I forgot the Shadow Wars
1207 the cult is exposed
stuff you guys do
fill in the blanks
I forgot the Shadow Wars
1207 the cult is exposed
stuff you guys do
fill in the blanks
For what it's worth
Contributions for Vibria and Fédora
I think Fixer deserves an award for his wiki work. He created it years ago, maintained a link in his signature, and now spends time updating it with coolness 8)
Fixer, in what way may I express gratitude?
I listed the birth/apprenticeship and relocations to make it easier to find possible intersections.
For example....
How about sometime between 1215 and 1217, just as Pythos is being lured out of his shell by Guillame, but before he's discovered just how serious the real world can be? Or would you prefer between 1210 and 1215, while he is no longer quite as self-centered, but is still pretty insulated by his House culture from the dangers of the real world?
How about after you meet Guillme, the two of you travel to the covenant of Barcelona. You are overwhelmed bu this mundane cosmopolis. Carles of Jerbiton suggests the two of you seek out Golda for advice. Blah-blah-blah, stuff happens and meeting Golda has a positive effect on your life. You learn she has a magus lover and a daughter by him who is off in the far north at that time.
Years later, when you meet Carmen, you don't initially draw the connection. Until the moment you meet the two of them together.
You've done it already. And I really appreciate it. Thanks.
Since I'm down to some last details on Guillaume, I figure I should put in some work on her. At least Fixer likes the storyline. I could see an appreciation between her and Arachne, if not more. I'll start up another thread soon.
Since I'm working on details for a crafter with a lot of Faerie involved, I figured I should double-check on Faerie Sympathies. We agreed that the one limit that even experience from 1's be limited by Warping Score solves the problems, right? Well, that and the decision that Spell Mastery doesn't have normal specialties also limits the grossness there.
I don't have acces to Faeries at the moment (am I correct in presuming that is where it is from?); so I need you to explain it to me again and just what it means for the character in question.
It's kind-of like a magical focus but for Abilities. However, it doesn't double the Ability. It replaces the Ability's specialty with its score if it applies. It can be raised using experience up to a limit based on Warping Score. Using it also causes a point of Warping on a botch. Also, botches and 1's make take away from or add to the experience, but those don't have a limit based on Warping Score. We were chatting about this a while ago. The big problem is the 1's, especially when combined with some Abilities used by Hermetic magi, as I'd pointed out. There was a suggestion to apply the Warping Score limit to 1's also, and that solves the problem so simply. Also, as an aside, it's not as abusive for magi if it doesn't factor into Spell Mastery, and it doesn't if Spell Masteries don't have specialties (the way we're doing it here). (Spell Mastery special abilities are not specialties; they're like alphabets for Artes Liberales.)
What's the norma xp rate? 1 per 1 rolled, or some other formula?
What's the norma xp rate? 1 per 1 rolled, or some other formula?
+1 per 1 rolled.
-1 per botch die that comes up 0.
It won't factor in much for this character. In the debate before it would have shown up a lot, most likely.
Per consecutive 1? I see no problem leaving this unchained. There is a tenth of a pwercent chance of rolling 111 for a measly 3xp. Or am I missing the catch?
Per consecutive 1? I see no problem leaving this unchained. There is a tenth of a pwercent chance of rolling 111 for a measly 3xp. Or am I missing the catch?
Here's the catch, via example. I had a Jerbiton with a Faerie Sympathy in Wine and a broader one (think major focus limited by the minor one) in Food and Drink. The character was a Rego expert and had a Minor Magical Focus in food and drink and a bunch of Rego craft magic spells to make wine and other stuff. So that meant each casting required a Finesse roll. The character also had Cautious with Finesse. So the Sympathy added to Finesse and required a stress roll. The chance of a botch was essentially nil. The odds of a 1 was 11.11...% of the time. Every day a series of spells were cast to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plus the character was making wine to sell for the covenant's income. Just imagine how many experience are earned in one year this way.
Now if the Sympathy's score is still capped by Warping Score, this is no big deal because the cap comes into play quickly.
In Micaela's case, she probably won't earn any experience from 1's. One of the suggested dwarf blood ones is Jewelry. I suppose once in a while bargaining about jewelry or something might bring up a die roll, but I don't expect many rolls to take place. It will mostly show up in seasonal crafting. So she can make very good jewelry, but she'll have to use her own experience to raise it.
I was also wondering what you all thought might be good for broadening "jewelry." I was thinking "clothing and accoutrements" might be good. Then she would also be good at making hats, gloves, cloaks, gowns, boots, belts, shirts, etc. in addition to jewelry. But I may be spreading things too thin, and ArM works much better with focus.
The flaw wan't the mechanics. The flaw was making you roll a stress die a dozen times a day for a simple task.
And unless you are rolling a strange sxtra dimensional die, I do not understand how a 1 can be 11% on a d10.
Jewelry sounds like a broad focus. The tighter focus would be a type of jewelry (rings, necklaces, etc).
The flaw wan't the mechanics. The flaw was making you roll a stress die a dozen times a day for a simple task.
That's part of the mechanics.
And unless you are rolling a strange sxtra dimensional die, I do not understand how a 1 can be 11% on a d10.
That's how a stress die works. 10% of the time you roll a 1 and roll again. On 10% of the rerolls, meaning 1% of the time, you roll a 1 again and roll again. On 10% of those, meaning 0.1% of the time, the same thing. Etc. So the average number of 1's in 100 rolls is 10+1+0.1+0.01+...=11.11...
Jewelry sounds like a broad focus. The tighter focus would be a type of jewelry (rings, necklaces, etc).
Jewelry is one of the typical examples. The ones that surprise me are "women" and the like. The breadth of the narrower ones definitely tends to be broader than minor foci.
I still do not understand your probability math. The odds of rolling "11" on 2d10 is still 1%. Rolling a single d10 a hundred tines, on average ten will come up as 1. On average, only one of those will be followed by anothert 1.
Granted, I am not a math expert. And this is totally irrelevant and pointless. I just don't see it (what you see, the 11th percent).
But, this is irrelevant, as I said. If you wanna impose an extra limitation, so be it.
I still do not understand your probability math. The odds of rolling "11" on 2d10 is still 1%. Rolling a single d10 a hundred tines, on average ten will come up as 1. On average, only one of those will be followed by anothert 1.
Granted, I am not a math expert. And this is totally irrelevant and pointless. I just don't see it (what you see, the 11th percent).
The mechanic is one experience point for each 1 rolled. On the initial roll there is a 10% chance of getting an experience point. But if that happens then there is a 10% chance afterward of rolling another 1 and getting another experience point. And if that happens, so on. So there is a 9% chance of getting just 1 experience point (1 followed by not 1). There is a 0.9% chance of getting two experience points (1 followed by 1, followed by not 1). Etc. So the other way to calculate would be 1x9%+2x0.9%+3x0.09%+... Just putting those first three terms together gives 11.07%. The remaining 0.0411111...% comes from continuing this out.
But, this is irrelevant, as I said. If you wanna impose an extra limitation, so be it.
I think it was agreed this would prevent the potential abuse that happens just by actually following the mechanics.