Table Talk - Development

After a quick review of A&A here are my thoughts on AQ:

A crown is a small item and probably fits the best in the 2/season category, or .5 seasons to craft.
We posit an artist with a AQ of 16, perhaps from Dex 3 Skill 7, workshop Raw Materials +2 Workshop Innovation +1 and the Free Expression virtue.
I looked at if leadership could usefully decrease the time and decided it's effect would be negligible.

So, let's pimp this crown.

First, he can borrow an Exceptional +2 Jeweller's Loupe that Haestus just happens to have lying around.
Second he can double the time for a +1 AQ (up to one full season, or two if Trogdor rules the crown has a season base rather than 1/2 season)
He can use his liberal arts education to gain a +2 bonus (Artes Liberales 5, specialty in Art)
Craft Magic temporarily grants Puissant Craft for +2
Craft Magic can also temporarily grant Great Dexterityx2 for an additional +2
Grant Puissance in Crown Artistry adds +3, requires another Craft Magic for a single use spell but let's use Month duration so we only need three of them.
Lastly we happen to have Dobran who is a Muse, perhaps he would be willing to act as Muse to the artist for a season? The rules are a little fuzzy but he could either grant Inspirational for +3 or just grant +10 might for +2 AQ.

Adding it up, for this special effort we could hit an AQ of either 30 or 31 depending on what Dobran can do, an effort equal to the work by a Legendary Artist!

I gotta say, as awesome as this would be, it's gonna tick off every noble that sees you presuming to wear this.

If the crafting is happening in the advancement cycles, then I don't using all the extra boosts is an option? It sounds awesome to create it as a legitimate object of art too.

I chose a crown because of the bonuses, and couldn't think of an alternative that suits the ReMe focus my magus has. I'm very open to alternative suggestions. There is no baton, rod, sceptre, or orb on the F&S list which was frustrating. I'd much rather a rod or sceptre.

As a player I'd prefer to not piss off the nobles, but I also don't intend to walk through cities and have it still look like a crown either. It might be invisible, or radically changed in appearance (illusion of a leather band, or plain circlet, etc).

Thinking about this more and the shape and form rules - I think I can have a rod/etc created and have illustrations of a crown upon it to still gain the same bonuses?

Okay, my health issues are better under control now. I'm ready to start pushing for a start to this game. I apologize for the delay.

Also, we've had a request from another player to join as Jerbiton magus. What does the troupe think about that? We're getting a little top heavy, but perhaps not too much.

Another thing - Warping. I didn't say anything previously. But people should pick a Warping Total that makes some sense. Assume you've picked up some Warping points along the way aside from what you get from your Longevity Ritual. I think the typical 1/year seems reasonable, with modifications for circumstances. If you have a high Gold bond, lots of mastery, Cautious Sorcerer, you can reduce it. If you have something like Careless Sorcerer, it should be higher.

Feel free to add Twilight effects as you think appropriate, though they should be in pairs, one good, one bad.

At this point I say the more the merrier. I think it is normal for people to drop out of campaigns and it seems the rule of thumb is a 50% attrition rate.

New companion idea:

The Huntsman has an amazing talent for taming monsters. His legend began as an apprentice where others swore he could speak to the animals, and he had a true knack for woodscraft, making him a master at a young age. He astounded his mentors when a gryphon was plaguing local cattle and instead of killing the creature he tamed it!

The Huntsman came to Hermetic attention as a good source or magical creatures either or possible familiars or or study. When approached by the Atlantis team, he jumped at the chance to try his skills and knowledge on the unknown creatures of the outer oceans and the newly raised land.

Meliai has literally just taken an apprentice- should I generate the apprentice as an NPC companion? Is there anyone else who would be interested in playing an apprentice as a companion?

I am back from vacation and will post my character for review later today.

I would prefer that another player play a character's apprentice. But I have no problem with the character making up the initial apprentice stats as a young companion.

I could do it. I didn't really have a great idea for a companion anyway.

Sorry for being quiet again. I just had an operation on Friday to get a pacemaker installed, so life has been pretty complicated for the last week. I'm working to get back on my feet now.

May your recover roll explode!

I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out. My dad is seriously ill, and it's sucking all leftover energy. Apologies for not letting you now earlier.

Quite understandable. I hope your dad has a full recovery.

I have a question that I never quite figured out:

I understand that when device maintains concentration, an effect is automatically maintained until sunset/sunrise if the user does not concentrate to change it.

My question is : Can the user Concentrate to end the effect altogether, or is it impossible?

The user can concentrate to modify an effect if it is appropriate (for example, a flying object to change direction) so I would think concentrating to stop the effect would also be appropriate.

Seems reasonable to me.

I have a question regarding muto vim spells and triggers.

With inscription of the soul, do you need to enchant a mind-reading effect in your talisman ? It does seems a bit silly that to have to do it, so your mind (talisman) can read your own mind, but since it is not specified I would say that it still need to be done.

Also, I have a question. There is a guideline in LoH p.107 that enables you to active an effect in an object (Base 5).

For example, let's say you master this spell three times (Fast Casting, Multiple Casting, Still Casting), and you fast cast it, would you be able to active three MuVi spells to affect a spell being cast ? This would be extremely powerful, so I would probably limit this in some ways.

I guess, my request is more for a clarifications for MuVi effect, talisman in the context of inscription of the soul, the number of metamagics that can be applied on a spell at the same time, etc.

Also, Flexible formulaic magic increase the level of the spell by +5. Does MuVi do the same ? I have not seen that it does anywhere, but that could lead to spell with an effective level greater than 50.