Target for characteristic raising spells


Is it possible to create a spell (ritual) which raises a characteristic by +1 and targeting a room instead of a single individual? I see no obstacle for this within rules, but my players wanna do it and I feel it a lil bit overpowered. Sure I could simply refuse it, but I’d like your opinion about this. On the same topic, what about a spell raising characteristic with target “circle”. Would all people in the circle gain a bonus in characteristic? (Assuming they don’t have reach the maximum allowed by the spell already).

Creo Corpus is individual or group, never room. And for a group ritual, "touch" is maybe impossible, need to go for voice.

Creo Mentem, same consideration i would say.

But, you could also go for a "it's a ritual, and need to be focused on 1 entity to be improved. Because it's very intense and personal spell : the mind/body is heavily transformed. "

I helped develop, and enjoyed the benefits from the casting of, such a spell in one game. It was a Circle target, which I think is more economical, but a Room target would do too. Yes, I think it's within the rules.

HOWEVER, I can also see disallowing such a spell. Indeed, I could see arguing that each person needs his intellect to be improved in other ways so that a spell must be tailored to a specific character, much like a longevity ritual. This is NOT what the rules imply, but the rules also explicitly say that the spell guidelines are to be ignored when they result in things that don't seem right.

It is more flavorful when such spells are rare and special, not cast on a whole covenant.

Also, remember the cost in Warping due to the powerful magic.

BTW, how strong are your magi? IIRC, they'd have to be pretty powerful to develop such spells.

No. This only applies to Creo spells that actually create something. Spells that improve things to perfection, like the spell discussed here, aren't affected by this rule.

Yes such a spell is within the rules and under the CrCo and CrMe guidelines. IT is a high levle, it is ritual and keep in mind that You are adding +2 for voice (so it can reach everyone and +2 for room over those high bases. for example, the spell to raise a strength to everyone in a room would be level 55 ritual and score could not be raised over +1 (so -3 could be raised, but a +1 would not go up).

If they wish to be able to raise abilities to the max of +5, you are talking base of 55 + modifiers for level 75 spell. This takes huge lab total.

And don't forget the warping everyone receives every time the spell is cast on them.

No. You only need to reach the Target, which is the Room, not the targets who are affected by the spell... tricky, but them's the rules.

Actually targeting room means you are targetting the room itself, not what is in the room. If you are trying to affect room it is really either number of people in a room, it is actually GROUP (10 people) or a single person the size of a room.

I'm afraid this is wrong. T: Room affects everything in the room. This is quite clear in the description of the Target, at the beginning of the Spells chapter (ArM5, page 113).


On the other hand, for design and warping purposes, you'll be designing it with a specific room on mind and that room will be the one to get reduced warping. The people? Screw them! :slight_smile:

Hmm... Intelligent, warped rooms. Botches could be fun too.

It's possible using touch with group, the only rule is that all group need be under the rules of "what is a group?" in the corerules. Think about a ritual with all in a circle with his hands united. I know, i little hipie, but not imposible. Many group things are thinked for attack or defensive things, and in touch range is difficult evite the damage if you attack a army up to ten people all nexts...

(double post)

That's correct, a "Group" is a single concept, not 10 Individual ones, even if the sub-parts are not touching each other. It's still a single concept, like a "team" or a "bucketful". To touch a Group you only have to touch one part (small "p") of that Group, not every individual element within it.

Target:Circle would be limited, because once anyone leaves that circle, or the circle itself is "broken", the spell ends.

It is powerful, but it's also going to be a high-magnitude spell. If your PC's have that much juice, you have to accept that high-powered spells are on the horizon and coming your way.

I'm assuming that with a Base so high, that we're not talking about a formulaic spell, since as soon as we mention "Room" it will be a Ritual one way or the other?

Roomful o' +1 Strength
CrCo 50
Everyone in a room gets +1 Str. Requires 10 Creo and/or Corpus vis.
(Base 35, +1 Touch, Momentary, +2 Room)

(Note that this includes the gaggle of pixies hiding under the armoire, and causes Warping unless steps are taken to avoid that!) :wink:


My players are aware of warping constraint. In best case, only the caster won’t gain warping if he designs the spell mostly for himself (though the target is the Room, not directly him).

Yes, they knows it requires high lab total to produce. But our CrCo specialist was working on this kind of spell for herself, using special lab procedures from Covenant to gather the lil points needed to achieve creation of the spell fast enough. But other characters pointed out that it’s a huge expense of vis, which benefit only to the maga.
So, in order to allow her to tap into the covenant’s vis, they required she develops such spells so that it can affect many people at the same time. In turn, she required some help in laboratory.
She studies Leadership for 2 seasons (private lessons with a teacher), and can now have up to 3 helpers in laboratory (all of them with 5 or more in Magic Theory and 2 of them with Inventive Genius), plus her familiar.
Enough to create Cr Co spell level 50 within 1 season.


If they're magi, you should be sure to impose social penalties next time those "helpers" come out in public. Major loss of face. It's not just a game mechanic, it's acknowledging that they're inferior to that one maga.

Also note that there's no warping if the spell is designed for any specific target(s), so the whole grog turb could be covered, the whole nearby town if you can get them to cooperate. If I were SG, I'd rule that any such would have to be available for the entire season(s) (and perhaps even to go so far as to rule that's taking that as their activity for the season?), as they are part of the inventing process as it proceeds, but that's up to you, and for the most part a minor consideration - just adds to the flavour (and the headaches).

Bottom line, use the Central Rule (p 111) - if you think it should be higher magnitude, do it.