Talus Ex Bonisagus

Vulpus might be the best bet; he has teaching 3+2 and a very high source quality. If you are perceptive enough to figure out Ismael, he would be an excellent teacher as well (skill 4 and can hit SQ in the 20's).

Since I won't hit SQ 30, anything over SQ 15 is gravy.

Talus is almost happier to see Vulpus keep writing, since Vulpus' books are so darned good. But if he's the best teacher, we can go for that. Unfortunately, Talus and Ismael don't share a common language.

Vulpus SQ Total: 31
Base for teaching: 3
Com: 6
Bonus for single student: 6
Good Teacher: 5
Teaching skill (single student specialty): 3+2 (4+2)
Apt student: 5
total: 31

If Pallas can swing Apt Student for a season you CAN beat 30.

Close behind Vulpus (assuming Apt Student is granted) is Vita with SQ 27, and Tamya with SQ 26. Orphan Mary and the Atlas can hit 25.

Well, there you have it. Trying for the Vulpus 31 SQ seems like the way to go. Let's see if I can make the stars align.

Speaking of Pallas, do you have any interest in playing him? I've heard a deafening silence in response to my call for someone to take him over.

If no one else is willing, I can take him over. I'm already playing Sparks who is kinda in that group, but I don't see her interacting with Pallas that much.

One more thought on Vulpus - his actual teaching skill is a 3, so the last experience point will be lost due to gain limits. I think he's still the best bet for a season of teaching.

The loss of that last point might be reason for Pallas to invest her might elsewhere for that season- there is a lot of studying going on.

Of course if we're using the Academic Learning and Experience Points rule from A&A, then Talus could just put that extra point of xp into Latin.

So long as Vulpus' ability in Latin is higher than Talus'

Just barely. 54 xp compared to 50 xp.

Levels, not xp- they are functionally at the same level.