Sub Rosa: The Bestiary of Uncommon Creatures

There are many diverse and strange creatures all across Mythic Europe and beyond. Some may seek to help, some to hinder the magi of the Order and those magi would do well to arm themselves with knowledge so that they may readily know the difference.

We are very pleased to present the first free download from the forthcoming Bestiary of Uncommon Creatures, issue 18 of Sub Rosa.

This time out, we give you the Giant Seahorse by Robin Bland and with artwork by Angela Taylor.

It's completely free to download, so please take a look and keep an eye out for additional releases coming soon...ish.


I've seen plenty of downloads, so that's nice.

Looks good. When is the issue going to be out? we just had #17 so I guess it'll be a while - but such a teaser leaves us wanting more.

Issue 18 proper will likely be January, which gives us time to do more of these freebies while we wait.

Any interest in another one for tomorrow..?

Here's the second free extract from The Bestiary of Uncommon Creatures: The Rat King by Philippe Saner.

Artwork once again by Angela Taylor.

Here's the third free extract from The Bestiary of Uncommon Creatures: The Hawk of Achill by David Agnew.

Art by Elizabeth Porter.

Here's another free extract from The Bestiary of Uncommon Creatures: The Wicker Man by Robin Bland. ... .php?id=11

Art by Angela Taylor.

Or: Nasty, really...
Artwork is really creepy, I like it.

Yeah, jeg kender nogle magi som roder i huset Diednes rester. De kunne passende møde et par af disse.


And issue 18 is nearly done, by the way. Just finished adding in all (bar one item) of the artwork into the magazine. 128 pages, this one.

21 uncommon creatures (infernal, divine, faerie, and magic all covered)
Beast Magi of Hibernia
Fiction: The Devil's Teeth
Codified rules for natural animals
Advancing the Intangible Assassin

The free extracts will be in the subrosa or should we also download them?

They'll be in there.

And it should be out next week. I'm sending to contributors tomorrow and give them a few days for review. And the out to subscribers.

You should see the artwork! Really nice work in there. And some of the creatures aren't bad either.
