[Sub Rosa] Call for material!

Did you pitch something for the Open Call this summer? We'd love to see it in Sub Rosa!

The call asked for:

Each scenario/encounter should have the following features:

  • The encounters should be short, suitable for play in one session.
  • Each encounter is to be self-contained, but if the player characters decide to investigate further it leads into material from another book. The encounter might be with an artifact connected to some kind of ancient magic, or with a practitioner of rival magic, or have a connection to draw the characters to visit a particular region of Mythic Europe, and thus use that Tribunal book.
  • The encounters should be designed so that they can be used anywhere in Mythic Europe, and should not be very date-sensitive.
  • They should also be designed so that the player characters have to react to something, and can't just ignore it; they get to decide whether to pursue the lead further once they've resolved this issue.
  • Finally, and this is very important, the other book must not be necessary to run the encounter, and we must not need to reprint a significant amount of the other book.

We'd love to have your proposal written up for Sub Rosa, why not send it in? Shoot us an email at: subrosa@distantlandspublishing.com and we'll answer your questions.

Want to pitch something else? There's still time and we're waiting to see what you've got.


And to clarify, we're looking at a late January release, which means a mid-January deadline and lots of time left to make something happen!


This issue is nearly done, just awaiting a bit of artwork, and then we'll be ready to go. Should be here by the end of the month.


Amazing news :smiley: Looking forward to it.
