Table Talk (OOC)

I've added a new line into my last post, so you can ignore easily that past conversation and focus into the present if you want :smiley:

Edit: ok then, lets retake the conversation xD
So... where did you said that you wanted to send Alba to gain votes for the covenant? xD

Lol, poor Regulus, i've seen that he got ignored xD Bad start for his proposals :stuck_out_tongue: Don't worry, Alba is here to listen you xD Just... let me answer to several timelines at the same time... ^^!

Clusius has heard Regulus' proposal a few times already, so he chose not to comment on them at this time... :wink:


More than a few, I'd say. XD

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Seeing how Regulus added his proposal to the conversation from nowhere i can imagine that the poor Clusius must be fed up already... xD

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Edit: Now i found that for chefkiss i have those ones that are a better pair... well, im still learning into the forums after all xD

@Gaxxian did you want to reply to my latest post or should I move on to the tour itself?

I've replied now :stuck_out_tongue: I went to dinner first ^^!

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@Red-Shadow-Claws everything alright?

Should I go ahead with Regulus comment about Alba's apple? Or Celeste will comment on the tour before that?

I will try to post today. busy week.

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Btw, Regulus didn't say anything about the apple at the end T__T

Also, this proposal is still on the table, but only Rafael added a like. What do the rest of you think about it?

Mostly fine with Alba finding some vis along the years, but what about spending some of that as well?

I'd rather not have the magi starting with too much vis. The saga will be generous enough with it that its not something you will have to worry about.

In what? Even with the extra vis i dont have enough to bind the familiar or prepare the talisman.
If you mean to buy things, i accept proposals, no problem :slight_smile:

Right now Alba has 1 Herbam and 3 Vim. With the extra she would have the normal/expected amount for the 4.5 years. Or 8 Herbam and 5 Vim.

3 vis pawns baseline per year x 4.5 years = 13.5
I don't think that starting with 13 pawns is "too much" :open_mouth:

It's not about being worried, but about i was VERY short in vis during the character creation, and i will not have any other weird magic item, book or similar either.
Same for the poor Celeste, she is even worse than Alba in that regard, thats why my proposal was extensive to her too (and in fact, if Celeste its not ok with it, then i wouldn't apply it to be fair with her maga too... it would be very weird that Alba got a lot more of vis than Celeste while traveling together xD).

Fine, fine. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was kinda expecting some proposals to buy things, now im sad T__T

Almost missed it. In my mind she had offered the apple when they were departing to each one's sanctum. :sweat_smile:

All I can think at the moment is a ring to disguise Alba's faerie heritage (MuIm or MuCo). Going with standard Verditius prices that would be about 3 pawns I think?

You could make a lesser enchanted item that does that that is level 10 or below, but I doubt you'd be able to interest a Verditius in creating it. Or anyone else, for that matter, if all the payment one can expect is a paltry 2 pawns for spending a season making it.

You might get a very junior magus to make a level 11-20 enchantment (2 pawns), but even receiving 4 pawns for a season of work is quite low for most magi. Particularly a relatively niche enchantment where the lab text isn't that useful for making more in the future.

Things begin to get interesting at level 21. Earning 6 pawns or more for a season starts getting worthwhile for most young enchanters around that level.

Edit: In any case, I think she's more interested in having that raw vis available to bind a familiar and enchant her talisman.

I was indeed thinking about a level 10 lesser enchantment. But fair point, 2 pawns isn't really worth it for the magus enchanting.

But yeah, it's probably better to save the vis for binding Stella + enchant the bond, which seems likely to happen soon.

She offered the apple to you as a friendly reminder that you have the poor kid without any food for hours and that you should go to YOUR sanctum xD

I have already a spell that can do that for that same purpose :stuck_out_tongue:

That was the initial idea for sure, but if somebody has a good idea then i'm all ears :slight_smile:

Lab Texts can also be bought with Vis, or maybe a Casting Tablet for a large tree growing spell, one that can also serve as a future lab for Alba? I believe there is such a spell in the Grimoire.

Maybe she bought one of those animated wooden figures from Covenants, that help in the lab?