Table Talk - Development

I prefer to keep the Puissant Wilderness Lore. No "cheap shot" about it. I consider it integral to the concept, especially with the application of the modifications to the Wilderness Lore schema itself.

Thanks I do too very much :slight_smile:

That caveat has already been responded to with what I think is a perfectly fair and workable solution which will show (when finally presented in full) that it doesnt cheapen anything, leastwise xp gain.

Not really true since he will undoubtedly go for other Nature mysteries just not necessarily (within his unique tradition) via the Merinita House path. This is why the thought struck me that he perhaps first acquires the Guardian of Nature mystery ability and through that initiates the Wilderness Lore abilities with a differing script (each one overseen by someone assigned to him by the cabal that is trying to shape his course).

I always intended him to eventually pick up "Awakening" mystery power if not Wildling, although Wildling would be ultimately useful.

Far too burdensome on top of the other planned modifications. I wont have him crippled in advancement potential when other mediations will solve the issue.

Sounds like a different route to the same end result that has already been agreed. Its just a matter of record keeping asthetics really.

I prefer to keep the Puissant Wilderness Lore. No "cheap shot" about it. I consider it integral to the concept, especially with the application of the modifications to the Wilderness Lore schema itself.

That's already how Mark did her, but then he added a pre-gauntlet initiation to Innate Spontaneous Magic on top of it. What I was suggesting was getting rid of the Faerie-raised Magic entirely (she doesn't use it all that much) and substitution Innate Spontaneous Magic for it (as part of the Faerie-raised "package), instead of having both Virtues.

That only works, in the present form, if she takes just one Virtue instead of both--if she takes both, she needs two different Flaws (one as part of the Faerie-raised package, and one as an Ordeal), which is where we got the differing Weird and Strange Magic in the first place.


Viola will have 4.5 years' less advancement than the other magi, which should make up for having an extra three points of V's and F's (esp. since, if she were simply older and had gotten an extra V as a mystery, it would be a Major Virtue but only a Minor Flaw).


In all honesty, Scot developed Viola a long time ago, and it was back in March that i came up with my crazy mystery ideas. If people don't like that it has to many virtues packaged together, then drop the Faerie Raised Magic in favor of just having Potent Spontaneous Magic.

It is not Scott munchkinizing. It was me being over generous, and trying to combine two different versions of Faerie Raised Merinita.

By the way, Mark, have you looked at how I did Viola's advancement, especially the "Assumptions" section? Is that suitable?


Like I said I have no trouble with it, just dont call me overpowered in the face of another character's powers which will be far greater on the dice rolls than mine would be, especially with my declared willingness to modify the Wilderness Lore mechanics.


I actually think everything is fine. So long as you guys are satified with each other. Trust me, power level is not an issue in this game. You have a dragon for a neighboor, the ruins of Val Negra just over the hill, and a mad efreet that desires vengence on you all (even if you didn't do anything).

Play with power.

Nonetheless, I would like to keep my character within reason, and I don't want people resenting her. (I think though if you look at her post-1208 advancement, you'll see that she's not exactly going for raw power).


I would be happy with that, especially if she started out with the Innate Magic in place of the the Faerie-raised magic. I particularly like that it follows a current rule, which is something the simplifies things.


That would be amusing.


What's not an issue?

If the issue of power is balance among the characters, then you have to compare characters as wholes.


Yes, you have to look at the whole instead of just one part. For example, Boxer's tripple wilderness lore. It looks overpowered at first, but in fact, one must realize that he paid full virtue cost for a set of abilities that overlap each other. What he paid +3 for others can do for +1 (or for free by studying Mountain Lore the old fashioned way)

Scot's character, well, it is mostly my fault. I have crazy ideas and gifted him with useless stuff that is kind of redundant if you think about it. The extra v&f's were indeed meant to represent mystery initiations. I make up crazy stuff. I apologize.

But again, my teory of power levels; it does not matter if you have "super power x", because the next guy will have super power Y, and the villan has superpowers a, b, and c.

It all works out in the end. Let's get the sheets all posted to the development thread and we can debate it out.

Oh, and you can justify each and every season if you want. But, having demonstrated that 10 for an average source quality is perfectly feasable, you can used a simplified proccess. Just figure out how many years you want to develop, multiply by 40, and subtract 10 for every season you do something different (lab, initiation, etc). If you have a develpment virtue, like Book Learner, assume you will get to use it at least twice a year and add 6 xp per year of development. These are all averages mind you. These are artifical limits to be even and fair to all, so don't feel like a slave to them.

I believe Fixer is saying (and I mostly agree) that to say that a virtue is less powerful because it has to be balanced by flaws is misleading and not really true, because all virtues must be balanced by flaws.

But I agree, and I'm OK with it all working out in the end. Let's get some numbers up first so we can talk about them. :slight_smile:


Of course, the next spell is an area effect PeAu, which removes the air around a magus. Put a duration on this, and the only air the magus gets to breathe is the stuff already in his lungs, which vanishes as he exhales. Not resisted.




Diedne without fatigue, but risking botch: 12+8+2+d10==> 11+d10/2
Diedne botchless (12+8+2)/5 = 4
Diedne with fatigue: (12 + 2*8 + 2 + d10)/2 = 15 + d10/2

The Diedne has two fatigueless options.

His character fatigueless (sometimes botchproo): 12+8+2/2 = 11
His character with fatigue: (12+8+2+d10)/2 + 6 = 17 + d10/2

On the whole, I agree, but not hugely superior. And had you chosen different Arts, say 21 and 18, the Diedne would look quite comfortable in the comparison.

So this is a little better, but not enough for me to note an issue (first :slight_smile:; once you raised the issue, I do agree that it's better, and, when there's already a rule for something, I prefer to use it.) Going with AM5 versions would solve things.



I'm glad that my advice was helpful in concentrating your focus. I will admit I may have overgeneralized on the Disney formula, but I wanted to keep it brief and had to encompass like 40+ years of animation.

I don't know if you are familiar with the AD&D Birthright setting or the 1980s movie Excalibur. The two contain the theme that realms wax and wane on not only the quality of their rulers but also their general state. When the king is ill, the land suffers with plague, famine etc.

For your character,perhaps the character's departure has left some mark as well. Say if it were a land of perpetual sunshine, now it rains constantly as the land weeps without its princess. I think this would fit nicely with a faerie realm and would certainly give context to the nature lore virtue quite nicely.

Just a note on the enchanting music vs nature lore. At first description of your character, I felt the former to be more à propos than the latter. Music soothes the savage beast afterall. But it came down to nature lore had the vibe of "I am the Mistress of the Forest" or what have you. With my above suggestion, I think it has a nice context.

Why not just make up a new Virtue: Innocence, since it seems new c oncepts are open for exploration in this saga. No need to fudge one to suit your needs. :wink:

OK, but just remember I have dibs on the butterfly. :stuck_out_tongue:


Gonna be alot of awakened animals roaming these parts I fear :wink: