Table talk (Bibracte)

I actually initiated a PM conversation long ago since I saw him visiting so often. He has some information (not much, really) that I expect him to keep compartmentalized from his character. :slight_smile:

I don't see a problem with that. He reminds me of Steve Martin's character in My Blue Heaven. He doesn't believe in tipping, he believes in over-tipping. That and he gets a piece of the action from the Flambeau/Milites protection racket.

Hmph. Jonah's taking a presumed sabbatical (at least he let us know), and God knows what happened to zlorfik. So two of the five "charter members" have left.

I'm curious as to how we're going to reapportion the seasons of Princeps-ship. As it stands now, we have Onesiphorus ruling the Summer, Fiona ruling the Winter, and I'm not remembering which season Alexei claimed. Silviatos had Autumn, and Iosephus had Spring, I think? Fiona's reasons for waiting until Winter still stand, but circumstances have changed, so she may have to take an earlier season as well. Fiona Spring, Onesiphorus Summer, Alexie Autumn, Fiona Winter? Or have Iosephus keep the Spring, nothing happens, he goes into a long Twilight which forces us to remove him from the rotation, and if/when Filtiarn comes in, he can step into the rotation wherever he fits?

I think Alexei's story can still be the spring Princeps, despite the back and forth. Someone can take the Autumn and have it count as a season of service to the covenant (for example, Onesiphorus is giving up 3 seasons in the first year, learn Aegis, learn WiCo and run the covenant). I won't generate any extra stories for that. I'll be closing out Silviatos chapter shortly.

It's a good thing Fiona brought Brione and not Michelle. There'd be blood up to the rafters in that barn if they spat in his face.

I tried to. 8) At one time, I did think about designing him as a Bjornaer, but I opted for the more... "freestyle" ex-Miscellanea option, being still a bit undecided when it comes to 5th edition take on this House (like it, like it not, like this, can't stand that, etc... and vanished "details" like the copycat maga Gethra, or the not inocuous nickname of Bjornaer herself ("Of many shapes", I beleive).

He doesn't advertise his lycanthropy to mundanes, but neither does he hide or flaunt it to other magi. While he's effectively the only spokesperson of his tradition in the Order, and would not pass the occasion to preach... er, converse with whomever would seem interested to know more, his openness would depend on who takes part in the conversation. While he may not consider his bargain with the spirit wolf as a curse, he's not delusional enough to be unaware of other's prejudices about such extreme form of bonding between human and beast. He understand that others may have legitimate concerns about this, and he actually has some of his own too, which have him take some precautions when the moon waxes... well, most of the time. Nature cannot, and shouldn't, always be chained, right?

Well, I'm (a bit) more familiar with the celtic roots of France than Ireland, obviously. In France, there's at least one region out of four where people are proud of their "gaul" origins, although nowhere as much as in Bretagne (Britanny). As for the 'Festival Interceltique de Lorient', yes, that's quite the event. It draws very interesting, brillant, and fun people from all over the world. I'll always remember the pair of Japaneses who came straight from KyΓ΄to in full traditionally scottish apparel, with kilt, 'cornemuses' (bagpipes) and all... and were utterly and happily drunk from start to finish, husband and wife both. But I digress. :slight_smile:

Good idea. I'll do just that!

Yep, that's me, Bribacte's former peeping Tom. 8)

Oh...two to four posts a week? I thought it was two to four a day! My bad. :laughing:

Ok. I played Aerodome - Ace of Aces, 1.1 at the Con. I won the Ace of Aces award for the con. First time ever played, and I think I'm addicted to it now.

Is that the dogfighting game? A long time ago my brother and I played that, it involved comparing results and stuff from two books that we'd flip through. Is it anything like that?

We had a chart for our particular plain, which indicates how much damage at a certain range you can do, describes the maneuvers you can take.

OK sounds similar. Cool, congratz.

Err plane.
We had a plain chart for our plane. :laughing:

((Congratz to Jonathan))

As an onlooker, I'd guess that either he didn't deign to give Murion all the "petty tactital details", or Murion has a commendable confidence in Alexei (and our covenant's Turbula) powers. I mean only one giant? :laughing:

Picture the correspondence something like this...

Murion: research X.
Xander: I need a giant, alive.
Murion: I know some people, I'll be in touch.
Xander: Thanks.
Murion: Garus, I need you to do me a favor that needs a proficient Miles somewhere in France, near Cunfin.
Garus: Murion, say no more, I'm aware that a Miles has taken up with Apollodorus near Autun, which is quite close.
Murion: Excellent, tell him to expect a Xander of my House shortly.
Murion: Xander, I've secured the services of a Miles for you. Please update me on the status of your research in 6 months.

At least Qcipher might play along (while trying and not be smashed by the inconceivably non-compliant giant) so as to ask for a fair share of their research, perhaps? :mrgreen:

Pish-posh! A knight of the Milites is not concerned with such things! Some vis will do fine thank you.

Jebrick PM'ed me. I've asked him to submit a character concept when he is ready.

And chicoazian has asked to play. I've said yes, but asked him to hold on a character concept until after jebrick gets his concept ironed out, as they might be similar depending on some factors...

For some reason, reading Korvin ex Mercere's page, my first thought was: "Korvin, meet Azura. Azura, Korvin. Have fun, kids!" closes door

It is certainly possible!

All we need is Fixer and Arya and Amul and the revolution will be complete! :laughing: