Table Talk

Hrmm, here's somewhere I would invite suggestions. Tufts of feathers behind the ears? Yellow eagle's eyes? It could be initiated after Inner Heartbeast, so it could be a lion feature instead-- long, sharp claws on her hands and feet? ("In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws / And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.")

I'm trying to grasp the distinction between Selkie and Undine. Maybe there is none.

Undines are water nymphs. Sort of underwater version of the land nymph.

Selkies are the seal people (usually skinchangers in legend that take off their seal skin when they come to land and assume human form. If you take the skin, you can marry them and have kids but if they ever find the skin, they will take it and disappear forever).

Selkie Blood gives +3 resistance to cold (normal and magic) and a +1 to Swim. Strong Selkie Blood, like all Strong Faerie Blood, also adds natural longevity, faerie eyes (Second Sight for free, and the ability to learn Faerie Lore at character creation. Undines get +2 to any action taken underwater.

The two Undine blooded NPCs in my saga have underwater labs for that exact reason. It is omgawesome.

For some reason, I went dyslexic and read omgawesome as orgasmic.
Which leads me to this tangent, an old SNL skit with Tim Kazerinsky (sp) I believe...

Nymphomaniacs have let's-do-it-some-moregasms.
Race car drivers have four-on-the-floorgasms.
Salesmen have "door-to-doorgasms".
Abraham Lincoln had four-scoregasms.
I was married to a man who had snoregasms (well, that was his excuse).
Golfers have foregasms.
Hockey players have... Bobby Orrgasms.
Miners have ore-gasms.
Tennis players have Bjorn Borgasms
Grocers have storegasms.
Marco Polo had exploregasms.
Guys who suffer from premature ejaculation have beforegasms.
Newlyweds have let's-do-it-till-we're-soregasms.
But they soon turn into I-got-mine-you-get-yourgasms.

my face to face campaign, my maga might consider an underwater lab if she doesn't do the shipyard lab. She has magic blood (RoP:M) with the blood being mythic shark so she has gills and breath under water (and immunity to pressure of depth) so she can scour the bottom of ancient battle sites for treasure.

Of course we have interested Love triangle: My maga is mythic blood shark, she is dating Skinchanger selkie (seal) with magical animal companion (dolphin) who wants to attack the shark maga.


Didn't think this belonged in Magus Labs...

Rego craft magic is frustrating to me.
Finesse as a utility catch-all ability. I'm actually writing up an article/essay that I might submit to Sub Rosa about how this is bad for play.
A rego craft magus shouldn't necessarily be a monster fast casting machine, which he can become.

I was originally looking at the ReHe(Te) spell to create a boat, and the finesse roll for the Large sized Cog (100 tons of cargo capacity) was 27. Really? Who's going to get that?! One version of Talia I had done was Finesse 11+2+Per 3=16. An average roll of 5 gets to 21, and then burn two confidence points on finesse roll to get to 27. That's a helluva lot of work, with a 40% of not getting there. And I didn't really want her to have a huge fast casting capability.

I honestly don't believe that The Expeditious Rigger falls under the purview of "Craft Magic" since you're not crafting anything. Looking at the Ease Factor table on page 7, I'd be inclined to call it a 9.

As to the bigger question of Craft Magic. I happened to stumble across the Craft Magic rules in Covenants (I can never find it when I'm looking for it). It looks like it could be very annoying, especially when you factor in how long it took a craftsman to do something. Looks like we might be spending a lot of time on the Florilegium. sigh

Well, Craft Magic is the closest analogue I could think of, but I agree it's not a craft, except it's exercising a professional skill. 9 sounds about right. Talia is looking like she's going to have a Finesse of 5, and Per 3, so that's an 8, so can't fail unless it's a botch situation.

As I understand it, Crafts are about the physical ability to do something (forging a blade or baking a loaf of bread) while Professions are about knowing what to do (how to do up sums or knowing how to navigate a ship). IMO Craft Magic (and Finesse) is applicable for abilities that would fall under Crafts, but I think a Profession should be applicable directly to magics that do the manual labour of Profession abilities. After all, if you use magic to move a quill around for you in furtherance of your Profession: Autocrat ability, it doesn't require finesse, but you still have to know what you're Autocratting. It makes sense to me for sailoring spells to use your Profession Sailor ability too.

I'm not entirely comfortable, or convinced, in abandoning finesse as the ability that controls magic. I don't have an objection to the Profession:Ability playing a part, I think it should. And what you suggest is adding a HR, something Peregrine wanted to avoid for the time being. My commentary was more of a thinking out loud type of thing, that the Finesse ability is being overloaded by the line with the addition of Craft Magic rules since Covenants.

Just an fyi - watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and doing character creation at the same time? Bad idea. Or awesome idea. I forget which.

Poor, poor Peregrin...

You obviously have forgotten the horrors of the Schism War when Ponies fought Carebears and the Monchi-chis were sacrificed to achieve a bloody armistice.

Aye...the fight raged on for a century, many lives were claimed but eventually the champion stood, the rest saw their better: Mr. Rogers in a blood-stained sweater.

It would work well for Merinita, I think :slight_smile:


On another topic, when I get home I'll probably start putting together some grogs and a Companion. Not sure what to make with the companion, I have a few ideas I'll throw out there.

A barrister (or the Irish equivalent).
A lay clergy of some kind (i'm thinking with Faerie blood just to make him interesting)
A strong faerie blooded companion, with some faerie type virtues and benefits (like a companion but not mythic companion level) faerie doctor virtue.
A local noble who possibly has a claim to lands the covenant is on

I could use some help building Halie's animal retinue. (What a headache...)