Designing Familiars
[color=white]……..The following is a guideline for creating a magic animal character for your familiar. These are optional, and are not required of new or existing Familiar Characters. This is simply the range that, based on the comments some of you have made, the troupe feels is a comfortable rage of power versus independence.
[color=white]……..Note that these are just guidelines, not House-Rules or absolute limitations.
Season & Might: When designing a magical animal for your familiar, the standard average is a Summer Character with a base Might score of 20. As characters to be role-played, magical animals may be freely designed with Intelligence by spending Characteristic points as normal. The player has control of the Familiar, but may choose to share role-playing with other players at times. The Familiar is to played as an individual character with their own goals and interests, not as a puppet of their magus.
[color=white]……..Control can be exchanged for greater potential, or greater control can be retained by limiting potential. Benchmarks are as follow (note, these are guidelines, not Virtues & Flaws, nor are they required. They are just suggestions.
Limited Potential: Spring, Might 10; player has full control of Familiar, which may be kept as a background character.
Subdued Potential: Summer, Might 15; player has full control of Familiar, which must be fully developed as an individual, but still a minor character.
Standard Average: Summer, Might 20; player has full control of Familiar, which must be fully developed as an individual major character. Role-playing might be shared with other players, and the Minor Negative Quality of Independent is recommended.
Improved Potential: Autumn, Might 25; player has control of design and development of the familiar. Role-playing and major life decisions should be shared with other players, and the Minor Negative Quality of Independent should be taken.
Greater Potential: Winter, Might 35+; player suggests ideas for the Familiar, but the rest should be determined by the Storyguide.
Virtues & Flaws:
Existing Virtues & Flaws:
[color=white]……..Some magi have visions of the animal that is to be their familiar, some research a beast they feel suits their nature, then they go out and quest for the creature. Sometimes an animal met by chance encounter on an entirely different quest is destined to be the magus’ familiar.
[color=white]……..But these are situations best played or written out. Since this is a saga of mature magi, the advanced development process forces one to gloss over some of this detail when creating a mature magus with a Familiar. At the very least, you should how you met your familiar &/or how long it took you to find them (taking from one season to one year). Note how long they have been your Familiar, being mindful of how your Arts developed over the years. If you are at your maximum possible Lab Total, then you either only recently bonded or recently retempered the bond. If the Bond is somewhat lower than your current total, you probably forged the bond a long time ago and could take advantage of retempering soon.
[color=white]……..Some players may choose to simplify the process by choosing an existing Virtue or Flaw to clarify the relationship. Choosing any of the following needs only a simple explanation of how the animal came into the life of the magus, and does not require any time or effort in locating them. This may also presume that the Bond was forged whenever the magus was able, but the two may have had a longstanding familiar-like relationship before then.
[color=white]……..Of the existing Virtues & Flaws, the Story Flaws of Animal Companion and Magical Animal Companion indicate that the Familiar should have more independence, taking actions on their own that create stories for the magus. The Virtues of Magical Mount and Magical Warder are of benefit in that they provide a powerful being as a potential familiar.
Animal Companion/Magical Animal Companion: (Minor Story Flaw)
[color=white]……..An Animal Companion is suitable for a Familiar if it is also supernatural in any way, possessing an appropriate Virtue or Flaw. Otherwise, a mere mundane animal won’t do. Still, an Animal Companion has Cunning instead of Intelligence, but upon becoming a Familiar they gain an Intelligence of -3 (if they had a positive Cunning, then subtract three from that score to determine Intelligence).
[color=white]……..A Magical Animal Companion has a Might score and Season according to the guidelines above. Many Magical Animals have Cunning, but as Characters they may freely have Intelligence and spend Characteristic points as normal.
[color=white]……..In either case, this indicates that the animal likely had a relationship with the magus for a long time before becoming a Familiar. This relationship needs to be explained, but whatever it may be, this is still supposed to be a Story Flaw for the magus. Therefore, the familiar must choose a Major or Minor Personality or Story Flaw that reflects this relationship, having the appropriate effect on the life of the magus.
Magical Mount (Magical Pet): (Minor General Virtue)
[color=white]……..This is basically the same thing as taking Magical Animal Companion as a Virtue instead of a Flaw. Thus, no secret story flaw is required for the familiar. The animal has a Cunning score equal to the Intelligence of the magus, or an Intelligence score at least three points lower than the magus. Since this is a Virtue, the Familiar should have a slightly higher Might score.
Magical Warder: (Minor General Virtue)
[color=white]……..The Familiar is the dominant, protective, or parental partner of the bond. Design and control of the familiar is as determined by the storyguide. The familiar always acts in the magus’ bests interest (as any familiar would).It is just that the familiar thinks it knows what’s best for the magus better than he does, and feels compel to play the role of mentor. The Familiar may have a very high might score, but will be able to provide some benefit to help facilitate forging the bond (such as a temporary la total bonus).
Magical Blood: (Minor Supernatural Virtue)
[color=white]……..The advantages of an animal with Magic Blood are described above. The main advantages are that the Bond Level will be lower (and thus the Bond Potential higher), any combination of Arts can be used, and all Lab Totals have a +3 bonus.
New Virtues & Flaws:
Free Virtues:
Hermetic Familiar: (Free Familiar Virtue)
[color=white]……..For Familiars, this is the equivalent of the Social Status of Hermetic Magus, and usually replaces any previous Social Status that the Familiar had. This carries with it due rights in Hermetic society and acknowledgment of status by other familiars. The Familiar shares in part the prestige and/or infamy of their magus, possessing a Reputation of Familiar of (name of magus), at a score equal to half (round down) the highest Hermetic Reputation of the magus.
Beast of Virtue: (Free Familiar Virtue)
[color=white]……..The Familiar is a Beast of Virtue, which carries some prestige amongst other familiars and their magi. The Familiar has the Hermetic reputation, (type of beast) of Virtue, beginning at a score of 2. In addition, the Beast of Virtue receives one free Essential Virtue to represent its nature. Though magical, Beasts of Virtue are Susceptible to Depravation, included as part of this Virtue.
Chimera: (Free Familiar Virtue)
[color=white]……..The Chimera combine the natural qualities of two or more animals; such as a Griffon (Lion & Eagle), Pegasus (Eagle & Horse), the Sea-Horse (Horse and Fish), and others. The animal has an unnatural appearance and is obviously magical. The Chimera must purchase the required abilities and essential traits of two different species. To assist with this, the Chimera receives two free Minor Essential Virtues and fifty additional experience points for Abilities. A Chimera is Susceptible to Depravation, included as part of this Virtue.
Mythic Beast: (Free Familiar Virtue)
[color=white]……..The Familiar is a Magical Animal created from scratch. The beast may be designed with up to three additional points of Virtues & Flaws.
Minor Virtues:
Receptive to Magic: (Minor Familiar Virtue)
[color=white]……..The Familiar is naturally receptive to Hermetic Magic, and it is easier to forge and enchant the Bond than normal. Any combination of Arts can be used, and there is a +6 bonus to all Lab Totals involving the Familiar.
Minor Flaws:
Unreceptive to Magic: (Minor Familiar Flaw)
[color=white]……..The familiar has a strong magical nature that isn’t receptive to change. Subtract 3 from any relevant Lab Totals.
Warped Animal: (Minor Familiar Flaw)
[color=white]…….. Amongst Familiars, this is the equivalent social stigma as the Hedge Wizard Flaw is to magi, carrying a negative Reputation of 3. The Familiar has a Warping score of at least 1, though magi who choose Warped Animals as Familiars prefer those that have at least a Warping Score of 5 so that they have some sort of inherent Magical Virtue (see ArM5, page 168). Only magi with few other choices would pick a Warped Animal for a Familiar, but there are a few incidental benefits. The creature does not have a Might Score adding to the required Bond Level, and the magus may add their combined Warping Scores to the Bond Lab Total.
Major Flaws:
Monstrous Beast: (Major Familiar Flaw)
[color=white]……..A Monstrous Beast has a Monstrous Appearance, due to some disturbing features and/or its great size (add up to +2 to the beasts Natural Size). The Familiar retains the Magical Monster Social Status outside of the covenant.