Table Talk - Development

Own everything up to BS&S: MA

(Yeah, now yu know where all my money is going...)

Good 'ol Fixer :smiley:
I have true lineages but not Faeries. I also have Hedge Magic revised, but not Rival Magic.
Player Character Redcaps and/or Mercere magi are both sorely needed. And the covenant has a House Flambeau legacy that will become increasingly relevant in the new future.
[spoiler](I am planning that by 1242, Pietro of Flambeau will make a run for Primus. Pietro is Carmen's mentor and will likely try to gain the support of our covenant)[/spoiler]

raises hand

Sounds quite interesting. And, iirc, The Sundered Eagle has the Greek gods as currently being Faerie.

"Above-game", I agree that having Jaksic being Gifted wouldn't work...or even having Latent Magical Ability. Magical Air would be a good thing, I adds a little bit of je ne sais quoi to their relationship. Especially if Vibria gets her hopes up about finding a fellow (potential) magus to conjugate with.

As far as Jaksic and Vibria goes: I see them getting together. They both have a fair bit in common: dragon blood, Judged Unfairly (which will make them cling to each other, if only because no one else will see them as they are or give them a fair shake), educated, intelligent, and so on. And Vibria will be rather possessive of him (a fun-house-mirror reflection of her Avaricious Flaw), but will care for him deeply.

Awww...before you'd taken your short sabbatical, I haad thought Vibria was taking a liking towards Acutus....oh well :smiley:

Vibria also took a liking to Vulcanus before their big bow out. She has yet to meet Roberto, but he is taken anyway :laughing:
Also, Vibria is maturing emotionally and perhaps her ideas of love and romance are changing.

I'm a cheapskate (and this is my only ArM game) - I own just the core book...

...and Sundered Eagle, which I haven't read. My eBay purchase threw that one in with the core.

Yeah, that's cool! Go for it :smiley:

So. A companion, with Magic Blood, Magical Air (enough so that, in practice, he is judged unfairly), good fighting prowess, a latent magical power, and a Thoughts within Babble power to understand people (Unless you want him to be a Mythic Companion, so he can take Gift of Tongues, but meh)?

Oh! That's very nice!

I like it. Magical Air leads to being Judged Unfairly, which leads to him overlooking Vibria's GIft because she treats him nicely.
Magic Blood works. I would even say Strong Magic Blood (like Iolar from Novus Mane). I would thing that qualifies him for Heroic Virtues and Flaws. Toss in latant magic if we need to. I think Heroic Personality would be a good Flaw. The Confidence boost could explain why he did so well in combat, being an emergency situation that called upon his latent heroic nature.

Sounds a lot more like Berserk than anything else, IMO.
You may want to add a sfx when berserking, not unlike Irish heroes. Things like eyes becoming reptilian, nails sharpening, temperature rising enough for his sweat to evaporate into steam, you get the idea..

I think I'd scrape "blood" virtues entirely. The more I think about it, the less they bring to the character compared to other virtues.

Behold a back story! I was planning on taking the Magical Warder virtue, acquired through adventure. Does anyone want to make it or should I write her up like I did with Purity?

I can if you want, just give me some info if you want some thing precise (or just give me free rein), and I'll do it as soon as possible.

The basic concept was as a repository of knowledge for ancient Nordic people, and a guide for the dead to the afterlife. Let's give her a name. Frejia daughter of Ulfric

Some really important stuff, I'm guessing you would have this regardless, but just incase:
She'll need to have some sort of effect she'll use on Vara to avoid acclimation. Redcaps travel and limited supplies of vis make vis consumption or sticking in an Aura impractical. I can't imagine she would be okay with acclimating away to nothingness.
Someway to communicate. If she has a power letting her appear, West Nordic would make sense and Vara speaks it. Technically Latin could do the trick, but that doesn't seem like it will fit concept wise. She could also use some sort of mentum effect. The concept doesn't work if she can't communicate.

Almost as important is the general concept.
The idea was she was the priestess of an ancient Nordic Religion to gods of Magic. They were the first things that managed the world assigned the task by the Divine, but Faerie gods (like Odin) bound them and usurped them. If you have rival magic, basically the Muspelli, but maybe a bit friendlier. Or not. Vara would probably think the Muspelli were cool. She wants to free her gods.

She was raised to be the "sacrifice" in a ritual that would leave her a spirit/ghost. She both learned mystical* aspects, and practical** knowledge. Add some decent teaching abilities and she's like a creepy Summae that can chew you out for slacking off. Killed in the prime of life for maximum ritual effectiveness,

She leads souls to the magic realm so you might want something to represent that. A power to summon ghosts or help them form. Second Sight or some other power to help cross the twilight void. Or nothing at all since the might score is enough actually.

Possibly a couple powers or Crafter of Form (Terram) and Finesse. Then she can use craft magic to keep the temple intact after all this time.

I also picture her as having a power to project a constant image of herself.

*Arcane Abilities like finesse, penetration etc. Any of the realm lores. Possibly even Cult Lore: The Liberators depending on if you think her cult should have mystical power with the Gods gone. Possibly area lores to reigons, the Realm of Magic or even Faerie. Really basically any arcane ability except parma magic. Anything else you think might be considered mystical.
**Basically any other useful ability. Professions you might think exist, crafts you think they could have had, weapon skills etc. Anything they would have wanted to be passed down because its useful.

Is that enough? Too much?

All this talk in a Covenant of Doppelgangers is making Frederika realise, precisely, how precarious Andorra's position actually is - politically, at least. I might end up spending a couple of seasons raising my Code of Hermes lore to 4...

Nope, fine! She's actually quite similar to Melantha (Arachné's spirit ancestor), so it should be easy.

I'll see what I can do, I don't forget you

What are suitable specialisms for Profession: Soldier? Bernat has a point, but no specialism as yet.

What about the type of soldier? Mercenary, vassal, knight and that sort of thing. Or specialities such as Sergeant or Captain. Perhaps a shoutout like 'Crusader' - which certainly has all sorts of connotations, and suggestions of what sort of campaigns you've been on and what you've had to deal with.

Vibria has a Specialization: Teamwork in Soldier.

All of these are good ideas. a type, a duty, or any specific funtion, and more. It was first introduced as a Profession Ability in the Tremere section of True Lineages as one of the skills for the ghosts of Roman soldiers. It appears in other places such as the Almogavar mercenaries presented in Grogs. Ironicaly, I woud think it wouldn't apply to knights or most nobles. Commoners in the military mainy. And those few nobes dedicated to the study of military science.

Guiverna was initially intended to be a one-off character to have fun with in the Covenant of Dopplegangers thread. Unfortunately, my genius had other ideas, and now I want to continue playing her (most probably in Sa Dragonera, but it all depends on how that thread plays out). I've got a character sheet mostly done (still need to work on her spell list and advance her four or five years), but there is one original Virtue I want her to have, but I want to have y'all vet and approve it first.

Basically, Guiverna should be a Parseltongue. But Animal Ken (which has the same basic effect, but for all animals) is only a Minor Supernatural Virtue.

Since "only snakes" would be a very limited restriction, what about the following:

Parseltongue (Minor, Supernatural)
[tab][/tab]You can communicate with serpents as if they were human beings, and make them do your will. This Virtue confers the Ability Parseltongue 1.

[tab][/tab]You can communicate with serpents as if they were human beings. Treat your score in Parseltongue as your score in a language that the serpent speaks fluently in order to determine how well you can communicate, and you can use Animal Handling as a substitute for any social abilities affecting humans. Other people cannot understand your communication with the serpents.
[tab][/tab]This ability also allows you to control a serpent's actions. Make a Com + Parseltongue Stress Roll, with an Ease Factor equal to the Rego Animal base guideline (p. 120); if the target has Magic Resistance, the Ability's effective Penetration is equal to the amount the character makes the Parseltongue Roll by to control the serpent. (Note that communication does not affect the serpent, and thus no Penetration is needed.)

Ok. I might take something like "Scout", then.