Table Talk - Development

As for Jebrick, I have some ideas I will float past you and the troupe latter tonight after work. I am a midnight cowboy :slight_smile:

After the Journey to Waddenzee, Lucas will have to report what he's learned to the powers that be in Harco, How do you want to handle that?

Write them a letter or meet with them in person?

I want to apologize for not following through with posts after work last night. the kitchen was crazy. things imploded while I was off over the weekend (weekends off are rare in this business). Four cooks quit. One was taken back and another is supposed to return. But things were a mess and I was exhausted when I got home. Spent all my Fatigue in combat :laughing: This new kitchen manager is the worst! I must destroy him. For the good of this kitchen, I need to accomplish a regieme change.

I always assumed you could change specialties each time you go up a level. It makes no sense to say that you have to keep the same specialty for your entire life no matter how much you study an ability. You might focus on personalities when learning Order of Hermes Lore, but then decide to change your focus to history later on as you learn more.

I mean, an ability of 2 means that your specialty is effectively 3. Once your skill goes up to 3, it's caught up with your specialty. At that point you should be able to choose what your new specialty is based on what you focused on when you went from level 2 to level 3.

Does that agree with your understanding, Marko?

I believe this is the Rule As Written. And I do it all the time.

Fleur would like to acquire some mundane books- namely on area lore:Mallorca and area lore:Andorra… maybe some tractatus

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sounds reasonable

also would Armando be available for a season or two teaching of the local area lore? While we get the books...

Armando doesn't teach. He is busy with his duties as captain anyway.
Looking closer, he can teach. But he is more of a military trainer than a school teacher. He would provide a source quality of 10. I think there should be a Q10 book on Andorra lore in our library. If not, there is something wrong and it is an oversight that we need to retcon.

according to the wiki, our books are:
Tales of the Ummayads
Andalusia Lore Tractatus: Quality 7
Author: Unknown

Tales of Hercules
Greek/Theban Lore Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Unknown
Features: -1 Damaged

Geographica Europa
Mythic Europe Lore Summa: Level 4, Quality 9
Author: Robert of Mercere (Com 0, Mythic Europe Lore 8, Good Teacher)
Notes: Encylopedic atlas, contaning many (relitivly accurate) mapes and a summary of information about different regions. Covers most of Hermetic Europe.
***May not be copied due to Cow & Calf Oath.

Song of Roland
Pyrenees Lore Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Unknown
Features: -1 Damaged

nothing local, or with a SQ over 9

That is an oversight. Add to the Library at least three Q5 Tractati on Andorra Covenant Lore. These are recent records. I am looking at our magi, and I am stunned at how poorly they have studied the area. Even those that I control! Carmen is the one that wrote the Tractati (Com -1, Andorra Lore 3)
I cannot find anyone with a decent score in Balearic Islands lore. And there is no outside "National Geographic Society" that would write one. So I am going to rule that this is as good as it gets for now. You can take actions in character to change this, such as interviewing locals and writing the books yourself, or finding someone well qualified to do this work.

Not sure where else to put this, but after creating her talisman/animal fertility enchantment, Fleur will visit the flock of magical sheep each morning and extract a sample of male seed and use the item to implant it in an Ewe and ensure conception, until all the ewes are pregnant (one per day) or until it is evident that something about their magical nature is preventing this from working (device has penetration:16)

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Groovy. Give me an Animal Handling roll? And a link to the stats of this device.

the device is on my wiki sheet: for the roll, total four, unless it was stress since the actual roll was a 1:
if it was stress than the total was 17:

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It is a stress roll. The otherworldly rams would not mix with mortal sheep naturally. And mating naturally is life threatening to moral ewes, what with the extreme aggression and the wool that crackles with thunder when they get excited. As a rough call, I figure divide the result of 17 by five then round up. That is the number of mortal ewes that manage to get pregnant and survive long enough to give birth.
Producing demi-god sheep?

So three mix breed sheep? Obviously this would be seasons later, but do they have might?
normal sheep have a gestation of 5 months and reach puberty in 6-9 months. So we should be able to get some interesting results in a relatively short time...

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They will have Might, but they are half breeds. Not sure of the full stats yet. Adding a bit of dark and disturbing to the events, the ewes each die in childbirth. From the explosions. It is a messy affair, and the covenfolk involved in assisting are traumatized.

what is the gender distribution of the half breeds?
also do any of the ewe bits have vis in them from carrying the lambs?

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All male.
Three pawns Auram

As soon as they are old enough I will repeat the experiment with the half breeds and a regular ewe. How many ewes does the covenant have?