(A bit belatedly - If he had the chance Attravere would have cast another Bind Wounds on Sinmore. If we're going to camp in the woods Attravere would Leap of Homecoming / 7-league to bring back food and a new set of clothes/extra blankets for Sinmore.)
((Not sure where my books are at the moment-- is Bind Wounds the one that adds to recovery rolls, or does it physically bind a wound, replacing a Chirurgy roll?))
Before nightfall, Attravere popped out of existence and pops back in a few minutes later with an armload of blankets, a covered cast iron pot full of lamb and carrot stew, a huge loaf of crusty, buttery bread, and a fresh set of yellow robes for Sinmore.
We resume now with the morning. Is anyone making preparations before whatever lurks in the woods is upon you? Last chance.
((Bind Wounds temporarily patches things up. You can't heal while under its effects, but you don't worsen so you can be transported safely.))
The rustling noises get louder, until a ghastly figure bursts into your camp. Roughly humanoid, the creature seems to be made all of muscle and sinew, with many of its organs and tissues glistening and pulsing. It makes some hideous gurgling noise which can only be laughter, and it lunges at the first person it sees; Attravere feels something ping off his Parma, and is then shoved harshly and knocked to the ground as the demonic creature scowls, jaw muscles writhing unnaturally.
Rhodri will try to interpose himself between the beast and Attravere. He will engage the beast.
"I'm out of witticisms. We should have prepared some light! - DEO!" Aequi screams the last bit with his usual windmilling and tries to make sure he's behind the grogs. ((OOC:Same totals as before))
Attravere will scramble to his feet and Rego Corpus himself away from the creature to the other side of the Grogs and somewhat near to Aequi . "It has some magical effect, beware friends.", Attravere calls out.
He will then hold out a sleeve in the direction Aequi's voice was heard. "Use some of this slime from the creature as a connection."
(OOC: So potentially not same total for Aequi's DEO as before, depending on order of stuff happening.)
Rhodri's blade hacks off a chunk of the demon's arm, and Valten's sword pierces its side. As you watch, however, the muscles and sinew begin knitting themselves back together.
Attravere pops into place beside Aequi and proffers his befouled sleeve. Aequi successfully casts the spell, and-- oh boy, does that get its attention.
The demon snarls and as its bulbous eyes settle on Aequi, the Criamon feels a pain in his skull. Aequi's head is filled with bright lights and can no longer see what is happening around him-- the lights are flashing too brightly, causing so much pain in his head. The rest of the party can see that Aequi's eyes are disfigured by silvery red cataracts.
((Aequi has been affected by an infernal version of Incantation of the Milky Eyes. For the purposes of Hermetic magic though, Aequi can still perceive the demon should he choose to keep casting DEO.))
Rhodri will continue to try to keep himself between the demon and anyone else. He will try to keep the demon distracted with his blade. "That upset him! Keep it up!"
"Musn't... chase after... pretty visions of Twilight...-must keep hold of sleeve, DEO!" Aequi throws another one in the direction of bone and body crunchings as the Skinless One heals from the sword slashes. "Bet he'd fall well too, Attra-." ((OOC: outta words. Heck, probably over my cap))
((I wasn't entirely sure what to do, since I don't have their respective Character Sheet's, but if you feel the below actions are appropriate, I describe below what I'd like to have the grog's do:
- Devorah: Calls upon her Patron Saint, whoever that might be, for aid.
- Mike & Keith: Fumble for their swords if they're recovered enough of their faculties))
Devorah is Jewish, and does not pray to saints. Her faith is in G-d alone. While great historical figures like David and Moses are revered, Jews don't believe in intercession like Christians do.
((Ahhh I see, you hadn't mentioned any specific Faith. Unfortunately, as a grog, she can't expend Faith to invoke God's aid directly so I guess we'll leave her prayer as a purely cosmetic gesture as she goes for her blade...))
((In case it wasn't clear-- it's now a new round of combat, so everyone can take a new action.))
((On the end of the previous page a couple of us posted our new round's actions, just in case you missed those.))
(Sorry for the delay on my part!)
Attravere will nod toward Aequi and seek to Rego Corpus the Skinless Man 50 paces into the air (using arcane connection). Given the creature's current focus on Aequi, Attravere will step in front of Aequi to acquire eye contact. (CT should be same as before, though it is a spont)
Rhodri's swordplay does strike the demon with no trouble, but it seems to still be regenerating, and his attention seems mightily fixed onto Aequi. Devorah's sword seems to inflict some wound on the creature as well, though it knits back into place almost instantly. Keith and Sir Michael have their swords in hand and are now ready to attack.
Attravere's spell penetrates, and the creature flies up into the air, pauses a brief moment, and then plummets back to earth, landing with a hideous wet sound. Even as its muscles and sinews begin to stir themselves back into place, it rises from the puddle of its own gore.
Aequi's spell is successful as well, and the creature snarls. Given the number of people between him and Aequi, the demon howls in frustration and anger. Just as Valten shouts, "PERDO VIM!" a cloud of red mist bursts forth from the demon's body, covering everyone. When the red mist clears, the creature is gone, leaving only a puddle of gore. (A few of you lose last night's dinner, but everyone seems more or less all right.)
"If I had a mirror," Aequi starts and winces, "I think I would look myself in the eyes and make myself unbearably happy about this pain. I think that's going to be the only way to put me in the right state to study these lights. These random, flashing, painfully bright lights. There's a pattern in there somewhere, I'm sure, I just need to- Ow ow ow!" His eyes water up and tears run as he tries to forcefully hold open his eyes to study the cataracts. His attempt does not last long.
"Is everyone okay? Devorah, Mike, Keith, you guys all right? Is Sinmore still sleeping?"
As though in response to the sound of her own name, Sinmore stirs and is now conscious (albeit groggy and in a lot of pain).
"Err..." groans the giantess. She struggles to sit up with a pained look on her face as her eyes open and she smacks her lips. "Od's blood what is that taste? Where am I? What the hell happened? Where are my clothes? Aaah!" she howls again and groans as she feels the pain of her belly wound again.