Table talk (Bibracte)

I'm really sorry about your loss.
And take care of yourself and your family. We can wait.

I could try running a story or two I figure. I don't have the Lion and the Lily though so that could cause an issue or two.

I'm going to change this up a bit, 1221.4 is going to Fieltarn and 1221.3 is going to Jormungund. 1221.3 is turning out to be shorter than I expected and 1221.4 is longer than I expected. The characters can be changed, but the timing of certain events cannot be easily changed.

Winter's night are longer, days shorter. All the better for me. :smiley:

Just like to get the grog and companion participation up a bit.
Would like someone to play Ivor (if no one place him, he'll be staying in Loch Leglean). Again, I reiterate my statement, he can be reworked, aged a bit if you think he'd be interesting to play. Heck, you can redo all of his Virtues and Flaws, except for the ones related to the Giants.

I see numerous opportunites for grogs and companions in stories in 1221. If you've got some ideas out there, feel free to jump on it.

Also, if anyone wants to create grogs for Atsingani, either as a vassal or as new grogs coming with the magi who were of Atsingani, there's potential there.

I'll post a prospective sheet sometime soon for everyone to comment on, regarding the companion I've been drafting, as mentioned there. Actually considering his past, him coming from Atsingani's ranks would be sort of logical.
Edit : Unless other players would be uncomfortable with the idea, of course.

I'll think about devising 2-4(?) grogs too.

The missing hand makes him an almost useless blacksmith... This is one of those "or greater" situations.
And he would be Atsingani because he doesn't have anyplace else to go, if am I correctly understanding what you've sketched out.

If you're willing to wait a week or two, I'm willing to rework Ivor and play him. Sorry for the time-delay; I've been reluctant only because I know I can't keep up with some people's posting rates - I have good days but I'm not consistent enough.

Peregrine has a very frequent posting rate, and one of the things that I've done with this saga is try and keep frequent posters occupied. I want to keep a careful balance between players. A frequent poster is more easily able to take a companion on a slow posting player's magus story.

I'm not saying you can't take Ivor, but I'm going to let Peregrine have a bit of a say in this. Ivor is currently setup as a bruiser, which suggests combat, which means a relatively high posting rate, unless you don't mind someone taking combat actions on your behalf to keep things moving along for the primary player.

I can do it as well. I do not even need to rework the character.

Honestly, probably a better fit. :slight_smile:

Junior magi...

So, if anyone has interest in developing two "junior" magi to add some more flavor to the saga, Jacques and the Verditius are only ~10 years past gauntlet. Whether they are Protected Guests or Vassals, it will be useful to have them fleshed out, and your characters may wish to make deals with them individually. I'm going to retain Vivian and her mater as NPCs fully controlled by me. Jacques and the Verditius could be taken up as secondary Magi if someone is a glutton for punishment, although they don't have to be taken up as secondary characters.

The Verditius should be focused on transportation and construction of labs in cramped quarters (wagons). His current age is up to the maker, pending SG approval.

Jacques was taken as an apprentice at the age of 18, and should have a virtue or flaw that gives him access to martial skills before his apprenticeship. His current age is ~43. According to They Lion and the Lily, Jacques was an ex Misc turned Flambeau, while I have made him apprenticed to an ex Misc who later sold him to a Flambeau late in his apprenticeship. It is possible and reasonable for Jacques to be created with the ex Misc rules for Virtues and flaws, or he could be made as a Flambeau. If going the ex Misc route, they should have some flavor of the Flambeau House virtues. His ability to warm the posts in the barn shouldn't be taken as something that was written in stone that he can do.

These magi can be crafted with extremely detailed development (reading books, learning from vis, advancing them as if they were played), but assume they have had meager resources of vis and books after Apprenticeship. If anyone is interested in doing this, I'll detail some of the limitations in more depth.

I'll tackle Jacques this weekend. At least a rough draft/first pass

Cool. IIRC, you said you had The Lion and the Lily, you should base him on a the Brabançons and the information about him with my exceptions noted above, he has family in the turb, including his half brother who is a mean SOB. The family within the turb would be cousins and further relations.

So Alexei has to discipline the Magus and a whole turb of his cousins? Great. :confused:

Maybe Alexei is going to get disciplined? :laughing:


Here is a draft for Jacques. I found it easier to go do the Ex Misc for all then he will switch to Flambeau. His Ex Misc tradition is to summon and speak to Crows. Very similar to Beast Master in HoH:S. I still need to give at least 1 more flaw but could have 2 (9 virtues and 8 flaws at the moment). I might remove the Minor focus. It covers everything in the same family as Crows ( Ravens, Jays, Mockingbirds). Always tricky when the mage must spend points for very non mage things. The Falmbeau will pick him up from his martial skills as well as his Affinity to Rego (School of Vilano). This is just after Gauntlet. He will have 10 more years.

Jacques of Flambeau
Characteristics: Int +1, Per+1, Pre 0 Com +1, Str +2, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik 0
Size: 0
Age: 33 (33), Height: 5'8'', Weight: 170 lbs, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift, Inoffensive to Animals*, Summon Crows*, Weak Magic Resistance*, Animal Ken, Improved Characteristics, Warrior, Keen Vision, Minor Magical Focus(Corvidae family),Affinity with Animal,Affinity with Rego, Puissant bows,Skilled Parens, Magical Animal Companion, Hedge Wizard, Avaricious(minor), Hatred(Capuchonnes - major),Weak Enchanter, Incompatable Arts (PeAn, MuCo)
Personality Traits: Greedy +1,
Reputations: Hedge Wizard 3
Dodge: Init: +0, Attack ‑‑, Defense +4, Damage ‑‑
Bow, Long: Init: ‑2, Attack +13, Defense +7, Damage +10
Sword, Short: Init: +1, Attack +10, Defense +6, Damage +7
Fist: Init: +0, Attack +5, Defense +3, Damage +2
Kick: Init: ‑1, Attack +5, Defense +2, Damage +5
Soak: +3
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, ‑1, ‑3, ‑5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: ‑1 (1‑5), ‑3 (6‑10), ‑5 (11‑15), Incapacitated (16‑20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: French 5, Area Lore: Burgundy‑Champagne 2, Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 1 (alertness), Survival 1 (woods), Stealth 1 (natural areas), Animal Ken 2, Latin 4, Code of Hermes 1, Magic Theory 3, Parma Magica 1, Finesse 3 (targeting), Bows 4+2 (Bow, Long), Ride 1 (speed), Leadership 2 (bandits), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (personalities), Hunt 3 (covering tracks), Folk Ken 2 (peasants), Brawl 3 (Dodge), Guile 2 (lying to authority), Single Weapon 4 (Sword, Short), Summon Crows 3
Arts: Cr 5, In 5, Mu 5, Pe 5, Re 10, An 7, Aq 0, Au 5, Co 3, He 7, Ig 5, Im 0, Me 0, Te 6, Vi 0
Equipment: Heavy Leather Armor (Soak: 3) (Soak: 3; Protection: 2)
Encumbrance: 1 (3)
Spells Known:
Crest of the Earth Wave (ReTe 20) +17
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15) +13
Repel the Wooden Shafts (ReHe 10) +18
Trap of the Entwining Vines (CrHe 15) +13
Pit of the Gaping Earth (PeTe 15) +12
Tremulous Vault of the Torch's Flame (ReIg 5) +16
Coils of the Entangling Plants (ReHe 20) +18
Leap of the Fire (ReIg 10) +16
Tangle of Wood and Thorns (ReHe 15) +18

Jacques looks good. For aging him, he has 44 total seasons. Here's how I'd like to break it down.
[table][tr][td]1[/td] [td]Creating his LR. He'll do it himself, and have enough vis to do it.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]8[/td] [td]He will have a few years of studying from good sources, after that he's kicked out of his old covenant and returns/forms Atsingani.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]1[/td] [td]Binding a familiar (optional)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]34[/td] [td]Seasons of 10 xp, but spent as adventure, no more than 5 xp on a given skill, with the exception of spells.[/td][/tr][/table]

I was hoping to do the LR by selling his services as a lab assistant. He is fairly poor in CrCo
Can we assume that they can use a liege gift to perhaps use a lab at Montverte for things like LR or binding the Familar.

If he binds his Magical Animal companion as a familiar ( as was my plan) does the virtue become another is is just useless?

I will do a detail seasons for him.