Table Talk (OOC)

Well, if the first season (Spring 1205, when Celeste and Alba came to Tugurium) we have some exp, i will use it for Athletics (Walking long distances). But I dont know the exact amount that you want to give us
(Btw, Celeste cannot came in late Spring AND set up the lab in the same season ^^! You need a full eason activity to do that, not a few weeks) i will write the exact quantity when i know (btw, we also need to finish to roleplay our arrival).

Since i dont know if the adventure will use too much of my time to complete the provisional lab work, maybe i will move later my activities.

I must add future expected activities too? Those could change in any moment... so idk if that would cause some confusion.

The goal of the Saga Calendar is to plan some of your activities ahead, so that the others (including me) know what your maga is planning on doing in the coming seasons. You don't need to fill it completely, and those activities will become real only when the actual seasons rolls by.

That is one of the reason I started the Summer 1205 Council Meeting topic, so that the magi can discuss with each other some of the things they need to do in the coming year (I'm still on Summer 1205). We've already started the ball rolling on the covenant sponsors thingy, but there are other covenant needs that have to be resolved (see that topic) and that might change everybody's plans for the coming seasons.

As for Spring 1205, for Celeste and Alba this was essentially spent travelling and settling down at Tugurium. Nothing very exciting really happened along the way. So I'll say just exposure xp for that season (2 xp). I know that will feel low, almost like a wasted season, but those will happen sometimes.

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Well, tbh until now i was just half-randomizing Alba's activities. Doing artifacts or more spells is just filler because we jumped into the future (btw roleplaying at different moments in time without even knowing what I may or may not have done/learn is causing me a lot of confusion ^^! Eg. until recently i was thinking that Stella was already binded as familiar while i was playing Rafael's adventure... xD Now, depending on the time, probably i will be unable to bind her this year).

After binding Stella, in reality her main interest is having her lab, but until we finish the scene when we talk with the builders (after we finished discussing about the Tribunal, the plan was do that and also present the laboratories... i still dont know nothing about the actual place where Alba is working now, too) i dont know what she needs to do help to advance her goals (or if she can help at all).

So, right now i can fill the seasons with random things again. But surely later we would have to retcon more things because Alba would need/wish never do those things (at least in that order).

I dont care about "wasting" seasons tbh, but in this case... Can i argue that Alba was practicing: Athletics (Walking long distances)? :innocent: :stuck_out_tongue:

That's one reason I started the Council Meeting topic. This will establish some near-term goals for everyone and help set down the next few seasons.

Trying to locate that information. There it is: essentially she starts from nothing. The supplies are gathered and a space cleared. Julius can have a Basic lab (-3) configured by the end of Summer 1205. Pulling out some stats out quickly, this is a room above the main hall. The room is fairly large (Size +2, Spacious minor virtue) but because it right right above a fairly busy place it get get noisy at times and a bit drafty (Poorly Insulated minor flaw). Because of its larger-than-usual size, after Julius is done setting the basic lab it will have the Empty free flaw to account for the unused space.

Practicing Athletics should involve much more than simply walking around, since the ability covers a whole range of large-muscle coordination -- running, climbing, dancing, crawling, acrobatics, etc.

Nice try. :wink:

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See my previous post to Gaxxian. Spring 1205 was spent travelling to Tugurium and setling down. Exposure xp only for that season.

@RafaelB I would suggest adjusting this so that Regulus returns straight away by Mercere portal. Makes it simpler to coordinate the first few seasons and participate in the council meeting. You may have to adjust the Summer season as well, but this can wait until after the council meeting is concluded.

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Great, i needed a description :stuck_out_tongue: Ty ^^


To be clear, he should return by the end of Spring, instead of during the Summer. Otherwise he's not there for the Late Arrivals thread, and probably not for the Summer council meeting (since that's at the beginning of Summer).

Right now you've just modified the Summer to indicate he returns a bit sooner.

Oh, ok. I assumed we were going to let the precise dates be a bit fuzzy, but I can make it so he returns by the end of Spring (probably upset by his master behaviour).

If possible I'll wait before making further edits to the Saga Calendar (so that I can also make the necessary changes to his Summer season) but assume he returns by the end of Spring and is available through all Summer.

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I added two possible Vis sources to the Notes

I added another one :stuck_out_tongue:

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I proposed these in March. A few sources and quantities randomized across the Tribunals, keeping what seemed a reasonable amount on each. It's just an old idea. Also, ended up being too many low yield sources. Can totally be changed (both proposed sources and quantities).

There's also a small list of ideas of mine on the post under it. I will copy a few which I liked best to the Notes and Claims.

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Doesn't mean that I will use all the suggestions exactly as described, but I will use them for inspiration.

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From the recent discussion: I'll adjust Regulus' seasons so that he studies from our Muto summa on Summer, ok? I'll need to reduce his Intellego score by one as result of that, but nothing that makes his 1206 Spring unfeasible.

With this he will be able to invent a lvl 20 Vigil from lab text as long as he finishes setting up his lab.

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I will be mostly offline today and tomorrow.

I'll have reduced access to my PC over the next week.

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I have undone Alba's advances on the sheet, since it was too early and also many things changed in the early future planning.

(I also updated the Saga Calendar until Spring 1206. But since this first summer Alba will be busy with her adventure, I'm not sure if she will be able to read the Vim root at the end)

@Gaxxian Spring 1206: I think Stella needs to be taught Artles Liberales before she can read books on her own.

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True :slight_smile: Then she will help with the lab text... at least she will get some passive exp xD

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So... is Alba going to be the one casting our Aegis in the end @Gaxxian? Casting tablet or regular invention?

@Arthur, for my information, what are you waiting for before starting La Roche d'Or?