SO, I"m FINALLY pulling the trigger and runnning an Ars Magica 5E game for my group.
We'll meet virtually once a month or so.
We haven't done Session 0 yet, but we have started some discussion about Magus ideas and Covenant location.
Most everyone seemed really interested in an Alps-based Covenant, perhaps on a mountainside? Sadly, there's no 5E reference for the Greater Alps Tribunal, but I have the 4E sourcebook, and it seems like an interesting choice to set a Spring covenant there.
Order-wise, we have a good mix of concepts/ houses and potential form/technique combos, though nothing is finalized yet. (SOmeone wanted to play a Verditius Enchanter, which struck me as a really interestig choice. And we have a Tremere, who will definitely be great for causing friction with the Tribunal at large!!)
So, I guess my questions are:
- What adventures (published or fan-made) are good for starting 5E characters? (I'm leaning towards "Fesitval of the Damned", though I'd have to tweak a very few of the logistics to fit their covenant once it's fully statted.)
- Any good adventures take place in and around the AlpsTribunal? ANyone run Trial by Fire [old adventire from 2E]? ( I like the idea of the Alps being a nesting ground for dragons, and I have the 4E Revised Medevial Bestiary...)
- Did some searching, but didn't find any updated/revised Greater Alps updates for 5E? (I know there was no offical book, but was curious if anyone had done some home-brew/unofficial updates?)
4, What potential pitfalls should I try to avoid in the early going? (Everyone has the core book, whih should be enough to keep us going, but I have the entire line [Thanks, BundleofHolding!!], though I don't want to inundate people with new rules and material too quickly.