Corvus sighs exasperatedly. "Thank you for the insight into your person, but I ask again if you have noticed any sign of his wand? Desiderius' sigil accompanies it wherever it goes, a side effect of his experimentation. That's why he kept it in a case whenever it was not in use. Have you inexplicably smelled cloves?"
((The phrase 'turns on' was evocative of being accused, which would explain my comments.))
"No, as I said, I did not look for a wand. Didn't I say that? And I don't recall smelling cloves. Is there anything else you require of me?"
He had rounded about onto Tek, which he might have seen as threatening, but no, that's not what Corvus was looking for.
"I see you are as useful as your parens," he muses aloud, before turning back to his investigation.
"As it pertains to this matter? Quite. Am I to consider myself dismissed?" He'll ask of anyone present. He'll express condolences to those who appear to be grieving and depart, if given leave.
Corvus ignores the question-- probably because he is not a Quaesitor and has zero authority, and is keenly aware of it.
Well, Tektonius will look about and see if anything sticks out. He won't nose about, or chase anything down, but he will observe. With a Per +2 and an Awareness of 3 he might discover something (specialty is determining effect of spells cast).
With his Magic Theory (I'm not even going to make him roll) Tek can tell that the fire which roasted Desiderius was certainly not Hermetic. A fact which Corvus is likely fully aware, and may not want knowledge of which spread around.
"Too bad my grand parens isn't here." Tektonius laments to no one in particular.
That reminds me (again), doesn't Cygna get presented at this Tribunal? (iirc, that's, like, the first thing they do when Tribunal convenes) Along with, probably, about five hundred other new magi.
I got the distinct impression y'all weren't interested in that bit. I've skipped over a whole hell of a lot of what was originally planned for this Tribunal due to lack of interest.
That's what I thought, I just wanted to check and be sure. Hate to find out down the road that Cygna's vote doesn't count because her papers weren't in order . So, I'm fine with hand-waving that Cygna gets presented, along with every other former apprentice for the last, what, 28 years? that are still in Stonehenge (or have returned, as the case may be).
The presentation is just a social thing. It is usually the Redcaps' first opportunity for updating magus residence records, but other than that it serves no purpose other than to let people update their OoH knowledges, and give the newly-Gauntleted a chance to be eased into Tribunal proceedings.