Table Talk - Development

That is why I asked if it is a full-on quarterstaff or just a walking stick. A quarterstaff is iron-shot (or tipped or something). A long walking stick (or light staff) counts as a club. Which still has Encumbrance.
How weak is the character that you are so worried? If you are playing a male Flambeau with a negative Strength and no martial skills, then I shake my head and cast doubt on how long your character will live.
Me. I am playing a female Flambeau with negative strength and a small size. But she is a girl, and carries no weapons in the first place. Her father always discouraged her from the manly art of combat. Still, I might have her take up the Short Sword one day, after the example of Rulia of Flambeau.

I actually was willing to go with letting someone else play Constantine, as long as he's not overly independent--and I was going with a base Might of 20.


Hmm....While the magus would regard the familiar as essentially human (if probably an inferior), I'm not sure anyone else would, except for other familiars and magi. Wouldn't that be close to the book's description of the Minor Flaw Magical Friend?


That places you at the benchmark of "Standard Average"; Might 20, Summer, you design and control the Familiar but someone else roleplays him.

Hmm...I really was looking more at Might 15. We'll see.


It is actually closer to the Free Social Status Virtue of Magical Covenfolk. Something that is merely a Magical Friend has no status or rights under the Code of Hermes. A Familiar has definite rights and protections.

I've spent several days working on Vares' Familiar. This is what I have thus far. She has all but about 4 Qualities assigned. Some revision may be necessary, however, I feel that this is a fairly accurate depiction of her overall.

Update: I haven't had a chance to read Marko's proposed House Rules for Familiars. This is all based on "Realms of Power: Magic" and older sources, including the two "Mythic Bestiaries" (3rd and 4th Ed, respectively), along with some other inspirational material.

Magic Might: 40

Characteristics: Int +5, Per +3, Str +6, Sta +3, Pre +3, Com +3, Dex +2, Qik +1

Size: +2
Season: Winter (1200 XP + 100 From Educated and Arcane Lore)
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Virtues: Magical Master (Major), Improved Characteristics x 4, Educated, Arcane Lore, Self-Confident
(Quality 24) Virtues: Affinity with Artes Liberales, Affinity with Divination, Affinity with Magic Lore, Affinity with Philosophiae, Clear Thinker, Fast Caster, Gift of Tongues, Good Teacher, Great Intelligence x 2, Improved Characteristics x 6, Intuition, Piercing Gaze, Premonitions, Second Sight, Social Contacts: in Magic Realm, Strong-Willed, Student of Magic, Unaffected by the Gift
Flaws: Proud (Major), Pagan (Major: See note #5 below), Auram Monstrosity: winged, Corpus Monstrosity: Human head and upper body, Oversensitive: to Oath-breaking, Visions

Magical Qualities: Divination (Major); Improved Might x2; Improved Powers, Improved Recovery x4 (all Might points restored in an hour-and-a-half, or at a rate of approximately 1 Might Point per Diameter of time) 9 See also Powers, below.

Magic Inferiorities: Monstrous Appearance (Major; automatic); Greater Malediction: must uphold any sworn bargain entered into of her own Free Will (Major); Restricted Powers x3 (see below), Slow Power x2 -3

Total of 36 qualities spent, 4 remaining

Personality Traits: Proud +3*, Regal +3*, Honourable +2*, Sage +3*, Patient +2

Reputation: Uncertain. She should have one as a Magical Master. Does it still carry the free Reputation 3 that applied for prominent Social Status Virtues in 4th Ed?

Combat: Uncertain. Does she have the base combat bonuses of a lioness? Or is it derived in some other fashion? If she has a lionessā€™ combat prowess, it applies to Claw attacks. Her Bite attack (if any) would have a lower value.

Natural Weapons: Uncertain. Does she have a lionessā€™ claws? Most accounts suggest that a Sphinx does, indeed, have a leonine predatory ability.

Soak: Uncertain. Does she have a lionessā€™ +8 to Soak? All physical Characteristics have been bought to match those of a lioness, but this may be covered by an Animal Quality that may or may not still be in effect for a Sphinx.

Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: -1 (1-7), -3 (8-14), -5 (15-21), Incapacitated (22-28), Dead (29-)

Abilities: (1300 XP) Artes Liberales 9 (Astronomy) (150 xp x 1.5), Athletics 2 (Flight) (15 xp), Awareness 3 (Senses) (30 xp), Bargain 4 (Wagers), Brawl 3 (Natural Weapons) (30 xp), Charm 2 (Regal) (15 xp), Concentration 3 (Resisting Distractions) (30 xp), Divination 9 (Astrology) (150 xp x 1.5), Dominion Lore 2 (Hierarchies) (15 xp), Etiquette 2 (Magic) (15 xp), Faerie Lore 3 (Faerie Lords) (30 xp), Finesse 2 (Fine Control) (15 xp), Folk Ken 4 (Motivations) (50 xp), Guile 2 (Sensing Lies) (15 xp), Hunt 2 (Rightful Prey) (15 xp), Infernal Lore 3 (Goetism) (30 xp), Intrigue 3 (Magical Factions) (30 xp), Leadership 4 (Authority) (50 xp), Magic Lore 10+2 (Magic Realm) (185 xp x 1.5), Penetration 4 (Divination) (50 xp), Philosophiae 9 (Metaphysics) (150 xp x 1.5), Premonitions 4 (Prophecy) (50 xp), Profession: Storytelling 5 (Riddles) (75 xp), Second Sight 4 (Through Illusions) (50 xp), Stealth 1 (Silence) (5 xp), Teaching 4 (One-on-One) (50 xp)


Flight of the Hummingbird: 0 points. Page 38, RoP: Magic. Personal Power. Combined with Restriction: must be able to use her wings to move (not hover). Net cost: 0 Quality

Gift of the Scribeā€™s Truth: SEE NOTE #6 Special (New Power). Non-Hermetic. Greater Power. Endows possessor with the ability to understand--and scribe--any language, provide the possessor is literate in at least one language (Artes Liberales score 1+). Contrary to the beliefs of some Magi regarding the limits of Intellego Mentem and writing, one with this Power apprehends the ultimate Truth of Form and Symbol. Every letter, every symbol, every word is the embodiment of a concept that exists within the highest levels of the Magic Realm. The connection between Symbol and Thought are the foundations of speech, and of writing. The act of scribing a Symbol establishes that Arcane Connection, however transient, in the material world. In the Magic Realm, the deeper connection to the idea behind the Symbol endures. This Power draws upon that connection, revealing the meaning of every Symbol to the possessor. In order to scribe a new document into a written language only understood through this Power, the possessor must first write it in a known form and then copy it, translating between the two by focusing on the Law of Similarity in meaning (elegance and clarity are determined by Artes Liberales instead of Language for these new writings). Net cost: 3 Quality

Human Shape: 1 point. Page 39. Personal Power. Restricted Power: Must stare into a reflective surface. Slow Power. Net cost -1 Quality

Oath-Swearing: 5 points. Unique. As page 39, RoP: Magic, only modified with Restricted Power (must either gaze directly into the eyes of each one swearing the oath, meeting that of another swearer if she takes the oath herself, or else breathe directly upon them, her breath magically mixing with theirs {whether they breathe or not} as the oath is made) and Slow Power. Might cost reduced by 5, to 5, by Improved Powers. Net cost: 2 Quality

Sight Beyond Sight: 1 point. Page 39. Cost Personal Power x 2. Net cost 2 Quality.

Vis: 8 pawns of Mentem vis in her head


#1: Technically, could be classified as either a Magic Animal OR a Magic Human. Older editions of The Mythic Bestiary classify the Sphinx as a Half-Beast. With no equivalent in Realms of Power: Magic, the decision on technical classification could be forced to Magic Animal based on two primary factors. 1. The body plan, which is more bestial than human in her original form. 2. The need to be able to establish a Familiar Bond. Can Magic Humans be turned into Familiars? On the other hand, Monstrous Appearance, normally associated with Magic Humans, is a more applicable starting Flaw than No Hands and Mute. All Sphinxi are reputedly sentient, and can talk. Tool-use is another matter. Without a definitive guide, Iā€™m inclined to list her as a Magical Half-Beast, mixing Magic Animal and Magic Human.

#2: The Lion (RoP: Magic, page 143) has been chosen as the baseline for deciding attributes of her form. She is a winged Sphinx, however, as noted above, her main body and lower limbs are generally leonine, making the lion the most logical choice. In order to match the Lionā€™s stats, she required two levels of Improved Characteristics. She may benefit from some of the Lionā€™s Qualities. Iā€™m unclear on whether they must be purchased, or are assigned. Intriguingly, Lions are both Self-Confident and Proud. I had envisioned her as possessing these. Their inclusion in the Lion template makes using it that much more appropriate.

#3: Reviewing the social classes available to Magic Characters, I am immediately and continually drawn to Magical Master. A Sphinx is a creature of legend, powerful, potent, knowledgeable, and capable of holding entire cities under its dominion. The Ancient Egyptians worshipped a/the Sphinx, and this practice continued down through Roman times. As a fusion of human and lion gifted with immense wisdom, a Sphinx is a natural ruler: the ā€œmonarch of beastsā€, in every sense. Nothing less than the rank of Magical Master will suffice. As to what ā€œgroupā€ recognises this authority, I would posit sages and learned people of all backgrounds with any Classical learning. This may not instill automatic deference, but evokes profound respect. If she possesses a following, it may consist of a sect or diverse group that has sought advice with the Sphinxi in the Magic Realm, or else other intelligent creatures within Mentem.

#4: Nearly all of her starting Virtues have been used to buy up her Characteristics and to gain the relevant Virtues of Educated and Arcane Lore to encompass the range of knowledge that a Sphinx possesses. In fact, all 10 of her Virtues had to be used in order to design her as a Sphinx, and sheā€™s still far short of the appropriate Characteristics. At this stage, her Size +2, 7 initial Characteristic points, and 28 additional from Improved Characteristics x 4 provide: Int +3, Per 0, Str +6, Sta +3, Pre 0, Com 0, Dex +2, Qik +1. Qualities will have to be assigned to buy more levels of Improved Characteristics to bring up her Per, Com, and Pre, then Great Characteristics for Int. Presumptively, this will take at least 8 Minor Qualities.

#5: The Pagan Flaw has been taken as a Major Story Flaw. This does not so much equate to a ā€œfaithā€ in a pagan belief system as it does represent her association with pagans since remote antiquity. She wandered the Ancient World, encountering the priests of many different deities, and was revered if not worshipped herself. She spent centuries walking among the Celestial Houses where Egyptian and other ā€œheroicā€ figures ā€œascendedā€, and has met a number of the gods of old. She resents the Dominion and its jealous ā€œOne ā€˜Trueā€™ Godā€ (he reminds her of Aten, who tried to displace the other Egyptian gods, during the time of her earliest memories). Her experiences in ancient times make her too accustomed to other ways to be deferential to the Dominion, now. She is very likely to argue with those espousing excessive belief in the ā€œDivineā€ (anyone who declares that she can not/does not possess a ā€œsoulā€ would receive a very harsh rebuke). The Dominion is a very Powerful and pervasive force--in the present. She isnā€™t convinced that it will prevail, that the ā€œold godsā€--or new ones--will not rise up to displace the Dominion.

As a metaphysical, intercharacter reference, Vares understands her point, but doesnā€™t necessarily agree with it. He doesnā€™t like the idea of worshipping anything. Not that she worships pagan gods, but when one has met them, and has centuries of experience with their followers and members of their pantheons, itā€™s very, very hard to buy the Churchā€™s dogma. Should anyone attempt to ā€œsaveā€ her, thing could get more than a little interesting (at least theyā€™d recognise that she has a ā€œsoulā€ to ā€œsaveā€).

#6: The Gift of the Scribeā€™s Truth is a Power which I believe to be within the theoretical scope of Hermetic magic, though no one seems to have figured out how to make it work yet. It is derived from several different concepts, including those stated. At the core, much of magic relies upon the principal that a Symbol is the Thing (the cosm model embodies this, though it applies elsewhere). Magi weave spells by invoking very specific Words and Symbolic Gestures which resonate within magic itself. The Gift may channel the magic, but the Symbols have meaning independent of the invoker. Arguably, every spell exists in its purest Form within the Magic Realm (spirits used to cast them may be expressions of this concept--or may use it themselves). The same is true for every Word. Words and Symbols with the same meaning are Similar to one another. If one is known, others may be divined. For the purposes of this discussion, any possibility that they are all fractured versions of a Pre-Babel writing is semi-incidental, and not in any way required for the concept to work (though this would only strengthen the argument).

On a character level, a Sphinx is the embodiment of Wisdom, and knowing all languages is a part of that. The Gift of Tongues has already been taken as a Virtue. No corresponding Virtue has yet been detailed for writing, but I am positive that one should exist. Due to its rarity, Iā€™ve classified it as a Greater Power, with a cost equivalent to a Major Virtue instead of a Minor Virtue like the Gift of Tongues. It is not limited by the need to have another party who knows the language, and is capable of original translation work provided the possessor is literate. What Iā€™m not certain of is duration or Might cost.

If one starts with ā€œThoughts Within Babbleā€ as a guide, the theoretical ā€œbaseā€ value for the effect is Level 5: Understand the meaning behind spoken sounds. Due to the need for a theoretical Arcane Connection to the Realm of Forms, this is boosted by +4 Magnitudes to Level 25. Then by another +4 to take into account that the information is being delivered by Sight (weirdly, a Braille equivalent--such as the tactile nature of Cuneiform, or an inscribed Rune--would only require +1 to bring it to Touch, but this is useable on any text). Thatā€™s Level 45. To get Concentration bring it up to Level 50, the basic Level for a Greater Power. The cost would be 5 Might Points per invocation. With a Duration of Concentration, this would be draining very quickly. Iā€™d suggest taking one level of Improved Powers and devoting all of it to reducing the Might Cost to 0. This could be offset in turn by making it a Slow Power. Reading is often slow in historical periods, and translating into a new language, even slower. Thus, the balance would be the cost of one Greater Power, or 3 Quality points.


At this stage in her creation, Varesā€™ Sphinx has spent all but 4 Quality points. I still need to find out if she has the Animal Qualities of a Lion (as she is a Half-Beast) or not. If she doesnā€™t, the remaining Qualities will probably all have to go into buying appropriate physical details such as claws, soak, etc. If she does, then theyā€™re available to purchase a few more Magic Qualities.

Among the possibilities that are under consideration for her are both Crafter and Master of Form Focus Powers, working with Mentem. Auram is a secondary possibility, based on her connection to Air and the heavens. Imaginem a third option, and Vim, representing her extreme exposure to Magic itself, a fourth. Intellego based Focus Powers are not listed. Iā€™m not sure whether theyā€™d apply to multiple Forms (since the listed Focus Powers consist of two Techniques and one Form, this would be one Technique and two-three Forms, probably Imaginem and Mentem, with the possibility of Vim).

Divination has been chosen to represent the sheer scope of the Sphinxā€™s knowledge. If she doesnā€™t know something now, she has the ability to discover it. Her expriences in the Magic Realm have made her intimately familiar with vestiges and temporae. She is able to track down those providing suitable Arcane Connections and details to gain further and deeper insight into her subjects. Her primary method of Divination is Astrology. Iā€™ve considered having her acquire at least a second in the form of Oneiromancy. Associated with the Sphere of Mentem as she is, it would be a natural method of investigation and divination. More esoteric methods, such as numerology, would be considered as secondary or tertiary.

With her extensive acquaintance with the Magic Realm--represented in no small part by her phenomenal Magic Lore--she has likely acquired a number of True Names and Synthemata. The rules governing True Names indicate that they are learned as part of Magic Lore advancement, at a rate of 5-1. Iā€™m not positive on how this works in reverse. If it does, then with the effective 275 XP she has invested into Magic Lore, she has 55 xp worth of True Names, or 11 of them at 5 xp per True Name. Several of these would be for Daimons of celestial nature.

One power reputed to be possessed by some Sphinxi is that of invoking Death. Sometimes as a consequence of a broken bargain/pact, sometimes through magic, and sometimes through nothing more than a Sphinxā€™s gaze. Itā€™s possible that she might possess this, though with the few Quality points left itā€™s unlikely unless it is Restricted, additional Inferiorities are taken, or points are salvaged elsewhere, such as through dropping a few of her many, many Qualities assigned to Minor Virtues (at least half of which are absolutely required for the character concept, and another quarter are very important to her role as a Sphinx).

Iā€™ve envisioned her as an ages-old expert on the Magic Realm. She knows how to navigate it with ease, and how to make use of its natural features. Should she have any additional powers to represent this, or rely almost exclusively on her Magic Lore and other extant Abilities and Powers?

The extent of her knowledge of the mortal realm is broad, but her greatest personal experiences are dated. Iā€™ve considered the possibility that she has what could be called an Area Lore (Mythic Earth), representing the far range of her travels, contacts, and observations--as well as the lack of current specificity of much of it beyond raw geography. History may be covered in part by her Artes Liberales score, with magical history covered by Magic Lore.

Her automatic, intrinsic True Friend/Love Virtue for Vares as his Familiar has not yet been included. Forging the Bond between them will create it as an Essential Trait. Though others may not fully understand nor fathom it, once the Bond has been established, she will consider herself to be his ā€œqueenā€. He may take other consorts or concubines, as befits his station (her cultural values were learned in the Bronze Age). She is the one Bound to him for all his life, and, should he attain his aspiration, his Immortal existence. She is the one who will be at his side, hear his confidances, and whose very Essence embraces and is embraced by his Power, his mind, and his body. She is far more than his Familiar; she is the complement to his very being as a Magus.

Her true age is unknown to all save herself and possibly her parents. From her anecdotes, comments, and some of her cultural references, it is very likely that she was in her Spring season when the Bronze Age civilisations were at their height more than two-and-a-half millennia ago. Her Summer season may have begun during the Bronze Age, lasted through the first Dark Ages, and into the Iron Age. Her Autumn came in the latter Classical Age. She departed for what she believed would be the final time from the mortal world before Constantineā€™s forced conversion of the Empire was complete, and before the Western Roman Empire fell. Her knowledge of the mortal world does not end there. She has continued to encounter travelers from it, periodically, in the Magic Realm; converse with spirits and other Magical creatures who have visited or had traffic with it; and look out upon it through various vestiges. Much of her ā€œtimeā€ has been spent in the Celestial Houses which may adjoin the Twilight Void. There, she converses with those from bygone eras who attained the ancient heavens, and those who contemplate them still.

In this case, I suggest that if you want to design my familiar, you can go right ahead... :wink: I was going to just use the stats from TMRE, not design a whole character using ROP:M. If this is not acceptable, well - then there's lots of work to do...

That's how I imagined the relationship between my magus and his familiar would basically be. I don't know why I need to take a Virtue fort this, but if I do then I'll have to think hard how to do so. Is that really necessary?

We seem to have a very different idea on what the familiar bond is like. In canon it's referred to as a "spouse", and confers the "True Friend" virtue. Of course your spouse will operate in your best interest! You don't need a Virtue for that. I also specifically picture Propolos' familiar as hanging around with him on adventures - staying around Propolos and guiding him is what that Aspect was created for in the first place. That's what the theurgic bond is all about. It isn't like this is the spirit of the Matron, with a thousand and one other things to do - it's just one Aspect, created for this specific task.

I like her very much. Not much to say, but

The way I treated it was to take each True Name as costing 4 XP. You learn it for 5 XP, but get 1 XP in Magic Lore; assuming that your Magic Lore is high enough, this means that the True Name itself cost 4 XP.

There are no applicable rules for learning Synthemata, and barring further Virtues I think she should know none.

Yes it does. Page 178 says "Most athletic activities are penalized, as is spellcasting" (and refers to page 81, which says nothing either way).

I have no intention of using the staff as a weapon. It's there because it's the talisman for a magus. I was thinking about changing it to a Caduceus, but the double-snake doesn't really work for the character. I might go with "rod", which I guess would fall under the "staff/wand" category of Shape, however, and save us all this problem.

Regardless, I still think it's silly that a wizard's staff penalizes spell-casting [for anyone without positive Strength].

As Mark pointed out, a real quarterstaff is a big, heavy thing. The Wikipedia article on it says it's considered a pole weapon, and describes it this way: "The term is generally accepted to refer to a shaft of hardwood between five and seven feet in length, sometimes with metal tips, ferules or spikes."

I don't think that's what Propolos is carrying--I would guess his is three to four feet, and not iron-shod or otherwise reinforced. The word "staff" (a different sense of the term) still applies, but in combat mechanics terms it's something different. I guess it could be a club, but as Mark pointed out, that also has a Load, though I'm not sure why--maybe because it's used one-handed? Perhaps we could say that the staff, as long as it's carried two-handed, doesn't encumber, but it has no combat utility, either, and it's limited to four feet.


Oh, another thing he could do is to carry a real quarterstaff, but using a ReHe effect to make it lighter.


It is not a virtue or flaw, there is no cost associated. The effects are self balancing.

As stated, I'm not sure how it would work. Spending what is probably more than an "objective" thousand years in the Magic Realm dealing with these agencies would almost inevitably lead to the acquisition of some Names. Synthemata actually appear to be much more common than True Names. She still has some unassigned Qualities, and a few adjustments could be made, as necessary.

I'm trying to create a magical Companion, and I noticed something peculiar: a magic character can use 10 XP's to buy a Minor Quality, and one Minor Quality is improved Abilities, which gives 50 XP's. That seems a little out of whack . Now, it may be that to have someone teach that Quality, you'd need a teacher with exactly the same allocation of XP's, but that's not actually that hard (unless you insist on documenting, for the teacher, exactly which XP's from which instance of the Improved Abilities went to which ability, and no one does that). Maybe Practice won't work (that's a matter of interpretation, if the character already has at least one instance of Improved Abilities), but studying with vis absolutely will--yes, that's a lot of vis, but 10 XP's become 50 XP's.

Mind you, except for studying from vis, none of the above is very feasible for a character with high Might, but with hte house rule we've adopted for familiars, that's no longer true.

My feeling is that the Improved Abilities Quality is not really like other Qualities--it's a game-mechanical fudge to allow the creation of characters with more XP's than the handful of possible values available in the seasons table. Because of that, I don't think we should allow it to be taken after character creation.

Does anyone else have any thoughts?


One cannot acquire additional background-related Ability XP Virtues after chargen. One can become Educated, of course, but the process of learning literacy and probably Artes Liberales equates to the Virtue; one doesn't add the Virtue, then just spend the XP. Unless that loophole exists during chargen, which I do not think that it does, it shouldn't be an issue.

I agree, however, that despite the improved streamlining of development there are still some loopholes and inconsistencies. It happens.

Here's my new Companion character. She's not entirely finished (she still needs a couple more Qualities), but I have enough to play her right now.

The Cat (aka the Black Cat)

The Covenant of Andorra, like any sizeable human settlement, has many cats, but the covenfolk refer to one cat in particular as ā€œthe black catā€, or simply, ā€œthe catā€. Several of the older people insist they knew her when they were children, which would make her a very, very long-lived cat, hence suggesting a magical nature. There are even rumors that sheā€™s the covenantā€™s original cat, having been brought here as a kitten in 807 when the covenant was foundedā€”that would make most of the other cats her descendants.

The covenfolk also insist that thereā€™s something just not quite right about this cat, that odd things seem to happen when sheā€™s around, and that sheā€™s occasionally been seen in some unlikely locations within the covenant. However, no one actually remembers her ever doing anything untoward.

Species: Cat

Age: Unknown (appears as an adult in the prime of life)
Season: Summer
Decrepitude: N/A (Immortal)
Size: -3
Magic Might: 23 (Animal)
Confidence: 1 (3)

Intelligence: +2 Perception: +4
Communication: -2 Presence: -1
Strength: -6 Stamina: +1
Dexterity: +3 Quickness: +5

Virtues: Magic Animal; Gossip, Great Perception, Improved Characteristics, Luck, Perfect Balance (+6 to avoid tripping or falling), Puissant Awareness (+2 to Awareness), Sharp Ears (+3 to hearing), Personal Vis Source (hairballs, Animal), Piercing Gaze, Unaffected by the Gift

Flaws: Close Family Ties, Compulsion (invading privacy), Covenant Upbringing, Hatred (Minor, vermin), Magical Friend, Nocturnal (-1 to all rolls from dawn to noon), Oversensitive (loud noises), Proud (Minor), Secretive, Slothful

Qualities: Ambush Predator, Crafty, Good Jumper (+3 to jumping), Skilled Climber (+3 to climbing), Thick Fur

Magic Qualities: Improved Abilities (x5), Improved Powers, Lesser Power (x4), Major Virtue: Shapeshifter, Minor Virtue: Improved Characteristics (x2), Minor Virtue: Second Sight, Personal Power (x2)

Magic Inferiorities: Susceptible to Deprivation

Personality Traits: Cat +3*, Curious +4, Timid +2, Vain +3

Ability Specialty Score XP Notes

Covenant of Andorra Lore animals 5 75
Athletics jumping 3 30
Awareness at night 4+2 50
Brawl claws 4 50
Concentration shapeshifting 2 15
Folk Ken covenfolk 2 15
Hunt mice 4 50
Intrigue gossip 2 15
Catalan Andorran 4 50
Order of Hermes Lore personalities 2 15
Stealth stalking 4 50
Teaching kittens 4 50

Latin Hermetic 3 30

Finesse aesthetics 2 15
Magic Lore creatures 2 15
Penetration Animal 2 15

Second Sight invisibility 4 50
Shapeshifter goshawk 3 30 goshawk, Montpellier snake


Feigned Innocence (Lesser), 0 points, Int. +3 (PeMe5, R: Sight, D: Mom., T: Group; causes a group of people to forget something the Cat did; -1 Might; total 10)

Moving Objects with the Mind (Lesser), 1 point, Init. +1 (ReTe10, R: Sight, D: Conc., T: Ind.; moves an inanimate object, with maximum size depending on type of material; -1 Might; total 15)

Oops (Lesser), 0 points, Init. +8 (ReCo[An]10, R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind; the target loses control of both feet, causing him to fall over; -2 Might, +7 Init.; Total 30 + 5 points of Improved Powers)

Shadow (Personal), 0 points, Init. +3 (MuAn[Ig]30, R: Per., D: Sun (ended at will), T: Ind.; transforms the Cat into a shadow, in which form she can move along any surface; -3 Might, +1 Init.; total 50)

Solace (Lesser), 5 points, Init. -5 (Re[Cr]Me[An]25, R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind; calms and reassures the target; total 25)

Weapon Init. Atk. Dfn. Dam. Str. Load
Claws 0 +4 +6 +3 n/a n/a
Teeth +1 +5 +4 +2 n/a n/a
Dodge +5 n/a +9 n/a n/a n/a

Soak: +1

Fatigue Levels: Fresh / Winded / Weary (-1) / Tired (-3 ) / Dazed (-5) / Unconscious

Wounds: 2 points per increment

In my opinion, "Good Jumper" and "Skilled Climber" should be taken as Minor Essential Virtues. Magic animals are not created as Mundane animals with magic sauce poured on them :laughing: . They are designed as normal characters from scratch, with the stats for mundane animals to be used as a guideline telling you what abilities and virtues you must purchase.

But, as I am infamous for inconsistency it seems, I may or may not have been doing things that way for the animals I designed. I think I have, but I will have to go check and see what I have dione so far.

Other opinions?

In most cases, Qualities aren't listed on magic animals because they're already included in their stats: hence the "Thick Fur" has already gone into a +1 to Soak, Ambush Predator has already specified that certain skills be taken, etc. Those two particular Qualities really don't come up to the level of even Minor Virtues (or Magical Qualities). Things that actually do come up to the level of Virtues are listed as such in the animal stats: for example, cats have to take Puissant Awareness and Perfect Balance (I think ArM4 had a virtue called Double-jointed that gave a bonus to a number of things, including climbing, but nothing in ArM5 does). Don't Magic Animals also get an Essential Virtue for free? They get the personality trait, anyway.

The rules don't say they don't apply, just that they're not usually listed (I'm guessing it's because of the reason I gave above); I just listed them because I'm compulsive. (I mean, seriously, the cat can turn into a bird or a shadow, so bonuses to jumping and climbing aren't at the top of my priorities list.)

As to the principle of the thing....If you use the Magic Animals rule to create Beasts of Virtue, and Beasts of Virtue has to take (mundane) Qualities as Virtues or Magical Qualities, and if they don't in fact do so (none of the ones in the book do), then we have created a situation in which a Beast of Virtue is a less perfect example of its species than the mundane members. :slight_smile:


I noticed for several Beasts of Virtue that the Essential Traits are included without eing referenced in Qualities, balanced by an equal value of essential flaws that are also unwritten. The Black Dog and the Lion are two examples that come to mind.
And "Good Jumper" & "Skilled Climber" fit the description of Minor Essential Virtue to a tee; adding a +3 bonus to a specific set of activities.
Also, the many animals and monsters in RoP Magic are notable for their inconsistency and flawed design. I think it had something to do with several many authors who could not agree or get along. In other words, I think the example Beasts of Virtue are inaccurate, and I myself would not use any of them as written.