Spells for Moderation / Clean-Up


I've got a campaingn running where we got 60+ years done in a setting where the order is a bunch of useless magi that haven't done any useful spells outside the core book. So my magus invented or wish he had these spells. They have some house rules imbedded in them such as penalties to imaginem spells and rq. softening for bond effects. Effects that affect an individual can be instilled onto objects with personal range so long as it only affects the wearer. Touch rance allows to affect others... There are probably others...

I don't have time to "clean" it up but if someone does and want to repost in the spell page, go ahead. I taught that this would be interesting to share...

PeIm 50 - Sight | Sun | Ind | - Far Vanish
This spell allows the target to completely vanish from all senses. When cast by Taj the magnificent, he disappears in a puff of sparkly smoke as his sigil always makes an impressive effect.
You no longer leave prints on the ground but you do still cast a shadow! You may move about without any problems but interacting with your environment may require concentration roll to remain invisible.
(Sight +3 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 10 (all senses), +1 PeIm penalty, +2 Changing Image & penalty)

PeIm 40 - Touch | Sun | Group | - Discrete Traveling
This spell will cloak a group of people. While under the effect, you no longer leave footsteps on the ground nor is the air disturbed by your movements but you do still cast a shadow, can make noise and while moving, you can be perceived as a translucent humanoid. If you stand still and succeed a concentration roll, you can be rendered completely invisible.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Group +2 | Base 5 (all senses except sound), +1 PeIm penalty, +1 Changing Image but no penalty)

PeIm 45 - Touch | Moon | Ind | - Assassin on a Mission
This spell allows the target to completely vanish from all senses. When cast by Taj the magnificent, he disappears in a puff of sparkly smoke as his sigil always makes an impressive effect.
You no longer leave footsteps on the ground nor is the air disturbed by your movements but you do still cast a shadow! You may move about without any problems but interacting with your environment may require concentration roll to remain invisible.
(Touch +1 | Moon +3 | Ind +0 | Base 10 (all senses), +1 PeIm penalty, +2 Changing Image & penalty)

PeIm 50 - Touch | Moon | Str | - Invisible Heaven
Renders a structure up to the size of a tent that can house 100 men, invisible to the naked eye and to all other major senses. Only the outside walls are affected so people inside can see/hear/smell/ everything that is happening inside or outside as usual but their species that would go outside the walls are all destroyed.
(Touch +1 | Moon +3 | Str +3 | Base 10 (All senses), +1 PeIm penalty)

PeIm 50 - Touch | Moon | Str | - Haunted Castle
Renders all those within the structure up to the size of a tent that can house 100 men, invisible to the naked eye and to all other major senses. This effectively renders the structure a ghost castle as you will hear some shouts and noises but will never be able to know from where. The effect lasts until the next full moon and all living that enter become affected while those that exit will become visible.
Taj invented this effect while readying to go and save the presiding Quaesitor of the time from the hands of the entity called DaemonSeth and is the result of a discovery & modified effect experimentation.
(Touch +1 | Moon +3 | Str +3 | Base 10 (All senses), +1 PeIm penalty)
PeIm 60 - Touch | Year | Boundary | - Haunted Village, Ritual
Renders all those within the boundary up to the size of of a small town, invisible to the naked eye and to all other major senses. This effectively renders a village a ghost village as you will hear some shouts, noises and glimpses of people but direct interactions are impossible. The effect lasts a year and all living that enter become affected while those that exit will become visible.
Taj invented this effect while thinking of a way to dispatch an infernal village without killing the innocents and is based on Haunted Castle
(Touch +1 | Year +4 | Boundary +4 | Base 10 (All senses), +1 PeIm penalty)

PeIm 50 - Touch | Sun | Ind | - Vanish, Talisman
With this power, Taj the Magnificent cape allows its wearer or someone that he touches to completely vanish for all senses. Once activated, the user disappears in a puff of sparkly smoke. The effect will also be triggered if the wearer of the cape teleports himself or someone that he is touching.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 10 (all senses), +9 Pen, +1 2 uses/day, +1 PeIm penalty, +2 Changing Image & penalty)

CrIm 25 - Touch | Sun | Ind | - Aspect of the Inner Self
Creates a perfect duplicate of one person. At the time of the casting, the phantasm is tasked to do one single “Act” which it will deliver as a pre-written play. This imprint can range from faking to read a book, taking a pleasant walk, spending the day by the lake or go tell her to leave us alone!
The phantasm, looks, smell and sounds like the original but if you look inside, you will see an empty shell. There is no reaction from phantasm outside the preset story. It will pause and smile if interrupted and then will resume the story.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 3 (Sight, smell, Sound), +3 Intricacy)

CrMe 20 - Per | Conc | Ind | - Medallion of Hermes, Minor Object
When activated, user will be able to be more focused, abling him to set aside his fears and distractions and focus on the task at hand. While under the effect of the spell, the body feels a light pinch that stings you back into reality. Grants the “clear thinker” virtue for the duration of the effect.

To activate the object, the user must recite the following mantra while holding the medallion: “It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the power of Hermes that thoughts acquire speed, the body acquires pain, the pain allows focus. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.”
(Per +0 | Conc+1 | Ind +0 | Base 5, +5 maintains concentration, +4 penetration, +1 2 uses/day)

PeMe 25 - Voice | Mom | Ind | - Hallucinations
The victim starts seeing and hearing things. The environment does not actually change but what the victim perceives is affected in a debilitating way. Not so much as to make the victim think he is crazy but enough to make him doubt himself and deprive him of sleep. This is truly a curse that can only be restored by ritual magic, divine intervention or worse.
(Voice +2 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 15)

PeReCo(Im) 30 - Voice | Sun | Ind | - False Immolation
While you concentrate, the victim keeps on burning, the skin peels away due to the flames, blood boiling and pain, so much pain. Stop concentrating and the flames disappear but the burns remain along with the pain they should confer but the caster can alleviate the pain if he so wishes only to bring it back along with the fire whenever he whims it.
Bystanders see the horror also. This is truly a horrific sight to behold! When the effect ends, only the mental scars remain.
(Voice +2 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 4, +1 Imaginem effect, +1 Req Rego(on/off))

CrIm 5 - Sight | Mom | Ind | - Bang!, Minor Object
When activated, a very loud bang will be heard where targeted. Those nearby need to make a stamina roll versus 9+ or be deafened. A retest is allowed every minute (clap of thunder). The trigger of this ring is to point at the target and bring down the thumb.((add +2 for base 3, a\p CrAu))
(Sight +3 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 1, +5 24 times per day)
Int + MT + Fam + Aura + Lab + Te + Fo + Inv Gen + Similar + Mastery + Obj = 2 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 0 + 10 + 6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 37 (40)

ReTe 10 - Touch | Sun | Ind | - Wheel of Ease, Minor Object
Allows a carriage to travel over water, climb hills as if there were none and carry twice as much as it should without putting any strain on the horses. The carriage is basically rendered weightless.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 3)

InMe(Mu) 35 - Touch | Conc | Ind | - Shared Sight of the Taste, Bond
As shared senses but allows the target to see what the other tastes.
Japhar, Taj the magnificent’s King Cobra familiar, shares his ability of tasting his environment through this power.
(HoH:s Has a base 2 to change the sense being utilized to another)
(Touch +1 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 15, +5 Bond maintains concentration, +1 Muto effect)

CrIg(In) 24 - Touch | Conc | Ind | - Vanishing Shadow, Talisman
With this power, Taj the Magnificent's cape prevents its wearer from casting a shadow
(Touch +1 | Conc+1 | Ind +0 | Base 2, +5 Pen, +1 2 uses/day, +1 Changing Image, +5 Maintains concentration, +3 Trigger Effect (Invisibility), +1 In effect)

InTe 50 - Per | Sun | Vision | - Eyes on Atlas
Allows the caster to see through earth (sand, dirt & mud) as if it were through a glass window.
(Personal +0 | Sun +2 | Vision +4 | Base 20)

InMe 33 - Sight | Conc | Ind | - Circlet of Insight, Minor Obj
Allows the user to peer into the mind of a target, reading the surface thoughts of the target. The victim will feel a slight tingle while being observed but will not necessarily know what is happening.
(Sight +3 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 10, +3 restriction (Helena & our lineage)

ReCo(He,An,Vi) 43 - Per | Mom | Ind | - Helena’s Anklet of Safe Heaven, Major Obj
The user travels up to 7 leagues toward her home. The Anklet itself being an arcane connection to her quarters that takes the appearance of a road that she can follow back. When reaching the end of the road, the travel slows down and allows her to delicately descend onto the ground. If in a regio, she will see portals through which she can pass through in order to descend into the mortal world. This is not instant teleportation but it goes as fast as the mind of the user allows to go. The traveler can be physically stopped but it requires that the traveler be surprised. The traveler can see through obstacles on her path and pass through them. One needs some sort of supernatural means of perceiving the traveler in order to stop her. Traveling 7 leagues by this mean typically takes but a few seconds. ((Teleport someone. Most users will describe as following a path to safety))
(Per +0 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 30, +3 restriction (Helena & our lineage), +1 Regio, +5 Pen)

PeMe 35 - Sight | Mom | Ind | - Curse of the Apprentice
Destroys one’s ability to perform an action such as sword mastery, magic use, cooking or something as simple as walking by removing the concept of the action from the victim. The caster rolls finesse that will be the victims intelligence roll difficulty to overcome the curse. Being forced to use the ability triggers a roll. Once the victim remembers, his ability returns.
(Sight +3 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 20)

ReMe 19 - Per | Sun | Ind | - Medallion of Pistis (πίστις), Minor Object (1)
The wearer of this medallion will cultivate qualities toward the personification of good faith, trust and reliability granting over the years personality trait of +3 Trustworthy.
(Per +0 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 5, +4 cste use)

PeIg 33 - Per | Conc | Ind | - Frostmourne (Greater Spear), Major Obj
Once activated, the blade siphons heat on contact. On a hit, it doubles the damage score (or gives +5 whichever is lower) as a FrostBurn and sometimes taking away living parts with it that stick to the blade. If it generates a medium or greater wound, the victim needs to roll a stamina roll of 6+. If failed, the wound will develop gangrene without proper care (amputation, magic healing).
(Per +0 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 5, +5 Maintains Concentration, +15 Penetration, +3 Restricted to wearer of Medallion of Pistis)

PeMe 25 - Sight | Sun | Ind | - Touch of Inverness
Some consider this a gift indeed. Worries are no longer as important, pains fade away and walking straight is easy, it’s the rest of the world that needs to stop moving!
In game terms, the target gains the clumsy flaw for the duration of the spell and perceiving / remembering events while under the effects of this spell is difficult.
ref: HoH:societas
(Sight +3 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 4)

CrMe 25 - Voice | Sun | Ind | - Paranoia
The victim starts seeing and hearing things. The environment does not actually change but what the victim perceives is affected in a debilitating way. No so much as to make the victim think he is crazy but enough to make him doubt himself and deprive him of sleep. The victim gains the personality trait paranoiac at +5 for the durations of the spell. Acting normally requires a stress roll of 9+.
HoH:s p.66
(Voice +2 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 5)

ReCo(Te) 19 - Per | Mom | Ind | - Guards Sandals
Through technique, the user can teleport himself within 5 passus from where he stands so long as he sees where he wishes to land. The sandals activate when the pair no longer touches the ground. The clothes and gear are teleported with the user.
(Per +0 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 10, +3 restriction (Medallion of Pistis), +6 50 times/day)

ReIm(Mu) 30 - Voice | Diam | Ind | - Return of the Titans
The target will find himself or itself 1/16 of his original size set one pace in the direction of the caster. This small representation emits the sounds of its source except 1/16 of what it would normally and if it can move or feel the touch of things. The caster can interact physically with the illusion but no real harm may be delivered. The illusion cannot move further away from its source then 1 pace resisting if there is an attempt to go any further.
(Voice +2 | Diam +1 | Ind +0 | Base 2, +2 (Sound, Touch) +1 changing image, +1 move matches image, +1 Mu)

PeIm 38 - Eye | Sun | Ind | - Oblivion - Minor obj
By looking into the eye of the scepter, the target loses his contact with the mortal world. The effect prevents all species from reaching the major sensory organs (Vision, Touch, Smell, Touch, Hearing). This leaves the target deprived of contact with the physical world, perceiving only the light if present. Pain/hunger is still felt but is without any context.
While in the oblivion, one can ponder on a given subject without any distraction which can be a blessing to the strong willed but is usually a curse for the mundane.
(Eye +1 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 10, +3 restriction (Medallion of Pistis), +5 24 times/day, +1 Changing image)

PeIm 54 - Touch | Sun | Room | - Oblivion - Major obj
Triggered when touched without the proper password, everyone in the room loses his contact with the mortal world. The effect prevents all species from reaching the major sensory organs (Vision, Touch, Smell, Touch, Hearing) of those affected. This leaves the target deprived of contact with the physical world, allowing them only to perceive light if present. Pain/hunger is still felt but without any context.
While in the oblivion, one can ponder on a given subject without any distraction which can be a blessing to the strong willed but is usually a curse for the mundanes.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Room +2 | Base 10, +3 Trigger effect (no password), +1 2 times/day, +1 Changing image, +10 pen)

InIm 18 - Arc | Conc | Ind | - Journal of Pistis, Minor Object
This journal can obtain the text written in other journals to which it has an arcane connection. Upon activation and so long as the user concentrates, the text written into the 1st will appear into the 2nd. When inactive, the journal only contains half of the story.
The Order of Pistis uses these journals to communicate together when they travel
(Arc +4 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 1 (See), +3 restricted use (Medallion of Pistis))

InIm 30 - Touch | Conc | Ind | - Validating the Quick Note
Using an arcane connection, the caster can have the text written where the arcane connection, appear on the surface he designates.
(Touch +1 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (Arcane connection, +1 Intelligible image)

InVi 45 - Eye | Mom | Ind | - Locating the Unborn Apprentice, Major Item
By looking into the eyes of a pregnant woman, the caster can detect if the unborn child has any type of magical gift
(Eye +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 25 (Detect Gift), +1 un-revealed, +1 Gentle Gift, +1 Partial gift)

MuCo 20 - Sight | Diam | Part | - Burden of Atlas - Corpus
This spell allows the caster to make a part of someone up to eight times as heavy as normal.
Taj The Magnificent like to use this spell to calm down overzealous knights by adding weight to their heads, bringing it down to the earth.
(Sight +3 | Diam +1 | Part +1 | Base 3)

MuAn 20 - Sight | Diam | Part | - Burden of Atlas - Animal
This spell allows the caster to make a part of a beast up to eight times as heavy as normal.
Taj The Magnificent like to use this spell help the witches crows spiral down to the earth.
(Sight +3 | Diam +1 | Part +1 | Base 3)

MuTe 25 - Sight | Diam | Part | - Burden of Atlas - Inanimate Objects
This spell allows the caster to make material that weighs up to the same as rock, up to eight times as heavy as normal. Casting requisites are required to affect object made of other forms. Other spells are required to affect living things.
Taj The Magnificent like to use this spell to calm down overzealous knights by adding weight to their swords or if in a particularly good mood, their helmets, bringing it down to the earth.
(Sight +3 | Diam +1 | Part +1 | Base 3, +1 affect Rock)

ReCo 26 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Leaping Out of Trouble
So long as Japhar can perceive Taj, he can move him out of the way, up to 5 paces.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 10 (5 paces), +3 Quick trigger, +8 Penetration)

InIm 25 - Arc | Conc | Room | - Warden’s Watch
See and hear what is at the end of the arcane connection that you possess as if you were there. Taj uses this spell to keep tap on the vis sources that the alliance has on foreign territories. He usually uses a pawn of vis from the source in question as an arcane connection to the site.
(Arc +4 | Conc +1 | Room +2 | Base 1 (See at a distant location), +1 Hearing)

InIm 40 - Arc | Conc | Room | - Warden’s Night’s Watch
See and hear what is at the end of the arcane connection that you possess as if you were there. In addition, this spell allows seeing in the dark albeit only in black and white.
Taj uses this spell to keep tap on the vis sources that the alliance has on foreign territories. He usually uses a pawn of vis from the source in question as an arcane connection to the site.
(Arc +4 | Conc +1 | Room +2 | Base 3 (See in the Dark), +2 Vision & Hearing)

InIm 43 - Arc | Conc | Room | - Warden’s Night’s Watch, Minor item
See and hear what is at the end of the arcane connection that you possess as if you were there. In addition, this spell allows seeing in the dark albeit only in black and white.
Taj uses this spell to keep tap on the vis sources that the alliance has on foreign territories. He usually uses a pawn of vis from the source in question as an arcane connection to the site.
(Arc +4 | Conc +1 | Room +2 | Base 3 (See in the Dark), +2 Vision & Hearing), +3 6 uses per day)

MuMe(Im) 30 - Per | Conc | Ind | - Avatar, Bond
Allows Japhar or Taj to take up Humanoid/Serpent form. This form remains illusionary and cannot interact physically with its environment but you can move about and perceive it. It should be noted that you and the avatar form are visible and you can perceive from both forms. In Serpent form, you take up the sensory of that form and the same can be said for humanoid form. Hence, if you know how to talk, you can only in humanoid form. Your avatar can be affected by imaginem & memtem spells but is also protected by your usual magic resistance (parma, might, etc)
(Similar to Animal form spell of the core book)
(Per +0 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (Make a mind visible), +5 bond keeps concentration,+1 Imaginem requisite)

ReCo 30 - Sight | Mom | Ind | - Moving The Chess Pieces
If the caster can see a target, he can teleport him up to 50 paces in any direction.
Taj invented this spell after having had to drop his hands into a pit of zombies in order to touch & teleport his companions to safety.
(Sight +3 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (50 paces))

PeVi 30 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Jinn’s Bane
If a Jinn is affected by this spell, it will lose 35 points of Might
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 25 (General))

PeVi 36 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Spear of Jinn's Bane, minor object
When activated, a hit from this blade will devoid a Jinn from 20 of its might points if the effect penetrates. The Simple contact to the blade produce discomfort.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (General), +13 Pen, +3 6 uses/day)

PeVi(Co) 35 - Voice | Mom | Group | - Land of Adam & Eve
Jinns that have 25 might points or less are utterly destroyed if the effect penetrates and are in their corporal form. More powerful Jinns are unaffected by this spell. Taj major focus “Vanishing” explains the later limitation of this spell which will restrict in the same way those that learn from the same labtext.
(Voice +2 | Mom +0 | Group +2 | Base 25 (General Includes +2))

PeVi(Co,An) 35 - Voice | Mom | Group | - Land of Adam & Eve - DEO
Demons that have 20 of infernal might or less are utterly destroyed if the effect penetrates and are in their corporal form. More powerful Demons are unaffected by this spell. Taj invented this spell when the council declared that the infernal forest issue had to be dealt with and is designed to affect infernal werewolves. It is based on the spell that was used to destroy daoist zombies.
(Voice +2 | Mom +0 | Group +2 | Base 20 (General Includes +2), +1 destroy corpse)

PeVi 45 - Arc | Year | Boundary | - Exorcism of the Haunted Forest, Ritual
Demons within the affected zone lose 2 might points per day they remain within the boundary if this effect penetrates. Affected creatures may exhibit some signs, such as being cold or hot to the touch. Taj experimented in an attempt to reproduce the effect of also affecting the targets each time they re-enter the affected area such as what he was able to design within “The Haunted Castle” spell. This spell was designed to cover the infernal forest that once resided near town of Paphos.
(Arc +4 | Year +4 | Boundary +4 | Base 2 (General +2), +1 Size)

PeVi(Ig) 35 - Voice | Mom | Group | - Land of Adam & Eve - Fire
Jinns that have 25 might points or less are utterly destroyed if the effect penetrates and are in their incorporeal form. More powerful Jinns are unaffected by this spell.
(Voice +2 | Mom +0 | Group +2 | Base 25 (General Includes +2))

PeVi(Ig) 65 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Touch of Adam & Eve - Fire, Major Object
This spear was magically created and infused with salt. On a hit, Jinns that have 40 might points or less are utterly destroyed if the effect penetrates and are in their Incorporeal form. More powerful Jinns are unaffected by this spell. Taj invented this spell in an attempt to magically repel the Jinn treat.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 40 (General Includes +2), +30 pen)

PeVi 40 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Spear of Jinn's Bane, Major object
When activated, a hit from this blade will devoid a Jinn from 5 of its might points if the effect penetrates. The Simple contact to the blade produces discomfort.
(Touch +1 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 5 (General +2), +25 Pen, +2 3 uses/day, +3 restricted to Pistis (πίστις), +5 Object maintains concentration)

MuCo 15 - Per | Special | Ind | - Bracers of Reserve of Strength, Minor item
In dire times, this effect grants an extra push that allows one to accomplish a feat of strength just beyond what he could normally. In game terms, once activated, the target gains +3 strength in order to accomplish a feat of strength.
(Per +0 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 5, +2 Penetration, +3 restricted to Pistis (πίστις), +1 Special duration)

ReAq 23 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Ward vs Torrent of Water , Bond
Taj or Japhar can protect themselves by diverting violent liquid spurs such as from a geyser or a mighty torrent of water if they will it. Technically, this can also be used to make a few steps on the water but if you stop, you sink.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (ward vs water), + 3 6 times/day)

ReTe(Mu) 15 - Voice | Mom | Group | - Earth’s Horns
Allows you to pull Earth/Stone from the ground so that it forms a spike. This can be used to fortify defences
(Voice +2 | Mom +0 | Group +2 | Base 2 (Affect up to stone), +1 rego requisite)

PeIg 20 - Voice | Mom | Ind | - Extinguish The Raging Flames
Targeted fire will vanish in a puff of sparkling smoke. Fires that cause more than +15 of damage are unaffected by this spell.
(Voice +2 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 4 (extinguish a fire up to +5 damage), +2 affect till +15 damage)

InIm 5 - Per | Sun | Taste | - Seeing Through Taj’s Illusions, Bond
Allows to see through the illusions created by Taj The Magnificent. Japhar, Taj’s familiar uses it to keep tap on Taj’s activities.
(Per +0 | Sun +2 | Taste +0 | Base 1 (Distinguish your Own Illusions), +2 3 times/day)

CrIm(In) 27 - Arc | Sun | Ind | - Virtual Maze, Minor object
This parchment creates up to 6 imaginary walls at locations to which the user has an arcane connection to. The user actually needs to draw the maze & then mark the additional walls. These imaginary walls will mimic the scenery to which they are created in. If someone crosses them, the parchment will indicate that the wall has been breached. The user can draw the wall again if a charge remains for the day.
(Arc +4 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 1 (One sense - Vision), +4 Cste Effect, +3 6 times per day, +1 Intellego effect)

CrIm 4 - Touch | Sun | Ind | - Virtual Feature
This spell creates an illusionary feature such as a door, chair, etc, that seems real to the eye. Touching it will reveal that it is illusionary & sounds pass through it as if it were not there.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 1 (One sense - Vision))

ReIm 15 - Touch | Sun | Ind | - Displaced Feature
This spell moves a feature so that it appears to be up to 5 paces away from where it resides. Doors, Windows, Chairs, all vision species are displaced.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 3 (One sense - Vision), +1 ReIm flex)

ReIm 30 - Touch | Sun | Room | - 90° Shift
This spell affect all that is within a room by 90° making it perilous to move about within the room.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Room +2 | Base 4 (One sense - Vision), +1 ReIm Flex)

MuIm 25 - Touch | Sun | Ind | - Mimic
By touching something or someone, you can assume its, his or her appearance. You will sound, smell & seem like what you are trying to impersonate. You can also change someone by touching them so long as you are also touching what you are trying to change them into. This spell allows you to mimic things that are considered individual size which means that rooms and structures are beyond the designs of this spell but a mouse, wall, giant or elephant are well within them. The quality of the illusion is determined by a perception + Magic Power + 3 roll.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 3 (Sound, smell, look), +1 intricacy, +2 changing image)
CrIg(Re) 24 - Touch | Sun | Ind | - Fire Wall, Minor object
This Ruby creates, when fitted within a construct such as a wall, fire that will fill the passage with fire doing +5 damage. The Rego requisite ensure that the fire does not damage the construct nor will it expand. The fire is thick enough that you do not see across it.
(Touch +1 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 4 (+5 damage), +4 Cste Effect, +1 Rego rq.)

CrIg(Re) 30 - Arc | Sun | Ind | - Fire Wall
This spell created a Wall of fire that does +5 damage. The Rego requisite ensure that the fire does not damage the surroundings nor will it expand. The fire is thick enough that you do not see across it.
Taj uses this to warn people that the passage they want to take may not be safe.
(Arc +4 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 4 (+5 damage))

CrIg 30 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Fire Trap, Minor Object
Stepping on this slab will activate this object, releasing a fire wave doing +15 damage to the individual that stepped on it.
Taj uses this to warn people that the passage they want to take may not be safe.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 10 (+15 damage), +15 Penetration)

ReCo 33 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Holding Cell, Minor Object
This ring allows it’s user to send disturbers of the peace directly to our holding cell. The effect will work so long as you are on the premises of the alliance.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 25 (1 league), +3 Restricted to Pistis Oath)

InVi 35 - Per | Mom | Taste | - Smell of the Serpents Tongue, Bond
As sight of the active magic
(Per +0 | Mom +0 | Taste +0 | Base 5 (Active Magic), +2 Technique & Form, +10 Unlimited uses, +10 pen)

CrAu 4 - Per | Diam | Ind | - Smoke Stick, Minor Object
As wrench of the foul smoke except that the smoke comes out of the sticks. After a couple minutes, only dust remains. (as the spell in CrAu)
(Per +0 | Diam +1 | Ind +0 | Base 3 (Create a Debilitating form of air))
Int + MT + Fam + Aura + Lab + Te + Fo + Inv Gen + Similar + Mastery + Focus + Talisman/Bond + Obj = 2 + 7 + 5 + 3 + 0 + 11 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 46 + risk + die

CrAu 4 - Per | Diam | Ind | - Impenetrable Fog, Charge Item
Thick Fog that blocks all vision stems out of the “object”.
(Per +0 | Diam +1 | Ind +0 | Base 3 (Create Thick fog))

PeVi 36 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Spear of DEO, minor object
When activated, a hit from this blade will devoid a creature from 20 of its infernal might points if the effect penetrates. The Simple contact to the blade produces discomfort.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (General +2), +13 Pen, +3 6 uses/day)

ReCo 35 - Touch | Mom | Circle | - A Days Worth of Travel
Teleports all that is within the circle to an arcane connection or to a place within sight. Casting requisites may be required to transport food or items, typically terram will do.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Circle +0 | Base 30 (7 leagues))

InMe 35 - Sight | Conc | Ind | - Discrete Listening
Hear the inner thoughts of a target
(Sight +3 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (Surface Thoughts))

InMe 35 - Sight | Conc | Ind | - Discrete Questions
Ask questions and hear the answers
(Sight +3 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (Single question))

InMe 35 - Touch | Conc | Room | - Wisdom of the Room
Hear the inner thoughts of a people within a room. With a concentration roll, you can search for specific information and/or focus on an individual.
(Touch +1 | Conc +1 | Room +2 | Base 15 (Surface Thoughts))

InMe 40 - Touch | Conc | Room | - Consensus
Hear the inner thoughts of a people within a room. With a concentration roll, you can search for specific information and/or focus on an individual or ask a question to the Room. All these interactions are happening within the mind and will be unnoticed unless someone has supernatural means to detect it.
(Touch +1 | Conc +1 | Room +2 | Base 15 (Surface Thoughts), +1 ask a question)

CrAu 16 - Touch | Conc | Ind | - Aoles’ Blessings, minor object (lab text (1))
Start blowing out air and a wind will pick up, once you stop, the amulet will keep concentration, maintaining that same wind.
(Touch +1 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 2 (Wind),+2 Un-natural, +5 maintain concentration, +1 2 uses per day)

PeTe 30 - Touch | Mom | Part | - Undoing Hermes’ Portal
As per the Stone of Falling Dust in core book.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Part +1 | Base 3 (Destroy Dirt),+5 Up to mythic Material)

MuAn(Co,Im) 26 - Per | Conc | Ind | - Japhar’s Humanoid Shape, Bond
Transforms Japhar into a humanoid creature with two legs, arms and that can speak but his skin bears some colors akin to his scales. The imaginem requisite provides him with an ennobled aura granting him a +3 to social interactions.
(Per +0 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 10 (Snake to Human), +5 bond maintains concentration, +1 2 times/day, +1 Imaginem)

ReVi 49 - Arc | Sun | Ind | - Gathering the proto Essence of Es Safa, Major object
Gradually gathers the essence of Ignem vis. If allowed to accumulate, the vis will condense, if not, protovis will be found.
Taj uses this artifact to feed his fire elemental within his laboratory
(Arc +4 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (Gather Vis), +4 Cste Effect)

ReCo(Im) 44 - Arc | Ring | Circle | Midnights’ Mourning Ring , Ritual
This ritual will link the ring to those present at the time of the casting of the ritual. Those that come to pray for or mourn their loved ones, can sometimes get a glimpse of them (if they have an arcane connection to them) and may offer help (fatigue) at their own expense. The Vision of their loved ones will be real but their gift of fatigue will actually go to the caster(s) of the ritual who has the lowest level of fatigue at the time of the gift. Even so, this often comforts the giver as their feel the loss. Note that one does not need to be a magus to participate in the ritual but there needs to be at least one that can cast it.
Taj created this ritual as he often had to leave his loved ones behind during his adventures and his wife asked for a way to assist him in dire times and keep an eye on him at the same time. Since, it has been used for more practical reasons.
(Arc +4 | Ring +2 | Circle +0 | Base 15 (Transfer Fatigue), +1 Imaginem effect)

ReCo(An) 19 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Safe Step, Bond
This power enables Taj/Japhar to teleport one another up to 5 paces away.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 10,+4 Pen, +0 Requisite free)

PeIm 45 - Per | Sun | Ind | - Invisibility, Bond
Renders Taj/Japhar Invisible from all senses. You still cast a shadow and you may be asked for a concentration roll when interacting with the environment so that you do not re-appear.
(Per +0 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 10 (all senses incl. penalty), +2 changing image, +4 cste effect, +11 penetration)

ReAn(Co) 26 - Per | Conc | Ind | - Flight, Bond
Allows Japhar/Taj to fly at the speed of a bird of their size. They use this to make speedy errants. Jafar keeps this effect always active to "protect Taj from rats and their diseases by allowing him to fly"
(Per +0 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 10 (Move quickly), +1 size (up to size +4), +5 Bond Maintains Concentration, +1 2 times/day, +0 requisite free)

CrCo(An) 19 - Per | Sun | Ind | - Healing Bond, Bond
Provides + 12 to recovery rolls. Jafar keeps this effect always active to "prevent Taj from being killed".
(Per +0 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 5 (+12 recovery), +4 cste effect, +0 requisite free)

ReVi 30 - Arc | Mom | Ind | - Far Harvest
Harvests the vis found at a place where you have an arcane connection to.
(Arc +4 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 10)

ReAn 25 - Touch | Diam | Ind | - The Retiarius’ Best Friend, Minor item
This gladiator's net will effectively paralyze an animal upon contact. Taj made it to efficiently harvest the cockatrice’s of the region of MT-Olympus.
(Touch +1 | Diam +1 | Ind +0 | Base 5, +10 Pen)

CrMe 20 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Telepathic Communication, Bond
Allows to form words with emotions to the other. This could be considered as the ideal means of communication you add context to the words on top of the usual instinctive link that a familiar and his master share.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 4, +10 Unlimited Uses, +1 addl Memtem effect)

PeVi 50 - Per | Until | Ind | Life of the Mundane Man, Charged Item
One of Taj’s greatest achievements, these potions will hide your supernatural gifts and nature from all except divine envoys (good or evil) of your faith unless their perception skill exceeds an effect of level 50 modified by the magic currently active on the user. Parma magica, in particular, reduces the effectiveness if the veil greatly. Taj The Magnifique first used this effect to hide hedge wizards from the eyes of the servants of Shahryār, then later, against the Eastern Daoist demons. Albeit these rings remove the curse of the magical air that so many hermetic wizard suffer from, few would be willing to forgo their parma magica which is why, Taj, in his infinite wisdom, has not bolstered this benefit to the Order ... as of yet. The "until" duration was created by accident in Taj's experiments and is very fragile as a result. Any "magical behavior" will end the effect. Strangely Taj noticed this included voting using his sigil.
(Per +0 | Until +4 | Ind +0 | Base (General +4), Includes penalty for Talisman, longevity potion & Familiar Bond)

CrTe 20 - Touch | Mom | Room | - Warding Against Shahryār, Ritual
This spell creates a number of warding circles and and other warding symbols made material that can be as solid as metal which are imbued or contain salt. This may ward off a number of creatures but was especially designed to keep out the infernal Jinn Shahryār and his minion. Taj The Magnifique, ward the laboratory that drained Shahryār with hollow concentric quartzites circles, filled with salt, on each of the six surfaces of the room.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Room +2 | Base 3 (Create Stone), +1 salt, +1 elaborate shape)

CrAu 20 - Touch | Mom | Ind | - Sea Fog (Haar), Ritual
This spell creates fog to stem from the ground that is natural sea Haar. Sea Haar is the typical fog but as it is formed along coastlines, it typically carries salt. This ritual recreates the perfect Haar with the maximum density of salt. The formed Haar is dense enough to prevent sight and will precipitate upon contact leaving the surface with small pellicules of salt once dried out which typically happens a few hours after the sun is up. Taj invented this spell as a defense against the minions of Shahryār but also proved to be useful against stealthy or invisible foes.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 2 (Create Fog), +1 saturated with salt complexity, +1 Size)

CrAu 20 - Sight | Mom | Group | - Rain of Tears, Ritual
This spell creates natural clouds & rain containing salt. The formed light drizzle will behave as a normal sea drizzle, producing light rain over the course of a number of hours or days if the conditions are proper. Taj invented this spell as a defense against the minions of Shahryār.
(Sight +4 | Mom +0 | Group +2 | Base 1 (Create Light Drizzle), +1 Size)

CrAq 25 - Touch | Mom | Boundary | - Oasis, Ritual
This spell creates a natural body of water the size of a small lake. Taj invented this spell as a defense against the minions of Shahryār.
(Touch +1 | Mom +0 | Boundary +4 | Base 3 (Create Water), +1 Versatility to create type of water (Sea water, Sulfurous water, Acidic water, etc.)

PeTe(Re) 20 - Sight | Mom | Ind | - Obliteration of The Halite
This spell obliterates with force a crystal into thousands of tiny shards. Clothing and skin exposed will be shredded by the blast causing a stress die + 5 damage. Typically, an area of a semiuncia (105m2) is affected by the blast. Taj invented this spell as a defense against the minions of Shahryār as he had a number of decorative Halites installed within his alliance to be used as ammunition in case of an attack.
(Sight +3 | Mom +0 | Ind +0 | Base 3 (Destroy Dirt), +1 “crystal”/Rock, +1 Rego)

InMe(Re) 30 - Per | Sun | Ind | - Coming to Terms with the Night Terrors, Charged Item
Upon drinking this potion, the user will go into a deep sleep and will dream of what he set himself to dream about. No matter how horrible, no matter how much stimulus is used to awake the user, the dream will continue until sunrise at which point, you awake, fully remembering what transpired during the night. Taj invented this effect so that Nemiki would remember the deal she made with the dark one despite Taj’s reservations.
(Personal +0 | Sun +2 | Ind +0 | Base 15 (Pick a single answer), +1 Rego)

ReMe(In) 40 - Eye | Conc | Ind | - Hypnosis, Charged Item
This pendulum will bring into deep trance. In this state, the Hypnotist can probe the subjects mind and set commands such as: “You will not awake and remember all that you have said here very clearly”, at which point, the subject awakes, fully remembering what transpired during the trance. Taj invented this effect so that Nemiki would remember the deal she made with the dark one despite Taj’s reservations.
(Eye +1 | Conc +1 | Ind +0 | Base 30 (Completely Control a person’s mind and emotions), +1 Intellego to bring forward forgotten or distant memories)


Way too many spells for me to be able to go through.

From a skim-read of the first few, my main criticism is:
PeIm won't (to my knowledge) modify footprints, air disturbances, etc. without a separate spell to target those phenomena.

To hide footprints, you can:

  • ReTe the ground so it doesn't accept footfall indents
  • ReCo the target so they don't touch the ground
  • MuIm the footprints so they don't look like footprints

To hide distortions/disturbances in the air, you can:

  • ReAu the air / weather phenomenon
  • MuIm the appearance of the air / weather phenomenon so it doesn't look like it's distorting/disturbing

To hide shadows, you can:

  • Re/Mu/PeIm the shadow directly
  • ReIg the light that is causing the shadow to be cast

As an aside: in my personal experience trying to overcome the 'downsides' of invisibility is not nearly as cool as it seems. The biggest issue is the breakdown in communication you get (two people who are invisible and inaudible to one another can't communicate effectively, and can't even target each other with spells without using arcane connections), and there are many ways that your presence can be inferred anyway, from the mystical (second sight, InCo, etc.) to the mundane (trees/grass still need to move out of your way, water still has to flow around you, etc). Being unable to make sound also messes with Voice range. All of these are solve-able, but this can quickly become one of those obsessive projects that aren't practical.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Obsessive and magus are words that go well together. :slight_smile:

The other question is whether the spells are being designed with a whole bunch of extra parameters purely for the 'SG-no-bother-me' effect. If yes, then its probably too much work for no gain. At best, they won't stop a determined SG anyway (and they will use all the downsides against you!). At worst, the spells will exist to prompt rules-lawyering and bog down the game.