Hi all,
I'm transforming a 4th ed saga into a 4th ed/5th ed saga. I'd like some feed back on the 5th ed viability of a few spells created by my sodales and I in the saga.
All of these spells were created under 4th ed rules originally.
Brunnaburgh by the way is the name of the Covenant.
Tenebrous' Inquisitive Eye - ReCo 20
This spell requires an eyeball, currently not attached to its original owner. The spell allows the magus to control the motion of the eyeball, levitating it and allowing it to drift silently anywhere within the magus' sight. It moves as fast as a striding man.
Tenebrous Occultus developed this spell as a way to snoop around castles and villages while still remaining hidden, a scouting spell if you will. It is almost always used in conjunction with Tenebrous' Optical leap. He also enjoyed the reaction of his sodales when he hooked the eyeball out of its brine vial.
(base 5, R sight +2, D diameter +1, T ind +0)
Tenebrous' Optical Leal - InIm 3
This spell is cast upon an eyeball and for as long as the caster concentrates, he sees through the eyeball, not his own eyes. Note that this leads to a loss of depth perception and a general goldfish bowl look to the world.
This spell is almost always cast with Tenebrous' Inquisitive eye to all Tenebrous to scout ahead of his sodales in relative safety. While the spell is in effect, the eye is an arcane connection to Tenebrous.
(base 1, R touch +1, D conc +1, T ind +0)
NB: these two spells were designed to work together, level 3 seems too low for the second spell and in 4th ed i had it designed as level 10.
Ryces Angry Bear - MuAn15
This spell turns a magus into a bear until sundown (or sun up). Interestingly this spell was invented by a magus capable of speaking while in his hearthbeast form. Hence it requires only animal, not corpus. The spell is thus totally useless to anyone but a Bjornaer. This suits Ryce fine.
(Base 5, R personal +0, D Sun +2, T individual +0)
Santiagos Mediterrainean Orchard - CrIg 30
Santiago uses this spell to ensure a warm tropical heat for the covenants orange orchard. Since the covenant is based on the border between Northumbria and Mercia in the north of England, growing such plants would otherwise be impossible.
(base 2, R touch +1, D moon +3, T boundary +4)
There are a few more i'd like to post but i need my players notes first. Any feedback would be most welcome.