flaw as it stops you from taking certain Abilities during character creation.
Simple-Minded: This one should be General again because there's no control over it at all. For instance, people with the Greedy Flaw can choose not to behave that way all the time and keep their instincts in check.
Poor Memory: Again, a General Flaw because people can't help not being able to remember things.
Weak-Willed: If it affects dice rolls and gives other characters control over you I think it should be General.
I also got to thinking about some of the Social Status Virtues, specifically Knight and Custos. They're both Minor Virtues, and yet they're hardly equal at all. Custos are dependent on a covenant for their wellbeing and prosperity, and their status means little in the outside world - in the case of some covenants it could probably be held against them. Furthermore, they're likely to be exposed to all the strange and insidious effects of Warping. For those reasons, I'm tempted to suggest that Custos should be a Free Virtue, and that Covenfolk should maybe even be a Minor Flaw. After all, magi have the -3 social interaction penalty because of the Gift. What about the people who work for them?