The Atlas Forums dis-allow users from uploading their own avatars to our server, since we're VERY leery providing a point of entry for hackers. You can choose an avatar that you have located off-site, like at Photobucket or on your own site, of course. But what we'd like to do is offer a set of "default" avatars to choose from that would be located on our server, that aren't a copyright infringement or a hacker vehicle.
To this end, we're putting out an official call for "Atlas Avatars." These would be 80px x 80px .gif images from our games, at 6k or less. For example, if you're a Gloom fan, send in avatars of all of the Gloom characters for everyone to enjoy! Or do the same for Dungeoneer if that's your favorite Atlas card game. And Ars Magica is just begging to have all of its Technique and Form icons done as avatars, for example. Just email them to me at michelle AT atlas DASH games DOT com with "Atlas Avatars" in the subject header.
You can also use this thread to let others know what you're working on, so as not to duplicate efforts.
Thanks for your help!