Spells a medieval person might need

I've started wondering if a medieval magus wouldn't have spent more of his time on day-to-day spells. Some of them exist, like craft magic and healing, but they are rather not glamorous, but just useful.

  • a ward against rain, cold, smoke in the air
  • something that keeps food fresh
  • a spell that calms animals


We use all those in our sagas.

  • Keep water out of your roof
  • Pump water
  • dispose of garbage
  • transportation aids
  • mountain gear
  • camping gear (fire, better tents, lighter materials, wards vs animals...)
  • better crooping techniques
  • better cutting (wood) techniques
  • mining
  • "fridge" spells
  • construction aids (stone carving, lift of heavy gear...)

And we also have the personal wards vs water and warm clothes that most of our travelling parties carry :slight_smile: Easy to manufacture. We always figured that verdi would be making those by the thousands to train apprentices at their first level of "textile enchanting" lectures :slight_smile:

A lot of those can be done with multipurpose spells, that is always a boon. We tend to have casting tablets for most of those.


Popular folk magic includes finding lost objects, fertility for plants, animals and people, health and healing, basic kitchen witchery (spells to ensure bread rises and food doesn't spoil) and, of course, the ever popular spells for love and luck.

I would include making beer as a must; peasants knew water caused disease but beer was safe to drink. Housekeeping magics to keep the house/lab/sanctum clean and cloths unsoiled. However, I think your question is more subjective on how much time a magus would invest in making spells/acquiring lab texts for creature comfort spells rather than just hiring a servant or craftsman.

The usual spells in Covenants also are useful: cut stone, plow earth, cleaning rooms and clothes, and the comfy traveling and staying-at-home stuff (temperature and rain control) as well as the reproduction of most automatic machines we have at our homes currently.

The great thing is that a lot of those can be made as minor enchanted devices that still require handling by a grog. So you invest a season and for a century or longer the effect is easily in place. You might even make the item ignore the grog requirement, but then we enter the area of quite high fantasy. :slight_smile: IMS all of those are cumulative. No magus spends a lot of time doing that kind of stuff, but 5-7 items per decade get created (1-2 per magus per tribunal period). After a while the covenant has quite a few of those laying around unless some of the previous ones break. This is what makes old covenants somewhat amazing, more than people being totally nuts or stuff being warped (those are not excluded, mind you). It is like entering a 20th century area with a 13th century mindset.


I think that people of all time periods would need ears of a grateful father from Magi of Hermes. It acts as a volume control on children.

I know that when my daughter was born and finally came home from the hospital, I was thinking that "The Call to Slumber" would be a wonderful spell.

Trust of the childlike faith would make your mundane negotiations nicely improved. Give it to a custos. It would help me at work too, although there is also that other recent thread about destroying the mind.