A few things to consider...
A level 30 spell cast without fatigue for a starting magus means he specialized in this particular area. So yes, this means he is powerful in that area. You could have gotten the equivalent in a combat spell, meaning that the magus can kill most mundanes and many creatures with that spell. This is considered fairly "normal", from what I've seen.
There are limits to such specialized magi. Basically, if you want to challenge the character/player, you need to throw difficulties that he won't be able to solve using that spell. On the other hand, make sure to also put elements that will be solved using that spell -- you want the character/player to be able to use it to good effect. Just put enough different challenges before him that he will need to explore things outside of his specialty.
That being said, for this specific spell, there are a few things to keep in mind.
First, he can teleport 500 paces but he needs to see his destination. Any obstruction to his line of sight means he cannot get there directly. So ne teleportation directly into a building if he cannot se into it. Also, arrival in a safe position depends on Finesse, no matter the spell. Teleporting to a flat and safe surface idoes not require a check, but jumping into a tree so that he can see farther away means he must be precise in his teleportation, so an Ease Factor of 12 may be called for. Plus, even he at first sight the destination seems safe does not mean it really is.
Second, he usually does not fatigue himself -- but did you take negative aura into account? In a Divine 3 aura, the magus will be at -9 to his casting total, so he may have to rest between jumps if he's in a negative aura. In addition to that, even if there is no risk of fatigue, any foreign aura means there is a risk of botch... and teleportation botches can be deadly (make sure to warm him with non-deadly incidents). Now, has he tought about Casting Requisites for his equipment? He may be able not to fatigue himself with just a straight ReCo total, but what about his clothing (He or An)? Does he carry a dagger (Te)? Want to carry raw vis (Vi)?
Third, teleportation can be quite spectacular to a mundanes, so he probably has to be careful not to be seen to much, or he will quickly gain a reputation as a wizard. Even if he is not recognized, rumors and stories will start. This might draw the attention of other supernatural forces, in the Order or outside of it. And the Church. Draw too much attention, and the Quaesitores may begin to ask questions. He might get dragged before the Tribunal and fined a few pawns of raw vis for "endangering his sodales".
Now, with care and effort, all of these can be avoided or overcome by the character/player. But these are all opportunities to tell stories. The bottom line is: magi are powerful, even right from the start. But at the beginning they are specialized and have many weaknesses. Use those to tell stories, while allowing them the opportunity to use their powers.