Table Talk

Wonder what would happen if you did it the other way? Started with a small ball of brass and used MuTe (Ig) to turn it into a campfire on command? You could probably drop the range to Personal, then, and get rid of the environmental trigger.

You might need to pay attention to feeding the fire when you use it -- SG's call, but one could argue that letting the fire get extinguished would break the item. I wouldn't be that mean, but I am not the SG.

Can you enchant Mastery options into an item? That being said, I would think that you could just have an "off switch" word(s)/gesture(s) that would end the effect, even if it's not sunrise/sunset.

Agree on the added magnitudes for the requisite for turning the fire into Bronze instead of dirt. In this case, since it's Muto, it's two magnitudes.

Base 10 MuTe is "Change dirt into a highly unnatural liquid or gas." I would think that a fire that doesn't require fuel would count. Add two magnitudes if you're starting with metal or gemstone (ruby?) and a free Ignem requisite.

Fine, ruin my Mutantum fun. :slight_smile:

Trapping the Fire is a core book spell (p. 142) described as "This spell turns the heat and flames of a large campfire into a small, very hard object, such as a gem or a piece of metal. If the object is broken, the flame returns, but dies if there is nothing to burn." It also specifies the Te requisite is free.

The base for this effect is MuIg 5 - Change a fire into an unnatural example of another element, with an appropriate requisite. If we look at it from the MuTe side, there are no benchmarks for changing dirt into fire. I would argue that the closest parallel is base 3 - Change dirt to liquid or gas (with requisites) - because the dirt (metal) is turning into a natural fire that requires fuel. Add two magnitudes for metal or gemstone (per MuTe description) and it's a wash.

Hunh. I had forgotten that. Can't say I didn't know that, because I've actually built spells that didn't add magnitudes for turning a person into a stone statue. Just plain forgot. So, um...whoops?

No problem. :slight_smile: So other than the spell itself, does the item sound reasonable?


QFT. :smiley:

I'm trying to get Ysebrand's advancement done for 1223...
I need to know what Aodhan is doing for advancement for 1223. I can't find it anywhere. Nothing is in the Gates of Janus (skimmed) nor has the wiki page been updated. The same could be said for Trimalchio...

I added Ysebrand to the Magi Planner. Because he might use some of the same books that magi use, and is also a resource for magi that they might wish to take advantage of (currently adds +7 to lab totals, +8 if you're enchanting).

I'll update either page now, the Gate of Janus will be easier for me to keep updated as I can do it at work, most wiki pages I can't get to from my office. The sheet itself is up to date as far as where we are in Come Sail Away. The main thing I'd need to know is what he's building next, which I think is being hammered out now. Once I know that I'll make sure Gates is updated.

The sheet? You mean Aodhan's character sheet? Aodhan's character sheet may be up to date, but it doesn't tell me what resources he used and when, so I can have Ysebrand make use of the resources if they aren't in use. I don't know what resources Aodhan used in 1223 or in 1224.1.

Wiki question: Should Familiars have their own pages on the wiki, or should they just be a section in the magus's page?

I vote for the latter, since we're relatively young magi and our familiars aren't that powerful yet.

I think familiars should have their own page...

If Talia were to invent a spell that would construct a shipworks...would her focus apply?

Considering the possible scenario where Talia learns Cabin of Earthen Wood, and then designs a spell for a larger building based on that spell. Obviously large enough to house a ship and over water and all that is necessary for a basic shell of a building for shipworks. I figure such a spell is +1 magnitude over Cabin of Earthen Wood, so Level 35

At the point she would learn this spell her LT is 75 = Cr 18 + He 10 + Int 3 + MT 7 + aura 6 +Lab 7 +similar spell 6 +focus 10 + lab assistant 7 (Ysebrand) + lab routine 1 (early riser). Without the Focus, it becomes 65, and she'd have to do it in 2 seasons, which is fine, I'm just curious about the possibility of the focus applying since it is for building ships. ((Basically, I need someone to slap my hands, here.))

Okay, so that's 1-1 so far.

I'm leaning toward no...that seems like that's kind of pushing it on her Focus. The spell makes a building that can be used to build ships and boats, but can also be used to make other stuff, yes? And that's also kind of one step removed from "ships and boats", I think.

That's my feeling, too. I probably would have even managed to convince myself if you'd said yes.

So now I need to figure something else out...

Alright, I noticed that Talia earned some XP for her interaction with Godiva in the spring of 1223. I had previously assigned 2xp from Exposure for her labwork. As I understand it, adventure XP is on top of other XP, does that include exposure? I'm unclear on that, and I don't see any other situation where this has come up for Talia... Other XP when dealing with Adventure XP has come from books.

Yes. In any given season, you have the potential for three sources of experience: Adventure, Exposure, and Study. So, if (for example) she had been studying a book that season, she could get the Source Quality in xp from the book, the Adventure xp, and exposure in Gaelic (assuming her score was less than 4).

Are we tracking money closely? The lab for the Hermetic Shipyard is expensive to build out and maintain.

I've been playing with Talia's long term plans...trying to figure out when her arts and abilities get to the spot where she needs to be to start enchanting some of the smaller ships, or what not... Just trying to nail down the logistics...

Not that closely. I've got it on my MetaCreator, and right now it looks like we're running an £83 per year surplus.