Summer 1229 a letter from Bartomeus

Kreigeist says, "Oh, of course! I'm Kreigeist, of House Tytalus. Do be comfortable, please. What makes you interested in joining Gardenia?"

Bartomeus finally takes a seat, turning first to Elia. "My apologies, sodalis. You asked me a question." The blond magus gestures toward Fiore and says to Elia and the table, in Latin, "This collega is my friend and companion, Fiore. He is a man of uncommon… Shall we say, acquisitive talents. Fiore has been so kind as to join me and Master Schwartz on our journey here from Brecia. And I thank magus Schwartz deeply for his patience on our journey. I fear I disappointed him with my dearth of useful travel spells. " The Bonisagus smiles, looking down at the table briefly, perhaps to see if food has been brought. He then turns to Kreigeist, steepling his fingers in front of his mouth before speaking.

"Master Kreigeist, that is an excellent question and straight to the point one as one might expect of the formidable magi of House Tytalus. As I told magus Schwartz on our journey, I think curiosity drove me to seek out Gardenia: curiosity about Mingus's invitation and the curiosity of my research." Bartomeus opens his palms to the gathered magi. "And there is something to be said about, shall we say, the road less traveled that Gardenia seems to represent. Both the Rhine and Roman tribunals see a surfeit of Hermetic politics and business. These mountains seem to provide a certain remote protection all their own."

Bartomeus continues, "I'm also hopeful that should you accept my petition to join you in covenant, I could both continue my research and contribute in some small way to Gardenia's collective weal and prosperity."

Bartomeus smiles warmly. "I am, sodales, a rather open book. What other questions can I answer for you?"

Kriegeist gives him a sharp look. "You're very mellifluous, but I can't help noticing you still haven't divulged your subject. There are certain areas of research that might be dangerous, there are other areas of research that might be forwarded by qualities of Gardenia to which you are not privy. And of course there is the matter of my own curiosity. Your continued reluctance to divulge your subject matter is beginning to worry me, though. I had hoped for another sodale who could to try and tear down my research, to make it stronger, and who would welcome the same treatment from me."

"I did say I was an open book," answers Bartomeus, his smile flagging a bit under the sharpness of the Tytalus's response. "Certainly not a folio and likely not yet a summa, but certainly a tractatus or two." Bartomeus's smile tightens a bit about his eyes.

"Memory." The Bonisagus's expression continues to flatten to the neutrality of serious Hermetic discussion. "My field of research is memory. How is it formed? Is it a thing in itself? When it isn't being recalled, does it exist? How does the act of recall evoke it? How does circumstance or context change it? What is memory's relationship to the humors?" The questions roll from Bartomeus's tongue as if he could go on for another hour with nothing but a litany of interrogatives. But then he pauses, considering.

"We use memory every day. We rely on memory for our very existence, our work, our magic, mundane and magical, faerie and dominion, even the diabolic. These very mountains have memory if we can but tap into it." Bartomeus taps his finger tips together. "Advancing our understanding of memory could advance the very foundations of Hermetic theory."

"As to making my research stronger," says Bartomeus with a return of his smile, "I welcome a robust and healthy discussion in service of advancing hermetical knowledge. The farmer's field cannot produce fruitfully without first being broken, removing troublesome stones, turning over the soil with a plow, sowing the needful see, and the generous spreading of dung."

"I guess you're a student of the Art of Memory, then, or is memory your magical focus? You seem to believe you can advance that field of research. Are you looking for a specific breakthrough?"

Bartomeus turns to Anastasia as she asks her questions.

"Yes, I have spent time studying that particular mystery as it once was called. My memory palace is sound, though not as expansive as some," says Bartomeus with a shrug. "The Art of Memory is instructive and rather practical in many regards." He grows quiet for a moment.

"A breakthrough? Yes, that is my life's work: to have my research yield an advancement in hermetic knowledge that we can all benefit from. But if I knew what the specific breakthrough would be, that might be considered a breakthrough in itself!" Bartomeus chuckles before continuing.

"We know from various uses of mentem formulae that memories can be affected, changed, destroyed, even going so far as to introduce entirely new memories into a person's mind or destroy them. But what are the limitations? What are we actually manipulating? How finely can we impact the memory? Could we transfer a memory? Could we go so far as to share Hermetic knowledge through memory magic rather than summae, tractatus, and lab notes? So many questions to pursue. But I believe that understanding the structure of memory may be the most fruitful line of research to pursue first." Bartomeus pauses again.

"Unless my memory fails me, I still am not sure I know your name, honored maga."

Elia found some interest in Bartomeus' research, but it was mostly peripheral. And yet, she decided it was best to ask what was on her mind, and to probe into another matter that concerned them all. "Dear, I do have some issues of my own to raise. One, do you think that your research and knowledge can be used to probe deeper into the minds of plants? There seems to be some latent mind in them, at least in trees, and that is my interest in your research. But there is another matter that concerns me much more. You are a Bonisagus, and you guys are very happy to share knowledge, and believe me, in most cases, that is great, but some things, like the location of our Covenant, and some of it's secrets, are to be kept hidden, for a variety of reasons. can you, and your friend, keep those secrets?"

"Now that is a VERY interesting question and opens up a wholly new branch of research," responds Bartomeus to Elia's first question before catching himself with a chuckle. "Branch. Oh my. No offense intended. Awful choice of words." His smile relaxes again as he grows thoughtful. "But yes, if there is a latent mind in a plant, we could explore how our current memory affecting formulae impact a plant. First study the existing mind, map out its boundaries, and then apply our base of mentem knowledge within an herbam defined framework… Yes, yes. Quite interesting, Lady Elia. Quite interesting." The Bonisagus magus continues to consider for a quiet moment, fingers tapping.

"My apologies, you asked about my capacity for confidentiality and secrecy in light of my membership and pedigree in House Bonisagus, yes? First, let my actions illustrate my position relative to my House. I was apprenticed to the honored and well-respected Master Occultes at Durenmar. I was offered opportunity to remain and study at the Great Library after my successful gauntlet, a twin test that would have allowed me to pursue either the Trianomae line or the Bonisagi line of House Bonisagus. I chose the latter and to focus my life's work in research. I also chose to leave the Rhine and the Roman, to find a modicum of independence and distance from the centers of the politics of my House. I am trustworthy. When I enter into covenant with my sodales, I enter it fully. Participes mysteriorum secreta tuetur. Secrets shared are secrets protected."

Bartomeus looks over at Fiore, adding in Latin. "And I vouchsafe Fiore's commitment as well."

Kriegeist chuckles a little, but he looks sharply at Bartomeus. "I assume you aren't comparing my scholarly debate to dung - I've never been a farmer but I recognize the metaphor from afar."

He looks around at the other magi of Gardenia. "Should we discuss in private? Or are we ready to make a decision?"

Elia is looking deeply at Bartomeus when she says "I'm ready for a decision." The decision wasn't easy, but she took into account all that the mage told them, and how he responded to their questions, not just her own.

"I'd be happy to talk for a few hours, but yes, I'm ready to decide."

“I am ready as well,” says Schwartz

Bartomeus puts his hands on the table. "Fiore and I can step out, if that would be helpful." His expression appears more tense, smile have given way to the gravity of the moment.

Kriegeist shrugs, "I suppose you can, but it seems we don't need further discussion in private. All in favor of admitting Bartomeus ex Bonisagus to the Covenant of Gardenia, raise their right hand." He raises his.

Anastasia raises her hand in favor as well.

Elia looks at her fellow Magi, and then at Bartomeus before she speaks "He can be of value to the covenant, but I think we need to test him further. Perhaps a task that he needs to complete before he can be admitted."

Schwartz raises his hand, and says, "I vote for inclusion. I am concerned about the experiments with memory, but it could solve one of our problems. Removing memory from those apprentices and staff who leave the covenant, at least the memory of how to get back."

In reply to Elia, "All of us, when we joined Gardenia, commited a few seasons to help with various things the covenant needed at the time. A similar commitment on joining would be expected from my perspective. Would that seem appropriate on your end? Or do you believe the tasks should be done prior to him joining?"

Bartomeus's smile returns as he looks around the table. "If I may be so bold…" The magus opens his palms toward the other magi.

"As I wrote in my inquiry, I am fully prepared to swear the Oath of Covenant and to join my effort and energy to yours for the good of Gardenia. I am not ignorant of the responsibility that comes with the commitment of covenant and do so with eyes wide open, even though I know virtually nothing about the covenant itself or, quite honestly, about any of you, sodales. I am trusting our mutual commitments to our Hermetic Oaths. That is sufficient for me."

"That said, I fully expect to commit seasons to help strengthen the covenant, even should that require investment of my personal stores of vis, my hermetic knowledge, or the sweat of my brow should that be required. Yes, I am committed to research, but I am no stranger to hard work for the good of the Order or the good of the Covenant. If you need me to shovel dung, I will shovel it, though I reserve the right to use means hermetical to speed that odious task along." Bartomeus glances at Kriegeist as finishes speaking, a hint of a playful smile in his eyes.

"We all have to commit a few seasons to the covenant, and I see no reason he shouldn't either. But, we were all invited directly by Mingus, and he hasn't. So I guess the question is, Bartomeus, what assets do you bring that can earn the covenant extra vis, and improve life there?"