Takoda, magical grog

Current version:
Might:5 Art:Rego
Int 1 Per 5
Pre -2 Com 0
Str 0 Sta 0
Dex 2 Quick 0

Virtues: arcane abilities(minor +1), great perception(minor +1), great perception(minor +1), magical covenfolk(free +0)
Flaws: anchored to the city(minor -1), small frame(minor -1), worthless abilities(minor -1)
abilities:Romaic Greek 5, Ancient Greek 5, finesse-crafting 10, area lore: Thessalonika-back ways 3, area lore: regio-entries 4, magic lore-regio 4, artes liberales-alphabets 2,
organization lore:Hoplites-formations 3, organization lore: Order of Hermes-Thessalonika 3, swim-ocean 1
qualities: lesser power x2, improved abilities x3
powers: Mason's touch(ReTe5), Carpenter's touch(ReHe2), blacksmith's touch(ReTe5), candlemaker's touch(ReAn2), percimanarius' touch(ReAn10), weaver's touch(ReAn4)
leatherworker's touch(ReAn2), goldsmith's touch(ReTe5), silversmith's touch(ReTe5), Lapidary's touch(ReTe5), inkmaker's touch(ReHe(an)5)

starting version:
Might:5 Art:Rego
Int 1 Per 5
Pre -2 Com 0
Str 0 Sta 0
Dex 2 Quick 0

Virtues: arcane abilities(minor +1), great perception(minor +1), great perception(minor +1), magical covenfolk(free +0)
Flaws: anchored to the city(minor -1), small frame(minor -1), worthless abilities(minor -1)
abilities:Romaic Greek 5, Ancient Greek 5, finesse-crafting 10, area lore: Thessalonika-back ways 3, area lore: regio-entries 5, magic lore-regio 4, artes liberales-alphabets 3,
organization lore:Hoplites-formations 3, organization lore: Order of Hermes-Thessalonika 3, swim-ocean 3, great weapon-spear 4, thrown weapon-spear 4, athletics-running 3
stealth-moving quietly 2
qualities: lesser power x2, natural appearance
powers: Mason's touch(ReTe5), Carpenter's touch(ReHe2), blacksmith's touch(ReTe5), candlemaker's touch(ReAn2), percimanarius' touch(ReAn10), weaver's touch(ReAn4)
leatherworker's touch(ReAn2), goldsmith's touch(ReTe5), silversmith's touch(ReTe5), Lapidary's touch(ReTe5), inkmaker's touch(ReHe(an)5)

Takoda has been a resident of the regio for as long as anyone, himself included, can remember. He has vague memories of being a hoplite in ancient Greece, probably before he became a magical being, but he is the guardian, or the caretaker, or something like that of the regio, and has decided to expand that role to help to provide for the covenant.

by utilizing his magical gifts to replicate the effects of various craftsmen at 1/day effects with effective craft at 12 (per+finess-3) he can use each of these on average 4.5 times a day, offering the following savings to the covenant:
Mason's touch: up to 31.5 lbs silver/yr up to 1/2 the buildings total
Carpenter's touch up to 31.5 lbs silver/yr up to 1/2 the buildings total plus 1/5 the consumables total
blacksmith's touch 31.5 lbs silver/yr up to 1/5 the consumables total
candlemaker's touch 31.5 lbs silver/yr up to 1/5 the consumables total
percimanarius' touch 54 lbs silver/yr up to 1/2 the writing materials cost
weaver's touch 31.5 lbs silver/yr up to 1/5 the consumables cost
leatherworker's touch 31.5 lbs silver/yr up to 1/5 the consumables cost
goldsmith's touch 54 lbs silver/yr up to 1/5 the lab costs
silversmith's touch 54 lbs of silver/yr up to 1/5 the lab costs
Lapidary's touch 54 lbs of silver/yr up to 1/5 the lab costs
inkmaker's touch 54 lbs of silver/yr up to 1/2 the writing materials cost

plus as a magical being it does not need to eat, and does not add to covenant costs for provisions
if some of these are not fully utilized he would be able to reallocate time to increase savings in other roles on this chart

What are the game effects of these various spells? The Crafter of Form power (RoP:M, p. 38) says it's a level 25 Focus power, affecting one Form.

Not that we really need the savings, We're already rich as Croesus.

The effects are taken from the guidelines for craft magic in HOH:S, each momentary duration, touch range, target individual, to replace various craftspeople...

I"m curious, what's the justification for him having such a wide variety of abilities?

He is the caretaker, it is his magical nature.

I just tallied up the total for Takoda's abilities and it clocks in at 770 xp, greater than Autumn. I thought we were making grogs at Spring or Summer.

What is the proper season for starting grogs?

Also, Natural Appearance is a major quality. Can magical grogs take major qualities?

It is autumn plus 50xp for arcane abilities. He certainly felt like an autumn character...

Are we allowing Autumn grogs? I thought we were limited to Summer at best. If our magical grogs can be autumn then Diantha is another good candidate.

I don't have a problem with Major Qualities, obviously, since Pasara has Gigantic. I did want the magical grog to be, well, magical. Maybe the two that we've made are too much.

I don't have any real problem with Pasara. She seems like she fits for a covenant in Thebes.

I'm personal to limit our magical grog and familiar to summer level and go with Improved Abilities to buy more exp.
Major Magical Qualitys is a big NoNo for grog we maybe can talk about the Gigantic and Natural Appareance if absolut needed but the rest is just NO. Because when we allow Major Qualities for grog the next is then why we can't take major virtue X, Y with a grog.
(I did played Feng Shui many years back and Ars Magica have the very same distinction between common folk/cannon fodder and heroes)

I tend toward that opinion, since I'd rather our grogs not take on too great a role.

I'm generally in agreement with you on this. For the most part major magical qualities should be out for grogs. I don't want to see a grog with ritual powers or no fatigue. An occasional dip for valid story reasons might be okay. Case in point, I don't think Natural Appearance or GIgantic are too unbalancing in these cases. But it ought to be a case-by-case assessment with no assumptions made.

I love Feng Shui. In fact, I'm running my girls through a fantasy version of Feng Shui right now.

edited, two problems that largely resolve each other, though I now need to come up with how his appearance is unnatural.