Table talk (Bibracte)


Happy-happy-joy-joy-joy :smiley:

I would take the unmodified as-he-is option. Here is the link to his character sheet where he last left off, submitted for the inspection of the troupe.

On the same page, along with various other Novus Mane magi, you will find Roberto's to grog sidekicks Carlos & Pedro, as well as his companion Marcello (Jebric's character). They are not essential and I am not trying to shoehorn them in. I am just now remembering I never figured out exactly what was up with Marcello and his delusional memory.

But as I said, that is a total tangent. I am more than happy with this. Ecstatic really :smiley:
I mean this is f'n awesome!

Now I just need to figure out how to navigate your saga page. Very complicated with what appears to be multiple threads running concurrently. Where should I start in order to get a hand on it? Keep in mind, I don't need or even want all of the information. Just what would be realistically within Roberto's knowledge plus that which I as a player should be aware of.

And how do you wanna start the story arc up? I could write the classic "stranger rides into town" sorta intro. As for the McGuffin (Hitchcock term for "the plot motivator), the McGuffin idea I have is that NM somehow became independent from Florum somehow (not sure how, maybe they found a treasure and bought their freedom, mayby Florum is trading them off, or some such). But in any case, a year later we are struggling and really need a new liege covenant, which sounds like Mons Electi could be an apt choice.
Just an idea.
Sally killed off Garus or some such? Correction, I just scrolled down. She wanted her character as Prima? It sounds like a story about electing a new primus may be interesting here. Roberto would vote for Santiago :laughing:, but that guy would probably turn it down. Roberto himself is a bit to young, and even if he wasn't it still would not be his goal. Not politically ambitious. Instead, Roberto manufactures a bunch of campaign buttons that say "Wirth for Primus" :smiley:

(Can you guys tell I am at the library with my laptop? Detailed messages are a pain in the ass using my phone).

And you are telling me that after a two year absence I still have the highest post count on he Forums? Is that even sane? What was/still-is wrong with me? OMG.
